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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. lol We had this posted before..we called it Cibola Do you remember that Lady B? I think I would buy an Island and turn it into a year round Pirate Haven Festival. Tall ships to offer cruises, Have the towns set up like the period buildings of the time but with all the amenities of home. You would of course be required to wear period clothing and there would be places on the Isle for you to shop or rent your garb. The people there to enjoy the festival/vacation would have to wear some form of blue or some other identifying mark to keep them from getting mixed up with those who live and work on the Isle. Craftsmen would be on hand to sell period items such as clothing, pottery, soaps and such. I like the idea of the money exchange..that has merit! Aye..definitely sounds appealing...
  2. Ahoy Captain and I sure do remember ye..It's nice to see ye made it back! And glad we are to have ye...Plunder Me Cherry extra cherries of course...*Holds out tankard*
  3. Jenny we HAVE to meet..I loved the Man Show and That Touch of Mink! Especially the part he goes to get his food and the hand come out and slaps him! aye we seem to share a like in movies...
  4. He looks intresting I missed im somehow..
  5. I REALLY like those last two of Cheeky..Give 'em hell girl!
  6. How wonderful!!!! Thanks for sharing the pictures, looks like a lot of fun!
  7. On TV I did like the X-Files and Millenium, now it's Bones. When I had cable I was watching the forensic shows all the time. I also like the old musicals Meet me in St. Louis, Singing in the rain and so forth. As for movies....hmm Pirates 1,2, & 3, Brotherhood of the Wolf...
  8. Oh Silkie, I am so sorry, we just spoke of him and now I am finding out over this thread of your news. My condolences to you and to yours, I know it must be hard to have not been at his side. *hugs* If you need anything..call me..Again Im so sorry for your loss....
  9. A single brow was wickedly arched over dancing eyes and she gave a smirk as she stood and turned the chair about to correctly sit and leaned back. “Let me see if I have this straight? I have exhausted you by our walk? And what rescue? You were asleep under the tree, I rescued shadow all by my onesie.” She tried to hide her growing smile and failed at it for the smile bloomed even as she leaned forwards to speak of his last accusation. Here her eyes glinted with mirth and they sparkled in the low light of the Inn as she placed her elbows upon the table and rested her chin in her palm. “A shopping I might add that you yourself took advantage of, did you not buy a pair of shoes as well?” she teased. As their meal came she removed her elbows and reached for the wine placed before them and struggled to pop the cork then handed it over to him. “Was never good at popping those, just beware of how you aim it.” She remarked sassily and reached for her silverware as he took the bottle. A small bite of chicken, had her nodding her head “Oh aye this is quite tasty.” As he poured them both wine they fell into a companionable silence till the meal was finished, the wine bottle polished off between them. Feeling the effects of the wine, she felt almost lazy, quite relaxed. The music was getting better, the night was growing wilder and the wine making her sleepy. Smiling with apology she rose “Forgive me, I fear the wine has made me sleepy and tis getting late, I have much to do on the morrow afore we head back to the ship. Do you need anything from your bag in my room?” When he shook his head and grinned at her she laughed and shook her own head. “Too bed with ye lass.” Bidding him goodnight she moved slowly through the room, past the crew of the Navarra and up the steps. Reaching her room she unlocked the door to find Argus awaiting her with tail wagging. ‘You must wish for a walk eh?” she muttered then once more left the room locking it and moved down the back stairs and out into the star filled night. “Hurry Argus and no dilly-dallying. Im very sleepy and we have much to do on the morrow.” She fought a yawn and lost covering her mouth as she had been taught and leaned against the Inn listening to the music before lifting her eyes to the stars and gazing at them. Some moments later Argus returned and they both went up and reaching her room unlocked it again, entered closed and locked it behind her. Kicking off her shoes she bent over to remove her stockings, unbuttoned her waistcoate, shoved the slops off and folded both garments neatly. Unbraiding her hair she rn her fingers through the damp ripples and finally drew the shirt over her head and placed carefully upon a chair, then padded to her bed and seeing the kitted curled on one pillow slipped beneath the covers on the opposite side. As Argus whimpered she called him up and groaned as he took up the rest of the bed. “Goodnight Argus, sleep well.” Then she was slumbering deeply.
  10. Well welcome aboard Captain however as ye be new tis only polite to open yer purse and wet our whistles on yer coin. *points to Ray the barkeeps sign over the door that states all newcomers buy the first round whilst spinning a yarn* Smiles sweetly and holds out her tankard....
  11. *Sighs* I tried it again and received the same thing..just call me El Zorra! El Zorro 100% Lara Croft 92% William Wallace 92% James Bond, Agent 007 88% Indiana Jones 88% Captain Jack Sparrow 83% Batman, the Dark Knight 63% The Amazing Spider-Man 58% Neo, the "One" 58% The Terminator 54% Maximus 50% So Ill just leave my mark mount my wonderful black stallion and ride off to catch the next plane for the Jungle, knock a few heads together and take the treasure, Yell FREEDOM nice and loud and I steal a car to make a get away and during the car chase spill oil all over the road. Ditch the car and wander through a tomb to exchange the treasures and use the trusty whip to escape swinging through the exit right as it begins to collapse, Pull a flask of rum and drink it all and swagger about pretending to be drunk to get the information for my next meet up, Take the batmobile out for a spin to the next location, climb to the tallest tower with my web,perform a miracle, shoot at more bad guys and yell "Hasta la Vista Baby!" and head back to Rome! Whew all in a days work....LOL
  12. It's an antique thus the price. I would love to have one but not till the next year sometime. But some of us from the WatchDog thought it would be cool to have one made to raffle off at PiP to give someone a chance to bring home a little piece of history. But just an idea.
  13. Ok so carousing craigslist I found a captains desk. It is selling for $125.00. My question is I know we have many carpenters here..has anyone ever made one? This was the descrip with the posting.... Beautiful slope writing desk that could have been portable or formally attached to base cabinet used/kept by captains of ships in their quarters. Would be attached to a chest of drawers or some form of a cabinet/cupboard. Primitive, but with carved out niche for writing utensils. Hinges still in perfect condition. So Id love to see what our fellow carpenters could create...Maybe raffle it off at PiP????
  14. She merely arched a brow at him then veiled her expressive eyes behind a thick fringe of lashes "Perhaps, or perhaps it was a very bad thing to do. But it made a point, they know I am of the WatchDog and though I do not care for their diplomat they seem rather jovial though it could be the drink." Again her eyes swept back to them and several bottles were raised in a toast and she inclined her head with all the aloofness she could muster, eyes glittering coldly. Then her demeanor changed as quick as the sea and her eyes held laughter. "I am starving. I hope tis a rather large meal and tis nice and hot and savory. Perhaps a bottle of wine? My treat?"
  15. Reaching the landing she paused searching the throng of people and frowned not seeing Alan. Perhaps he had dined alone tired of waiting for her hair to dry, or maybe he had fallen asleep in his room. Nibbling at her lower lip she debated moving into the crowded room or going back up, but spotting a table through the smoke and gloom she made her way down. Halfway across the room her braid was seized and she stilled, slowly she turned and took note of the swarthy hand upon her braid and eyes now glimmering with fire moved slowly from the hand up the arm and locked upon her captor. He spoke in rapid Spanish and the only words she understood was the WatchDog. Keeping her gaze upon dark eyes already glazed with drink she smiled, lowering her lashes slightly and leaned low over the table causing several startled phrases in Spanish. Keeping her eyes upon the one who still held her braid she slowly took his bottle of rum and raised herself back up. Then she put the bottle to her lips, tilted her head and pulled a long draught before lowering it back to the table. Her voice was cold a black velvet lash of icicles when it came "Accetto le vostre scuse per tale boldness non sono benvenuto." As they sat stunned she reached over and slowly pried his fingers loose from her braid and moved on. They were silent and then guffaws at her boldness were given to an already noisy room and she hid a grin as she took her chair and turned it about and straddled it. Seeing Alan approaching her smile swept to a grin and she waved him over. **I accept your apology for such boldness is not welcome..**
  16. The day had been wonderful with the exception of the snake as she slipped out of her shirt, then slowly unlaced her slops letting them slide down her hips to puddle at her feet she hummed her gaze dreamy. Argus and the kitten lay curled up in her bed and she padded over to lean over the tub and trailed a finger in testing the warmth of the water and discovered it quite hot and to her liking. Having already removed her shoes and stockings earlier as they had to wait for the bath to be brought up she slowly stepped within and sighed as she lowered herself into the steamy water. She settled back against the rim and closed her eyes relaxing in the heat, taking her time for they did not get baths such as this on the Dog. Slowly she sunk beneath the water and only when her lungs needed air did she rise, pushing her long hair from her face and wiping at the water that ran into her eyes. Taking the cake of vanilla soap she worked it into her hair creating a luxurious and sweetly scented lather, again she ducked beneath and rinsed her hair before sitting up and reaching for a small linen cloth Soaping it up she slowly slid the cloth over her arms, then raised one leg at a time enjoying herself. Across the firmness of her belly to dip in her navel and then tilted her head back to savor the soapy linen over her throat then finished and rinsed out the cloth. Still humming she stood and shivered as the cooler air wafted over her and reached for a bucket of water left and poured it over her head to make sure all the soap was free of the inky sleekness of her hair. Stepping free of the tub she took the lengthy piece of linen left and dried off then sat upon the bed enjoying the privacy as she dropped the linen to the floor and began to comb out her long hair. When it was mostly dry she quickly braided it leaving it to dangle to her hips and quickly went about retrieving clean stockings, and clothing and dressing hastily. White slops, with a faded red waistcoate, and a white shirt beneath, simple and plain red stockings and her buckle shoes. Taking her key and her purse she bid Argus to stay as he lifted his head and with a grunt lay it back down next to the kitten. Closing and locking the door behind her she could already hear the noise from below, the music playing, a cheerful tune and fiddling with her cuff made her way quickly down to a room filled with men, few women and some very swarthy spaniards.
  17. Hey Captain Nash I have heard about the Cattle but I heard it was only one..Anyhow here is a link to some Texas hauntings...If you look in the W's you will see lots of weatherford hauntings and possible some in your area. Haunted Texas Another intresting link I have saved Haunted places in Texas And I have seen the Saratoga Lights, I grew up in Beaumont so we used to drive down on the weekends..Really intresting and make your hair stand up..lol And too I live in Round Rock so Sam Bass the outlaw was killed by the Lawman Grimes who also died from the shoot out. Sam Bass is buried within walking distance from my house..will have to go take a picture and post it..
  18. Exactly..But what if you could prove it, what if part of the evidence brought back happened to be one of the missing church books? Would you still prove it or let it go?
  19. The problem with knowing the truth is it's not easy to hide. I mean if you see someone who thinks they "Know" the period you visited and they have it all wrong would you yourself not be tempted to stand up and say That is not how it happened, or how they talked, or what they wore, or even That is not what they used those pouches for!
  20. Way to go Christine!!!!! i hope you got a raise and other nice little incentives. I got a raise in June, been with the company going on three years, im always top salesman and top in the warranty protections. I received a 32 cent raise and a pen, then was asked to be the main trainer and over our Metrics which is store sales. No further raise unless our district manager sees how well the store is doing. The thing is, Im working two days a week right now and still pulling the store sales, and I have to work harder to get a better raise???? Worked for two weeks when my leg was broken and I did not know it was broke, went to work with a blood count of four, and Im always an hour early and stay later. So Kudos to you and I think it's great you were recognized! And I truly hoped they made it something special for you. Big hugs, Your fellow Plunder Bunny, Syren
  21. Chatting with awesome friends from the WatchDog, while reading a book and playing on my photoshop.
  22. Argus merely huffed, the kitten mewled and she rubbed its tiny head as she continued to smile. “Do you speak English?” She asked uncertainly. As far as she knew Alan did not speak French either and Jacques had been given different duties so she had not seen him. “Yes. I speak English, May I help you?” Again did his gaze run over her form, she was slender, dark hair and brows, a straight petite nose, full lips, high cheekbones one of which was bruised, but it was the color of her eyes that he most found himself watching. As if she knew of his regard she shifted slightly, closer towards him and said more softly. “Yes please. I need several pair of shoes. And I would like those in the window if possible.” The husky tones of her voice slid over him and his eyes widened then moved to her clumsily shod feet, back to Alan who merely grinned and took a seat. “I will need a few pairs as well, but tend the lady first lad.” Nodding hastily he motioned for her to sit and as she handed the kitten to Alan who settled the ball of fur against his chest watched hiding his laugh as Treasure easily charmed the young assistant. She moved towards a chair and turned and settled and as he the young assistant knelt before her to take her foot she grinned at Alan over the lad’s head. He merely shook his head and mouthed trouble and she crossed her eyes at him then carefully watched the young lad remove her shoe and measure her foot. At one point she flexed her foot and giggled causing the assistant to smile. “Sorry tickles it does.” Soon her feet were measured and she decided upon three pairs all of sturdy leather and again asked after the shoes in the window. As the lad rose to quickly fetch them she looked to Alan who appeared to be sleeping, Argus looked bored and yawned and the lad was very helpful. As he returned she took one of the shoes studying the design on the toe, the squared heel, the lace and stitching and finally slipped her foot within and sighed with delight as it fit. She turned her foot one way then the other admiring the shoe and asked for the other, the lad again knelt and aided her in placing the shoe on and then assisted her to stand. Oh to have such shoes again…. She moved towards the back of the room and circled about and with a grin returned and took her seat. “I’ll take these as well.” And haggling soon began; fierce it was then she got four pairs of shoes for the price of two and a half pairs. The shoes would be delivered within a day and a half, and she was agreeable to such. “Oh..Is there anyway you could make a chew toy of leather for him?” she asked sweetly pointing to Argus who grinned in his doggy fashion and wagged his tail. The lad still dazed by her shrewd haggling agreed and she tossed him an extra coin for his troubles. “Alan if ye are planning on shoes, I am running next door, I will meet you here then we shall return for dinner to the Inn.” As he was agreeable she smiled once more at the lad and moved quickly to the door causing the bell to chime and sashayed across the street into another shop before laughing with good humor. Spotting bars of soaps she moved closer and settled upon a vanilla scent and bought several bars before stepping back out to wait for Alan with Argus .
  23. The trailers looked good..will have to look for this one..
  24. As Alan took the kitten from her and began to stroke it she felt a nudge and looked down and as Argus whimpered rolled her eyes and began to scratch his ears earning her a doggy grin of delight. “You have a talent for strays Treasure, and of course Trouble.” He said eyeing her bruises and as she rose handed the kitten back to her. She flushed and lowered her gaze to Argus an as the distant sound of thunder rumbled over the sea looked to him and frowned “We better head back, but I must stop first to check on some earlier purchases.” Again he merely nodded and wondered if there had been more to her story than a mere snake for shadows still lingered in her eyes. Still she nuzzled the kitten and seemed fine and he could not help but speak his mind “I think you could hold your own against any, but just the same im glad the boy and Argus were there.” Again her head whipped up and blue green eyes narrowed and a flash swept through them then was gone leaving her face utterly composed, a mask. She was going to ask how he knew but again his words came forth. “Your actions, the way you are always on self defense, your constant looking about, it all tells the same story. Im sorry for the bruises, but I am happy you are well.” She looked away and slowly nodded seeking to further relax her posture in his prescence. “Tis difficult sometimes. My mother was a courtesan, you would think I would be used to such. And yet I find it does not.” He hid his shock rather well, it detailed much of her, the way she moved, her education and appearance. He had seen whores aplenty, and only once a courtesan and she had stopped many just by a smile. Treasure too had that look, the smile that if she wished to use could have men at her feet, so why was she on the Dog. Instead of answering questions it only added to them and he was now more curious than ever. But hide it he did, her secrets were her own, perhaps he could speak to the captain and learn more of her? “Aye I too need some things, shall we head back then?” She merely nodded and they moved along in a comfortable silence but the closer she came to town he again made note of her tension, he would not have noticed it either but for spending the day in her company. As they walked along Argus gamboled between them, the kitten lay sleeping in her arms and as they swept past a cobbler she paused and moved back a step..There in the window were the most ridicoulous and yet most wonderful pair of shoes. Square heeled and embroidered, edged with lace and perfect for the other gown she had ordered. “Oh I have to go in here…I need a few pairs of shoes..and those..” she pointed to them and smiled and could feel his breath catch in his chest. Aye she had a smile, that smile and he could not help but shake his head and tease her “And you will climb the rigging in those?” “Nay but somewhere I shall wear them and dance the night away..” Then she disappeared into the shop and he followed.
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