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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Boldly she faced him, his words mischievous and she raised her tankard sipping it thoughtfully, lips wet now she asked “Who will save me from you?” she sent him a wicked smile and leaned forwards slightly. "Perhaps you will need my protection.” She whispered playfully. Bill's grin grew wider and he leaned back in his chair enjoying the flirtation "Think you?" He asked intrigued by this side of her his gaze falling to her wine wet lips. Rising from the table she shook out her skirts and moved towards the door and paused once to look over her shoulder..”Coming?” Then she wended her way quickly through the throng and easily evaded the fate of the wenches and making the door moved into the shadows…waiting….
  2. A soft chuckle escaped as he produced another purse, the clinking of coins within audible just slightly over the din. But perhaps it was the small corner in which they sat that made the din seem distant, as if it were far away. Or perhaps it was the ale and her senses were a wee bit addled, and yet she found herself inclining her head, eyes twinkling. “Only one more, then I think I should seek my bed. The small Inn I am staying seems empty, I can show you where it is if you wish. But only if you call me Treasure, I insist.” He studied her intently in the firelight, the jewels glinting at her throat, the dark richness of her hair like polished jet and he cleared his throat shifting slightly within his chair “Mayhaps I will.” He concurred, leaving her to wonder of what he mayhaps might choose , him seeking the same inn or the use of her given name. As the tavern wench returned he ordered a bottle of wine and she hurried off with the coins returning shortly with a small bottle of wine and two clean tankards. Setting it all down she curtsied and left, the night was growing rowdy, wenches now settled upon laps throughout the room and roving hands startling laughs and slaps from the girls. As Bill drew her attention back by offering her a tankard she lifted it to her nose swirling it slowly then sipping. “Thank you.” She said then settled herself and her skirts before toying with her tankard. “Tis pleasant here..with the exception of the pickpockets, unless they have pockets to let.” She raised her tankard in a toast to his farsightedness.
  3. Thanks..and the sword is plastic, this year I was not allowed to bring my real ones as the police said no weapons. And she did have fun, she enjoyed her halloween very much.
  4. Treasure sat stunned, his words bringing a sort of shock for she had not expected this. It was apparent he had not either, as their food was served she thanked the wench and toyed with her food. As Bill ate heartily she too began to eat with gusto. The fare simple yet seasoned enough that it was actually wonderful and very filling, the fresh bread and sweet butter were her favorite. A simple ale to wash all down with as they had to watch what little coin they had left. “Im sure he will stay, once he realizes his health is not failing.” She stated with conviction. Taking the linen napkin she dabbed at her lips and placed the linen next to her plate and smiled at Bill. “Tis late, I need to get back to my room, have you taken one for the night?” She tilted her head with a faint smile as musicians began to play from somewhere nearby. She watched Bill still from the corner of her eye and looked back to him with a brow arched.
  5. Aye the lion then the scarecrow then the tinman...I played the wicked witch in the school play in High School..Ill have to find the picture of me all in black with a green face....lol
  6. Starring my daughter and myself on Halloween, I did not know we were being filmed. Anyhow..I was sick and tired easily..But there I am with my wee one...Enjoy! http://s176.photobucket.com/albums/w161/Pr...nt=PICT1427.flv
  7. Me too all the coughing has made me sore..and im enjoying the new job so far...Waltzes Lily about for fun...
  8. Hyper..feeling better than I have in a long while..Still have a horrid cough though...Hugs to all her friends...
  9. The dratted cap was placed upon her head and with Argus at their heels she strolled at his side. The night was lovely, the air heavy with scents of flowers and sea, with the scents of victuals being cooked. Bill was quiet and reflective so she left him to his thoughts, her own filled with the events of the day. Her stomach growled and Argus whined and loathe as she was to break Bill from his thoughts she was hungry. “Bill? There is a tavern ahead..perhaps we can sup there?” “Aye. “ As he fell back into his silence she maneuvered them through the last of the street vendors closing or already on their way home and entered a small but neat tavern. The smells from the kitchen promising and as it was already crowded she could not see a table. But Bill did and quickly had them settled in a small corner. A tavern wench appeared and they both ordered and waited for their food. Bill still silent, Treasure merely waiting.
  10. *Sits and sharpens her blade* Just give the word Lady B....
  11. I grew up close to the coast so when little and riding across the ferries or spending summer vacation at Crystal Beach or Galveston we were always pirates.
  12. Still sipping her tea she toyed with the cap and debated tossing it into the fire, on the Dog there was no need to confine her dress to strict society. On the Dog she was unfettered, could wear and be comfortable in her mens clothing. It appealed to her, though to be honest dressing in a gown did as well. As Briar returned to her seat she smiled at the lass then grew still as the black ball of fur leapt into a well covered lap. A whimper and a scratch upon the door came followed by a heft woof and she jerked her gaze from the knowing eyes of the kitten and towards the door. “My..ah..my fellow crewmate Argus.” She need say nothing more for Miss O’ Treasigh arched a single honeyed brow and told her to let the dog within. Rising she shook out her skirts still eyeing the kitten and opened the door letting the big pup within. Sniffing he smelled the biscuits upon the table and made for them but a command from Treasure had him sitting with a long look upon his jowls that had all three laughing. When the kitten meowed he tilted his head and amber eyes searched for and locked upon the bundle of fur Briar held. He whimpered and his tail beat a fast tattoo upon the boards. Still she looked out upon the street which was slowly dying of traffic as the sun began to fall casting long shadows and toyed with the collar upon her throat. Reluctantly she turned and closed the door and returned to the table to sit. “So both of you are Doctor’s? Or midwives?” If so..well she had plans for the evening and she would need some tips on prevention.
  13. Arches a brow from the dark corner she sat in staring out over the moon lit kissed sea as she turned just enough to view the kiss stolen by Silkie. Chuckles quickly turn to a cough and she slumps deeper into the comfort of her chair and sips at her hot choclate.
  14. Startled that Bill had left she blinked and slowly gazed about the room taking note of it’s size and it’s comfort. The room had character, a soothing personality much like the blonde woman who watched her keenly. Turning towards her she offered her a smile “We met upon arrival I think. Miss O'Treasaigh?” her words tumbled to a halt as the fetching redhead who let them in made for the door pulling up her hood and quickly slipping through it. Tilting her head for but a moment she moved to the door herself and opened it and called out for Briar to return. Once the lass had done so she closed the door and gestured for her to sit. “Please allow Bill to search for Mr. Pew. I understand your need to tell my Captain but I assure you that Bill can find him and if not Captain Brand is no fool, he knows all of us well. Mr. Pew is like the wind and hates to be caged. But if you think it is still necessary to find my captain then you must do that.” She turned fathomless blue green eyes upon the women and moved yet again towards the table and ruthlessly tugged the cap from her head to break the tension. With a grimace she tossed it upon the table so that her own jet locks gleamed in the light of the fire. “I bloody detest those things! They had to have been created by a man!” she snorted with distaste. “And please call me Treasure, everyone else does.” She said softly her eyes dancing with mischief and laughter. The petite blonde was as fetching as the redhead and both seemed very concerned over what Captain Brand may say or do.
  15. That was FREAK-ishly wonderful!!! Great Job! And Patrick I loved your designs..need more pics..lol. So who has pics of themselves in costume?
  16. How about a Male Pyrate seeks a Female Pyrate for a Plunderful friendship. Must be fun and honest, likes to attend Renn Faires, dressing up and a love of history!
  17. I get your homepage for Photobucket...
  18. As he took her elbow she looked up to him questioningly, however his words made sense and as the crowd began to grow she nodded and they slipped through the crowd. As he paused to pick up the dagger and gift her with it she bit back a laugh. Taking the dagger she looked about for a place to hide it and carefully sheathed it down her bodice. “Only you would think to gift me with such as this. Hurry..there is the building ahead where Mr. Pew is currently recovering.” At least she hoped it was so, surely there could not be many buildings such as this…were there? Behind them voices grew raised and she quickened her pace to try and match his longer legged stride and yet appear as If naught were amiss. Reaching the door she watched him quickly knock, a quick aggressive tap before he too looked behind them. “Think there will be trouble?” She asked quietly catching his look. She hoped the door would be answered in short order for it sounded like the crowd was still growing.
  19. Like I have been running over by a train..I hate being sick...and on top of my favorite holiday...
  20. Treasure had no time to react, it seemed all moved in slow motion, one moment daggers pulled and the shorter one moved at her and the next Bill was bringing one of the accosters down. The second assailant or would be seemed to weigh his options, Bill was quick and he had made a mistake in that regards. He was down a man but the thought of the purses and the jewelry would salve his pride. He shifted slightly to let his eyes rove over the lady his gaze insolent and leering “Ill be seein’ ye around Guv.” And without he shifted back into the shadows. He would bide his time and later he would have their purses and more. As the man seemingly disappeared she caught Bill’s arm as he made to follow. “No. Did you not see his look, he has others about. Besides this one will hurt no one else. Think you we should report this?” already a small crowd was drawing near, mutters in french quick to go out. Not knowing any French herself she could only assume what was being said. “Facciavi c'è ne parlano italiano? Siamo stati attacati appena.” She disliked crowds, especially crowds such as this where anything could happen next. *Do any of you speak Italian? We were just attacked!”
  21. His words drew her from her reverie and she smiled as she looked over her shoulder and arched a brow as she caught him adjusting his tomahawk. Immediately the tailor stiffened assuming trouble was to come and she spun slowly before moving from the window. ‘I think Mr. Pew. I am sure he is climbing walls and ready to be aboard the Dog once more.’ As he moved closer to her she placed her fingers upon his sleeve and as he drew her from the shop back into the afternoon sunshine she felt giddy. All about them people moved busy with work if they were servants or merchants. Higher class citizens shopping and mixing with the nobility. It was totally different than the WatchDog and yet the same. As they walked she felt eyes upon them and knew it was the pair from earlier and felt a moments irritation that they would dare intrude upon their shore leave. She had to bite her tongue to keep a blistering set down behind her teeth and slowly count to ten before she felt Bill’s glance upon her. Tilting her face up to him she was about to speak when he began to laugh. “I have a feeling the pair behind us will soon encounter a hurrican’.” The mood was lightened by his words and her husky laugh floated free and she could not resist teasing him back “Either that or scalping.” She said referring to his weapon. “Do you remember where Mr. Pew is currently lodged?”
  22. hmm no one paid yer ransom eh? Shoulda been favorin the ladies and they would have rescued ye..*grins* I have plenty of nets to go with blonde, and instead of filllin him full o holes how abouts we play Hangman instead?!? *looks completely innocent* First Word is.... _ _ _ _
  23. *Thinks will definitely have to attend one of Sterling's hangings ...Laughs * Cheeky I will most definitely ask for both you and Jenny! Now ladies shall we make Sterling target practice? *Grins with wicked delight*
  24. I want a silver tongued charmer who means what he says, and does what he says he will. Completely as enthralled by me as he would be by the sea. A friend, a lover...And LOTS of stamina...
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