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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Dratted keyboard..i was in a hurry and my keys stick when Im typing faster. I so need a new keyboard..Sorry William..I did mean Sick/ill.
  2. Yumm Thanks Lazarus! Aye Snow come and share with me. Will Be ye seek Mate?
  3. ^Love the scenery but I need to be out on it. <Looks like I will be going to California July 11-25th. My first trip ever. vWhat kind of music do you really really love?
  4. Yeah but If I let it lead me I ALWAYS end up in trouble. *grins* Oh well can't have a book without some internal strife and dare to do.
  5. Thanks. im enjoying all the feedback and yes I had trouble with that too at first. Trying to make my stories go where I wanted them to. For me it helps to actually sit, become that character and think about my options and write from that point of view. What im seeing, feeling, doing. That tends to have cut back on a lot of the story not going where I want it to. But then I end up changing it not satisfied with the decisions I make.
  6. Me..around Lunchtime with some friends in garb. Then maybe out to Eat at Eat at Joes...And maybe walk about the mall..*grins*
  7. ^The Last Unicorn <Has not met any from the Pub face to face v What kind of movies do you like?
  8. ^Questions the Call of the Siren..Shall I put it to the test? *grins*
  9. Jo Dee Messina's ---My give a Damn's Busted! Gotta love that song. Christine I played with spooky and adopted a Monkey..Jack.
  10. Thank you Hitman. I am trying..Did you read both stories? Did you have a favorite?
  11. *Blushes* I keep thinking I had those pics well buried and hidden by now. Oh well..Im hoping for some newer ones soon...*grins* and thanks Merry but your pics top mine by far...
  12. Rumba that is intresting..How do you find someone to read you for such?
  13. ^Scourge of the Seven Seas..I find that ARRRRR-some. Yes tis a shame we dont live closer.
  14. No Quarter Given when looking for Piratical Stuff and been here ever since.
  15. ^ Has missed Lady Snow...Lady Snow my B-Day is six days before yours? We should celebrate!
  16. *Hides the Bacon for Will and runs out the door* Much prefer Sausage...Shhh! I do not wish to know what is in it..I just want to know that I like it...Im one of those that once I learn what it is I probably would not eat it...
  17. My leg is a healing...Therapist says I may start running soon...So can't wait. home is .....Home. And for the pics..SHHHH! I thought those were buried right now..*grins*
  18. Truly there is no dominatrix to me..
  19. *grins* So this is what it would feel like to have Power...Let me think about your request Phil...Ummm....No I dinnae think so! I ALWAYS wanted to say no to someone..still do not think me personality profile is correct...Im really sweet meek and biddable.
  20. At least Im only Aggressive when getting others to be the BEST they can be..Isn't that the Marines though?
  21. Extroverted (E) 60% Introverted (I) 40% Intuitive (N) 54.05% Sensing (S) 45.95% Feeling (F) 55.88% Thinking (T) 44.12% Judging (J) 58.06% Perceiving (P) 41.94% Your type is: ENFJ Accuracy: - 5 high 4 3 2 1 low ENFJ - "Persuader". Outstanding leader of groups. Can be aggressive at helping others to be the best that they can be. 2.5% of total population. Im a bad person..BAD!
  22. Nope going about noon with a group of friends...we are all dressing up for it though. *grins*
  23. Are there any Pirate groups in the Austin, Texas Area???? I am not finding any at all.
  24. When is the first Party? It looks Arr-Some o course! Hey I found some things on this site you might check into as well. Seven Brothers Check out the cannons, and they have a Pirate Pub Sign that would be right at home and is right reasonable..They even have Pirate piggy banks..*grins* Kidd Dread linked the site to me and Whils looking around I thought of you and your cove. Lovely ship...Someday I shall have the doubloons for such..but will have mine custom made...
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