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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Start tomorrow at Toys R Us!!! So reserve yer copies....
  2. For my pirate name I got this one voracious captain siren the behemoth! Im a behemoth!
  3. Silkie I say we are self proclaimed Pirate Queens and the loot be ours. Mr. Lasseter good luck, although college kids may find it amusing a pirate has torched their cars.
  4. See ye called me young and I am older than ye. Shameless Scallywag! Hope your stay in the Pub is well met!
  5. That would be a man od dissipation, a fyne man to be sure, Quite debonair and born with a gilded tongue to sway the lasses. Aye I would have to say ye be a charmer.
  6. I think Anyone who has Bad Boy listed in his profile cannot be excluded from being a rascal, however Im a thinkin ye may be more a rogue than a wee rascal. I think the lasses young and old had best beware of ye Young Filch!
  7. Welcome to ye Lil Ming and welcome to the Pub. As ye be a young lass I'll take something with no Alcohol, as fer yer uncles I have not yet had the pleasure of meetin them. Again Welcome and enjoy though ye must beware the young lads her bouts...They are quite the rascals and rogues.
  8. Bacon? But William did we not have this discussion? Very well for you I will eat bacon, but only for you.
  9. *Prods* And to friends! Now what be on the menu..Im starving...
  10. Sure these are fun and an excellent way to learn of history.
  11. The wine is great And William you are truly handsome. A great Pic! I propose a toast, To friends and the wonderful Tsunami!
  12. Good to see the Tsunami and I would love to have a glass of redwine and maybe something wonderful to go with it.
  13. I too am looking forwards to seeing this new magazine when it hits the shelves.
  14. I think I shall claim My neighbors yard for Spain and take all their jewlry!
  15. I agree to ecavate the ship. Maybe intrests in museums are decling but history is history and should be preserved for all of us to view and learn from! These items should be protected not lost to the sea.
  16. Apparently Van Hoorn Attacked two empty Spanish galleons that De Graff had his eye upon in the Gulf of Honduras. De Graff knowing they were empty decided to await them being filled and sailed to Bonaco Isle to Careen his ship. Meanwhile Van Hoorn unaware of De Graff's plan attacked two empty spanish Galleons ruining De Graffs intrest in them. Wen Van Hoorn met up with De Graff on Bonaco and requested to join De Graff he was turned away rather bluntly. However it is said that both men did meet up again later on a raid on Vera cruz where an argument broke out between them on how to treat their prisoners. De Graff suffered a slash on the wrist which later he died from. It was also said that De Graff was believed to be a Mulatto and was charecterized by Henry Morgan to be a great and mischiveous Pirate and was very handsome being tall and blonde with a mustache. He also had a spanish wife and later married a frenchwoman. Im assuming he had both of these wives at the same time as I do not see anything of the first wifes demise. Thomas Paine on the other hand could not have been the one as he died at the age of 72 desired by the publinc but abandoned by his friends due to some of his religious beliefs and his writings. Coastie Good sleuthing!
  17. I love the colors on the fifth and seventh sets! Really well done, I hate button holes...If I could get away with it i would lace everything up.
  18. Hmm I would say La Salle would be the knighted Frenchman who claimed a large portion of the US for France. Liotal was his surgeon who was enraged by La Salle sending his brother out on many occassions into danger and one of which ended his brothers life at the hands of Indians. Liotal and four others killed La Salle and later turned upon each other and their bodies were left unburied and later found. Am I at least close????
  19. I do not know how many of you peruse Craigslist.com but I found these boots and thought to post them here for anyone who has an intrest. These are in the Austin Area, but as we do not get much pirate action here the bloke may still have them. Barbossa Boots Sincerely, Siren
  20. Welcome to the Pub and I did hear ye were buyin so ill take a Plunder Me Cherry extra cherries o course. Oh and enjoy the Pub, We do.....
  21. She Only had the one dagger so it would not be a long stay, or so she surmised. Surprise had her turning quickly at his touch to see the bottle offered and she quickly shook her head. Not that she did not drink but she truly was not thirsty. But then she contemplated her decision for he was an officer and could find fault that she thought she was better than he by not drinking. Sometimes it was decidedly difficult to be a woman, in a mans world. But then again she was making her own destiny, and holding her own, and so it would be so until she decided when she was where she wished to be in the world. She slowly almost reluctantly took the bottle and glanced up at him through thick lashes and seeing his nod quickly brought it to her lips and took a small swallow. Raising a brow almost defiantly she returned the bottle to him before lowering her eyes to her hands in her lap and missing his grin at her boldness. She had no clue what he was thinking nor that he was testing her, baiting her to draw her out. At his questions she tensed and her eyes flashed up to him quickly shadowed with fear or so it had seemed for the emotion had been fleeting, but her eyes grew stormy once more, the only color in a now pallid countenance. Teeth gritted she stood abruptly but at his warning look she hastily sat and looked to the floor again. But suddenly her spine went stiff and she held her head with regal poise and spoke quickly hoping he would let her leave all the quicker. "I came with the Captain." She looked to her one puny dagger and then everywhere else in the room but Mr. Pew. As his silence lengthened she looked up locking bold eyes with his "Was there anything else Sir?" she inquired, her tones still respectful but made huskier by drink or fear, but either way she was clearly ready to bolt and would do so given the first opportunity set before her. Only her hands betrayed her nervousness as it toyed with the tip of the dark braid that rested in her lap, that and the wild trapped look that lay deep in those blue green spheres. Her past had been brutal, there had been no praise for work well done, no love. Not but what she had shared with her little brother and he was dead at her step fathers hands. Rage flashed in her exotic eyes and she trembled but this too soon passed. She sat before him still, seeming tranquil, but one could feel the tension she exuded even though it never showed upon her countenance. Indeed she seemed to calm as if they spoke of the weather and not a question that had her guarding secrets.
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