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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. My dear Lady Diosa, you must post the pictures of Mickey getting " made pretty ". They are a must see to truly appreciate the final product. :angry: I will see about putting this on my calendar for next year. I was hoping for this year but made commitments for my vacation time elsewhere. Looks like alot of fun.


    Yes Animal has lots of hair to be made pretty..perhaps give him pink ribbons?

    *Snickers* Scratches Animal under the chin...

    All the ladies look lovely of course...

  2. Bum knee and hip..Im still waiting on word from my mom supposed to have looked at more mustangs this past weekend. A couple of blonde paints, a Grullo *Which has the stripes on his legs as well as the dorsal* and a huge sorrel...Im opting for the Grullo..

  3. oh we have done cross county trail rides that would make me wish I was alone so I could cry when I dismounted lol.

    my step dad is President of a hunting club so when we ride through there to check things out we ride where there are no trails, we forge our own. And being east Texas the brush and foliage is thick and the land is marshy and sometimes you and your horse sink. I do NOT miss riding like that..I miss riding, have not rode since I got myself hitched and then with my femur broke and damaging my knee so that it does not fully bend Im not sure I could do it anymore.

  4. Personally I do not care about toilet seats left up or down. we both use them, he puts it up and does not complain he found it down, I put it down and do not compalin i found it up. And I do not like little molded soaps.

    The one thing that does get my goat..the laundry hamper is right there, easy to put dirty clothes and such in..Why does one still throw it on the floor?

  5. Welcome back and though I have never posted with you i do remember you. Again welcome back and hope you stay around this time. *Brings forth the sticky glue for his chair seat*

  6. I have been remiss in your welcome sir and do humbly beg your pardon, but I do hope you enjoy the pub and please let us know if we can assist you in any way.

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