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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Welcome Briar...Anyone who are playing in the same household but diffrent accounts please contact the admin and let them know otherwise you will get banned from playing.
  2. my account was hijacked..apparently the bloody blighter has been sitting on my account for over a month and has just sent me a message letting me know. I have changed my password...and Lily has contacted admin on my behalf.
  3. Just making sure you are attentive captain and I wa s not putting you to sleep. They were indeed for the Mercury as you know. And I have and still do enjoy them immensely. Oh speaking of Pirate Books...I found the perfect cookbook for you...I will have to see if I can locate it. But until then mums the word.. I am glad you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years..and just think so much more change to come to you and yours in the New Year..Many blessings upon you and your family.
  4. secretly working on a project..well two of them and fighting off a blasted bloody headache I have had for a week straight..
  5. Takes a seat and setltes and smiles , "I had a wonderful Christmas...I had a Secret Santa..four of them in fact. One sent me a Flintlock pistol and the Third movie of Pirates of the Carribean. I was sent some draughts for the Lucy, a wooden bracelet, and a figurine set of Poseidon and a Siren with a treasure chest. My daughter gave me a clock she purchased at school and David gave me an ipod nano. This was my best christmas ever, I had my Husband and wee one to celebrate with and my secret santa's as well. As for the New Year I think I was startled to see it go, a whole year just swept past and I think I missed some of it. However I did have my first go at Egg Nog. And you Captain..How was your holidays and New Year?"
  6. Please Captain..may I have a piece of lasagna and a nice red wine to attend it.
  7. well Iron Jon is currently the weapons master so he will send you items from the vault if you tell him what you need.
  8. 1) Chicken and Swiss sandwich 2) My Mockingbird friend Mike long Story 3) Linda 4) William, Maeve, Silkie, Briar, Dorian, Haunting Lily, Rumba, Long Tom, Capt. Sterling too many more to name
  9. I plead the fifth. The soundtrack to 300.
  10. Seems lots of change is taking place..Welcome back Sully. Offers him a Plunder me Cherry
  11. Aye Im so hoping he does come back..he still has much of his story to tell and he needs to find a Lady to love..not like Miss Swann!
  12. I actually liked him clean and proper..he was a commanding figure with his men but around the ladies..he seemed..Uncertain..it made him sweet..at least that is my opinion. I was really upset to see him die in the movie...Bring Him Back!
  13. Bah Im nice and confy in my lovely robe..*Thank you Briar* I have plenty of room to fill up and then go find a place to sleep.
  14. I happen to be famished..A hot chocolate please with whipped cream on top and a cinnamon stick, A dr. Pepper, A cheeseburger well done..double meat please with swiss and american, seasoned fries and mayo for dipping. On the side a chocolate cheesecake with chocolate curly thingies on top and......I think that will hold me till dinner..see what happens when you did not have dinner, breakfast nor lunch..
  15. *Coughs* No bath duties fer me..errr on me.. i am quite capable of scrubbing me own back. Blasted Allergies..Worked in the Garden today and now my allergies are all over the place. *Sinks beneath the water wondering how many bubbles she can make before she drowns*
  16. Im sorry Iron Jon..That was just..Hilarious! Monkeyshorts!
  17. Im sorry yer ill lass..I wish I could help you as you do me..
  18. *Rolls eyes and mutters about the screen needing to be longer*
  19. Hurls a sea sponge at Captain Sterling..Sings softly as she slips lower in the water and settles down to read her book...
  20. Hugs Briar and slips behind the screen, lights the aromatic candles, brings out a good book and undresses to slip in the nice hot and very relaxing water. 'Thank you Briar..tis most wonderful!"
  21. OHHH Sea salt Baths...May I please have one to..Muscles are all tired, especially my leg..
  22. Ill take a dozen..I need a sugar rush *Offers Maeve pink bunny slippers and hot choclate*
  23. Wanting to start a Town Dance or a Bar-B-Que for all in the story to attend.
  24. Settled aloft, the sun shining down upon her with bright hope, the warm winds tugging and teasing her senses, she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. For the moment her soul was at peace..for the first time in a long while, and she owed it to Bill. Stretching her arms she raised one to toy with the cross at the hollow of her throat and thought of his gift hidden deep within her belongings and frowned. It had been an extravagant gift, but one she would treasure and always. She felt eyes upon her and looked up ahead of her and took note of Ciaran studying her and she gave him a warm smile. “Tis a lovely day is it not?” she called, her eyes dancing with mischief..with happiness. “Well if it was not afore it is now. Wot has ye is such fine spirits lass?” he called. She merely grinned and shook her head ‘Many things..many things.” She replied. However that smile turned into a small frown that drew her brows together as she watched the French Durnad make his way along the docks. He moved with confidence, but not arrogantly so. Well accustomed to the mantle he bore..and bore it well. Still she did wonder why so many visits in so short a time, Just what was happening, who had shot and why. And then the glint of sunlight along metal drew her thoughts to the Spanish ship and she wondered when they would make their next move. She refrained from lifting her own glass, however she knew they were aware they too were being watched. Looking back to the Docks just as Durand disappeared she looked down and took in the daily life that went on below then turned her face into the winds before looking upon the Lucy and spotting a familiar head upon the decks before she shifted and cast her attentions back to Ciaran who still watched her. “Wot?” She teased playfully, the frown leaving her face as it was lit by a mischieveous innocence. She laughed as he grumbled and resumed his lookout and hummed to herself as she braided her hair to keep it from her face and lashing it with a leather thong. Sometime today the rest of her gowns and other clothes and shoes as well as the foodstuffs ordered for Argus would arrive. And for the first time she felt excitement as if she were a young girl attending her first ball. And too Bill would receive her gift when his order arrived, hopefully the two new frockcoats would suit him.
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