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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. ok Say for instance you join another pirate forum...And like on the Pub you introduce yourself in character. *now keep in mind tis playful* And ye get called a wench and ye narrow yer eyes and declare yerself not a wench which suddenly opens a whole can of worms.. And now yer being told that you are romaticizing pyracy and should be thrilled to be called a wench. Now since apparently ye have stepped on toes ye apologize profusely and say tis in character..Would ye still like to be called a wench?
  2. Silkie, I would be honored to share yer cake. And William to Kathy! Hmm to my Grandmother who taught me how important it was to be seen as an individual and to treat others as I wish to be treated, and the most important thing she taught me...Do not cas stones unless my own back doorstep be free of them.
  3. Do you mind being called a wench? I for one would rather be called a Pyrate than a wench and seeing as how there be a diffrence between the monikers which do ye prefer and why? Would ye think it a compliment to be called a wench. For-1 Against-3
  4. Now that sounds nice William..Yes let us do that instead..
  5. Looks to Jack then back to Blackthorn and tosses him a cherry..Enjoy says I...
  6. Hey wait a minit..I gets a sample and she gets a whole cake...Mudslide or Plunder Me Cherry please... William tis divine...Simply divine..Now how about a dance?
  7. Curtsies to William..Thank ye good Sir...
  8. Looks to Blackthorn with a grin...My cherries be candy coated and all the sweeter for it.. Seein as how they be coated in Captain Morgan's finest.
  9. Rumba I have seen your work as well, Trust me hats off to both of ye..maybe someday I will be half as talented..
  10. *Grins* Well I can feed you some cherries as well...offers him a Plunder Me cherry with plenty of cherries.. Now lets see how intresting things get...
  11. Jack ye be a sweetheart that's for sure I was meaning Jack Sparrow.. to avoid further confusion.. Buys Mad Jack a round and pulls him to a table with peanuts and popcorn so they can watch what happens next.
  12. Ill take Jack tied to me bed anyday...*grins* Or night...or in between. Im straight I love the guys but did have a body shot once...It was rather...weird...
  13. Indeed it is lovely. I would love to try and sew something like that but im still learning to sew...
  14. Actually I get a 10% discount, tis not much but tis some. Hopefully now that TRU is under new management we will get a deeper discount. Sealegs I worked as an Admin Asst. to Lumatec Industries then was moved to their Advertising Dept. I miss that job..lol
  15. Ye could always stay at say....30 and watch them come and go and still be 30. It is what I do..*Grins* Although I was so mad the other day...Went to Applebees and ordered a mudslide and they actually carded me..Told me I did not look old enough! grrrr
  16. Laughs and winks at William and fetches the bottle requested and discreetly places it behind the screen..'M'Lady your posion has arrived...Say William time to Part-y...I made Pyrate Legend...
  17. Good Idea Rumba, I never even thought of that..Duh! See I learn something new all the time..
  18. Why Callenish..That would appeal to me greatly, I love the beach under a full moon, roses would not be amiss, but I love wildflowers and lillies best. Whoot I am officially a Pyrate Legend..Time to Part-y!
  19. Callenish you are beginning to scare me..Are ye my stalker?
  20. Now he gets his twin involved...I knew it...Stephen King should come here for his research...lol Oh the stuff one could write about!
  21. I think im learning some bad habits here... Tis about time....
  22. Callenish...I sure hope we have no Policemen or FBI or CIA that read this..LMAO
  23. LOL I heard to use a potato in the tailpipe and not fruit. Eggs work good on a cars paintjob as does brake fluid..Wait Im not supposed to know that.. Im innocent..Truly...
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