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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Im going to have to re-design mine.....it's time for a new one.
  2. Hmm I wonder who I could kidnap to attend with me..I would hate having such a long drive all by my onesie...But aye...I am seriously thinking of attending this one...Hmm Lady B, and then Rumba...boy oh boy..New Orleans will never be the same..lol
  3. Bess if you had to have that you should have bought the PotC TV and DVD player as well for your office. And then of course there is the Compass personal DVD player as well! Congrats to you though..It's a great piece for any Pirate
  4. And this one is closer to me...Lady B you should attend, why just think of all the trouble and mischief we could get up to...lol. Seriously thinking this one over....
  5. Curious as to what was going on below she shifted to get a better look but soon all the players had vanished and she sat back rubbing her chin, a gust of wind had her narrowing her eyes and pushing back a wet strand of hair that escaped from her braid. A bobbing light upon the waters had her sitting back up and looking out to sea and her voice called out again “Another boat approaching Sir!’ She called and this time even Ciaran was sitting up to see if he could make heads or tails of the newcomers.
  6. Though the rain had abated the night was cooler and the sea still choppy, the view was still dismal as the clouds still obscured the sky, a shroud hiding whatever light may have fallen from the stars. The sound of the wind about her ears muffled most sounds and the only lights to be seen were those below her and the ships about them. A sloop had arrived recently and still bobbed in the waters two points to larboard, apparently it had taken some damage in the storm as there was much activity upon it’s deck. She knew Ciaran was casting an eye towards it as well, the ship was graceful, small and yet deadly. It reminded her of a rapier or perhaps a sea eagle, It may be small but was quick and deadly. She snuggled into her oilskins and turned back to shore when a small blot barely discernible came to attention. After some moments it became apparent twas not dolphins but a jollywatt approaching and making for the WatchDog. “Longboat approaching!” She called down and watched as the men below made ready. She sat forwards trying to discern more in the darkness, but there was nothing more to be seen…at least at the moment.
  7. Im in the Wardroom and the Scuttlebutt....
  8. Jenny darlin..I shall enjoy every drop!
  9. Oh B-Days..Whar be the dancin gurls? Maeve, Briar...Time to dance...*points to tables so all can watch*
  10. Perfume- Provocative Woman by Elizabeth Arden However I love, cinnamon, spices and cloves, I love lavender and vanilla, the smell of wet earth after a storm, I love the smell of horses and hay and leather, I love the smell of babies and new cars, watermellon in the summer, the sea, Pine trees and honeysuckle.
  11. Hello Tempest, I must confess I have never seen Pew be so flattering..Im thinking he must still be sick...*hugs Pew*
  12. Going to be away for a while...nothing to do with the new job..just...other things...*hugs to all*
  13. well I did get it..They hired me on the spot! So excited..I start in two weeks because I did give my other job a two week notice first. Just cause they are not fair does not mean I cannot be.
  14. Tucks the clover in ehr pocket and hugs Jenny and grins impishly at William..I will do so sir..think you they will be impressed with having a pirate aboard?
  15. Welcome back Petee, glad to have ye back!
  16. *Hugs* I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends...I could not ask for better...
  17. Comes in grinning from ear to ear...I have a job interview...Wish me luck... EDIT Had to reschedule all the managers just went into a meeting so it's set for tomorrow..*crosses fingers*
  18. Taking a final stretch and seeing others milling about taking advantage of the rain she finished the plate William had given her, the liquor making her relaxed and warm and taking plate and glass to the galley returned to deck. As most were gathered in groups some occasionally breaking away as the rain lightened she turned to watch The St. Kitt depart with their Captain and decided to head aloft. The sea was not as rough as it had been but it was not quiet either and she quickly grabbed for the lines and swung herself up and began the steep climb skywards squinting her eyes against the rain, feeling it run down her in rivulets as she lowered her face. Careful for the lines were still slick, she gingerly made her way to her post and settled in, her back against the wood. The ride was defintely rougher feeling at the top of the world as she felt she was. Cooler, the wind more chill at times, and the rain continued to come. Raising one hand to shield her eyes she took a quick look about though as night had fallen and the rain still fell not much could truly be seen.. She glanced down and over catching sight of movement and caught Ciaran resuming his post as well. “Yer in a chipper mood lass, wot has ye so?” She grinned at his curiosity and winked “Just feeling grand, tis a grand eve, tis quiet, all is well and we are alive.” He laughed and took her words to heart..”Aye lass so we are.” Her thoughts drifted a wee bit as Ciaran took a quick survey and she yawned and thought about planning her next trip ashore.
  19. Barely manages to evade the fist flung towards his head, a fight was in it’s prime and the tavern was crawling with those brawling, those seeking to evade and wenches that were urging them all on.
  20. Actually Maeve and I were working on one to have Published..But aye this is defintiely a good topic and i can vouch for the Hot chocolate..will edit my recipe later.
  21. *Wolf Whistles* Aye Im liking the colors as well..Very nice and Hope to see more pics of you in it.
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