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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. She choked on her laughter as she made her way to the door and spoke quickly "I will indeed sir..Oh..my shares Sir? I do not know what to do with them..Perhaps you could point me to a reputable dealer in arms? The small assortment I have should be expanded I think." She smiled and then moved quickly beyond and up and moved to Alans side and bid him below.
  2. She gave him a slow and steady smile, one that this time was more than genuine and lit her face. “I have done so already Sir. As we had not talked and Argus was still with us, I did take the liberty on my last visit to order him some rations. It will arrive on the morrow. But only if you are sure, I will understand if he cannot remain and perhaps we should let all vote on the matter. That way no man or woman can later say he is being favored. I would hate for someone to say that because he is a dog we favor him more than human life if we run low of water or victuals.” She paused in her words, her gaze reflective “As for the cross sir, I thank you, I miss mine, the night you rescued me it was taken. I will look for one when next I am ashore.” She sipped again and dug into her food with relish, not a meek and mild miss with a bird’s appetite, she ate with gusto and yet retained her manners from years of training that did not go amiss.
  3. She took the plate of food and glanced at it but nibbled here and there as she debated how best to answer. “I wanted to speak with you on that as well as another issue. You said he would be a trial run and he has been well behaved and he knows some commands given by hand. I figured it was best if I trained him so in case you did let him stay on, and if we needed him to attack or whatever it would be better to give him a command unheard by another. Stealth seemed the way to go, however I see your point as well and even though I have grown greatly attached to him, I will abide your decision.” She sat within the chair and her fingers drifted over a piece of cheese and she toyed with it before putting it to her lips and then chewing. “I also wanted your opinion…” She brought her free hand up as if to toy with something that was not there..”I was hoping it would not be amiss to wear a cross on duty sir.” She was unsure what he would say about Argus and as much as she loved the dog she knew William had to do right by all on board..be it animal or man. About the cross, well she would soon find out the answer to both.
  4. Understanding lit her eyes and she nodded her head sipping yet again and savoring the taste of the liquid. “Well that makes sense, though I am still not sure I trust them, what is to keep them from turning on us, or turning us over once they are safe?” She tilted her glass studying the play of light on the liquid, her thoughts in seemingly every direction at once. ‘If you ever need such a service, I would not refuse. Afterall it was my training, and though I have yet to perfect such, I am sure it would not be too difficult.” She knew how her words could be construed, and it was not all and sundry she was announcing such to, but her Captain. She debated the words after they left her tongue but knew she would not take them back. She tilted her chin, the bruise gleaming dully upon her cheek, “I would do that for you and for the WatchDog.”
  5. Amused she watched Mr. Gage leave and smiled widely as William made his prediction. “Aye Sir..Two indeed. And he sets a most excellent table. I have always thought so.” “So about the Navarra, what should we look for or be concerned with? And need I work on the courtship with the Lieutenant sooner rather than later? He is easy on the eyes and pretending intrest would not be a hardship.” William had given her a place, she would put her background to use if it was necessary.
  6. She began to laugh with understanding and her own mien reflected his and she shook her head slowly “Then I had best began the courtships, The lieutenant is nearby, I shall have to work hard to charm him and bring him to heel.” She teased. Then she sobered slightly and sipped from the glass again relaxing in his prescence and with the aid of the drink. “Speaking of the Navarra sir, they still watch us keenly with their glass, should we be concerned?”
  7. She sipped the amber liquid tentatively and felt it slide through her warming her. Lashes swept low mulling over his words., Then she raised them, showing a fire within her eye “My place is here sir. A voice can be damaged, my looks will fade, and I do not think I could ever marry. I know what my mother went through, I watched my step father kill my half brother.” Her voice turned hard, cold. “I will not be any mans chattel sir. You saved me and gave me a place. My loyalty is with you and the WatchDog.” She sipped again and nibbled her lower lip then spoke more softly. “The songs are for my own pleasure and whoever else may derive pleasure from them. I thank you for you acknowledgement of the song earlier. But at this time I am not ready to leave. Not because I seek more wealth, or adventure. This is my home sir.”
  8. She stilled suddenly her gaze upon his wondering at his statement. “Ashore Sir?” She felt panic sweep through her, she had nothing else but what was here and now on the WatchDog. “Am I not serving well Sir?”
  9. Again surprise lit her mien for truly she had forgotten the shares were to be divided. In truth she was not really sure what she would even do with her shares. She had no family besides her brothers and sisters she served with. She watched his finger follow the book and pause upon her name and as lightning flashed again and thunder rolled she drew her attention from his finger and to the shutters then back to him. “Shares sir? I had completely forgotten to be honest.” She regarded him her face serious, eyes still and watchful for once. "Im not sure what to do with it."
  10. Heck for that I would salute twice! Bring it on..lol
  11. She had long since resumed her seat upon the coiled rope and had wrung what she could out of her wet clothes and long braid and now played with Argus and the toy that had been made for him. Yelping as he bit into the toy, and two of her fingers she dropped the toy and looked up as Mr. Hawks said the Captain wished to speak with her in the ward room. She blinked up at him noting his bag and wondered if he were leaving for shore and slowly rose and motioned for Argus to sit and stay. Confused about why she was to be seen she made her way below and knocked firmly upon the door. As Captain Brand called enter she slowly opened the door and stepped within shutting the door quietly behind her. “Sir.” She said hesitantly and tugged upon her forelock.
  12. Jenny ye sets a fyne table ye does...I think I'll have a seat and take a gander at wot all be on this table...
  13. I agree tis very professional looking, very easy to navigate, I love the colors and the feel to the site. Draws you in. Very well done.
  14. *Runs about with a bag and pilfers all the doubloons Maeve has thrown* Wot? *looks innocent* Pirate!
  15. Remembers the lovely gift Silkie gave her and hands her over a Belayin Pin wrapped in red ribbon and a bow. Did someone mention food cause Im starving...Oh and a pinata for Silkie...She needs one...Oh and a Toast! "To one of my bestest and dearest friends, A goddess of the first order in personality and looks *I can say that* A charming wit and a ready smile and a bit of mischief. I hope that everyday is a treasure for you because you deserve it!" Now do we have dancing men about?
  16. Red Cat Jenny Im short as well at only 5'3 but I can kick really high *grins*
  17. GRRRR...I hate intenet/phone providers..wish they would get it together and fix mine once and for all. BTW Nice table..very pretty, was it difficult to make? And thanks for all the well wishes..
  18. Fighting a low grade fever, very tired, and yet extremely bored and chatting to Silkie in the Ward Room
  19. hoists tankard in salute to beloved Pepe and Lilly... "To Pepe"
  20. Im thinking Patrick should sell his buttons...Id buy them...
  21. Hugs to Haunting Lily...So sorry lass Im here if you wish to chat..My shoulders are pretty stable. Have some Hot Choclate with a stick of cinnamon and think Halloween.... Preparing for work....*Growls*
  22. Treasure jumped at the shout and turned to catch Alan standing in the companionway and smiled at him, he nodded curtly and as Mr. Hollis offered her a smile and left she moved to sit atop a barrel and drum her fingers upon her leg. Argus whining as he sat at the base of her seat. She peered out into the rain and slowly grew mesmerized by the waves…Then did her daydream begin….
  23. “Smaller Mr. Hollis but with a rabid bite if it comes to such, let not her size fool you.” She looked about catching sight of all the new faces slowly mingling with the still singing crew. Keen eyes managed to find most of them in the shifting crowd one blind in one eyes, but his fingers were moving against his leg. A musician? Again her gaze roved and came to rest upon a tall figure and as he grinned and winked at her she turned away as if she had not noticed. “Mr. Randall.” “Im sorry?” She asked, looking back up to her companion. “Mr. Randall, the one who winked at you.” He pointed out the man who still lingered in the crowd not at all put off by her slight rebuff. “Ahh..I shall keep a weather eye upon him..perhaps I should introduce him to Argus?” she asked softly. “What say you to that Mr. Hollis?” She asked with a wickedly mischievous grin.
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