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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. Aye like everyone else has said I bid you welcome to the Pub. There is plenty of information here, and if you are unsure just ask, Pubsters love answering questions and even more welcoming someone brand new into the brethren. Check out Captain Twill for history and of course the Thives Market for clothing and The armory for weapons. You will be all set before you know it!

  2. :lol: Hey Wait A Minute!!

    Didn't MerryDeath just have a birthday last year?? :lol:

    Me thinks th' women on this ship be take'n advantage o' this whole 'gift giving' thing!! B)

    ....just who let them on board anyway, I thought we had Rules!??! :lol:

    Ties MadL to the mast...Women rule the ship and that be the rules! Hey we now have a Pinata..who wants to whack MadL first?? *holds out confetti covered stick*

  3. I meant the metal hardware in my leg! My knee has been feeling diffrent and I was wondering if I might have broke some of the hardware. I never knew or felt when I broke the titanium rod in my femur and it was broke for 2 weeks. The only thing I knew was I could not put weight on it and had to put myself back on crutches. So was curious...

  4. sutlerjon we don't have such a critter down here..It's going to be like that jar of fluff Lily sent me...

    EDIT:::: More Info on them explaining the loops over his head

    The armbands – imposing testimonials to the goldsmiths' art – represent two tritons (attendants of the sea god), male and female, each holding a small winged Eros. The hoops behind the tritons' heads were used to attach the armbands to the sleeves of a garment, because their weight (over 6-1/2 ounces each) would have caused them to slip.

  5. better have it looked at Silkie, better to be safe than sorry.

    Ok summer looks like it's going to hit us early this year...Today it's in the 80's and tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer. And warmer down here is hot as hell :lol:

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