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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. yesterday i be a the social security administration office and yes thier is a wait. me captain, father-in-law, and myself be there waiting. a lady walks up and just starts talking to us as a group. she startes moving closer and closer until she is standing between us, us almost encircling her and she is still talking about....i don't even know. my father-in-law left, went outside and stayed there.

    this lady was not taking any of the curtious hints we were giving her. at one point she actually reached over touched me captains arm and asked if he was listening to her.


    what is sad is she probley is just an old lonly lady looking for a little attention but this happens to me everywhere i go. i have actually had cashiers pull out photos of family to show me. i am only trying to get me grociers home.

    Oh me too! I thought I was some weird magnet that attracted that sort of stuff...So nice to know there is another.. :D

    My hubby his best friend and his wife and myself all went to this flea market in San Antonio. Our first trip there and Claudia and I managed to get the guys to stop *wonder of wonders* Anyway we are walking around and having fun looking at the booths and this guy comes over and keeps telling us hello. At first we were shocked but said hello back then I dragged Claudia off to another booth as I felt cornored. A few booths later he approaches again trying to talk to us, the guys of course stopped at some booth further back and Claudia keeps trying to hide behind me. I try to ignore him then Claudia and I start talking about our hubbies and the next thing I know Claudia has abandoned me and fled the scene leaving me alone with this guy that just wants to talk. I did try to be polite but eventually manage to vanish in a crowd, made my way back to hubby and the guy never approached us after that. Of course Claudia claimed I was a magnet for people like that cause Im too nice.

  2. You're looking over titles at the video store, standing far enough out of the way so that people can go by you, and someone comes along and stops right in front of you, so you end up looking at their back. As if you're invisible, and it never occurred to them that you might actually be looking at the video selection in front of you. Sheesh.

    This is when you Began holding a conversation with yourself about the movies about you and trying to debate with yourself about which movie to get and watch and of course do not forget to argue with yourself. You'll be amazed how quickly people flee... ^_^:D^_^

  3. Today's special is guava cake in honor of my delicious bride.


    Delicious Bride? LOL Aww that is soooo sweet! *pssst Hey William you should put her name on the cake!* I hear you are 21 again, a little birdie told me! *Grins* Truly hope your natal day is grand!

  4. Happy Natal Day! To a grand writer, a wonderful friend that makes me laugh especially when she calls to sing you a Happy Birthday Song..See I did not forget that! I hope your day is filled with wonderful things and loving family and friends. *Toasts with her glass*

  5. The next to last link..definitely loving some of the pieces there. The Moon Mermaid but my fave is the Atlantis Mermaid..even her tail is in my favorite colors.

    Definitely the Grace O'Malley necklace in the last and the Shaylee as it's my birthstone, The bracelets I like them all! the Atlantis Dream pendant is pretty too.

    Thanks so much Merry for those links..They are all gorgeous.

  6. I have to say I like the rats. Never thought I would say that but they are really smart. my wee one bought the class rats home a while back and we totaly enjoyed them. Cannot wait till they come home with her again.

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