Red Maria
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Finally got my POTC DVD Friday. Watched 3 x through and played with many ofthe features. It was nice to see my fellow Port Royals (Jerry Reys & Louis Lambe) in the "Diary of a Ship" featurette. Still have much to explore! :) I know on some DVDs there are things I think called Easter eggs that activate secret features on a DVD. Is there on on POTC? If so does anyone know how to access them? Thanks
it think of at the moment is, somehow traceing him back to Bristol where most scholars believe he comes from and then try and find a living relative on his maternal line to trace his DNA. You have to use the maternal line because there is a strand in the DNA that is past down from mother to child that remains unique and unchanged down thruogh time. This type of DNA was used to prove that it really is Jesse James buried in his grave and not someone else like alot of legends believed. It also helped prove that Thomas Jefferson did have children with his slave, dispite what his white descendants wish or claim. You're thinking of microchondrial DNA ehich is passed solely along maternal lines to both male and female descendants. It does remain consistant for a long time. But there is also a test that uses the Y chromosone which can trace male lineage and only male. It more difficult but it can be done. If you could match a male claiming to be a Blackbeard decsendant with one of the skullls at least you'd know that the skull and the male were related. But that wouldn't necessarly prove that the skull is Blackbeard's and therefore the male is his decsendant. The size of a skull can indicate the height of the person it belonged to. If any of skulls belong to a man uder 6 ft. those could be eliminated as being too short for Blackbeard.
Which sword is it Deacon? Thanks Ignore this post I found it. I need more caffine in the morning! Too bad I don't have that kind of money.
W@here on the DVD is the break down of the sword fights?
I can't explain the joke Pirata. It seemed funny to me at the time. I guess it went over like a lead balloon or is that like a Led Zepplin?
The Land Shark's On-Line Naming Party!
Red Maria replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in Scuttlebutt
May the Land Shark have smooth sailing on concrete seas and ner' hit a pothole -
And about time too!
Red Maria replied to BLACK JACK SHALAQ's topic in Scuttlebutt
Jack it isn't that kind of virus. I am still coughing up stuff and have a slight snifful but I know I didn't get it from you! :) Glad you're feeling better -
Mario I spotted you at least twice maybe even thrice if that was you being blown up by a hand granade.
When you guys were talking about foxtails I was thinking of those prickly things that get stuck in every part of a costume no matter what event you're at! No it means a fox's tail. Duh! I never noticed them before at events out here. Then I don't look at women's bottoms.
I've done both. There quite a bit of historical accuracy in my costume but it's tempered by the fact I am there to entertain. Also I run to the more flamboyant pirate (think Black Bart or that anonymous Frenchwoman pirate who showed up in NYC during the 18th c.) rather than a standard wench or woman pirate. Also I portray someone who has spent sometime on the Barbary Coast so elements of the costume reflect that. My kit is possible but not proable. Although due to cost considerations what weapons I have are not for combat. When I do get proper weaponry it will not be for show. I do hand out booty to kids but I also give lessons in pirate nuematics (what are pieces of eight?) and other piratical & maritime knowledge. Oh yeah I forgot I have good time at it too. :)
Lee Arnberg. Nice fellow. I have to wait for payday to pick-up mine.
Understandable hun! Welcome back safe and sound. Too bad you couldn't see it on the big screen though. It was awsome! :) I am surprised they don't have screenings of first run movies for the troops! You guys need the break! But better on the small screen than not at all. :) Enjoy it!
Wasn't that rather painful ?!
Red Maria replied to BLACK JACK SHALAQ's topic in Scuttlebutt
I've had it already. It affected my throat. I couldn't speak for a few days, then travelled into my lungs. It's pretty much over except for the occcasionaly coughing fit. Drank plenty of fluids vitamin C, Zinc and echincea. And yes I too had a flu shot! -
???? If you read the article it'll make sense.
I've seen references to a Captain Auguston Blanco. To Spanish pirates who kidnapped a man named Aaron Smith (a copy od his narrative is here in the library), 5 pirates named: Don Peero Gibert, Juan Montenegro, Manual Castillo, Angel Garcia, and, Manual Boyga and this on the web hhttp://www.bruce.ruiz.net/PanamaHistory/Pirates/juan_guartem.htm I think some of my ancestors (I am half Pureto Rican and some of my family were landowners)were more often prey than pirate (though you never know ) I'll look around some more for you Capt. Tito
I know I've posted this else where but in the current issue of "American Neptune" there is an article on Blackbeard titled " Blackbeard & the Meaning of Pirate Captaincy" by Michael Thomas Smith. It gives an alternative interprtation on what's being dicussed and puts BB within the contexts of how pirate crews actually functioned using primary source materials. If anyone wants a copy let me know off line. I will be away from my computer from 4:30 today till Monday. December 1. All I'll need is money for copying and mailing. Having a ship with 40 guns and a crew of 300 .... expensive Being a raving psychotic with a sense of style... priceless
"Suing small words"? Pirata I thought we here in California were sue happy !
You're thinking of The Barbarossa Brothers (Aruj & Hizir)16th c. Barbary Corsairs. Barbarossa means redbeard. OTOH there is a Portugeuse surname of Barbossa. I know of no actual pirate of that name. But that doesn't mean Barbossa couldn't have an identical twin.
And who says you can't be in two places at the same time! I'll be seeing it this weekend so I'll look for the two of you.
I say let's give a toast to the mouse and the house he built .. The rums on me!
Considering how much work you did ....
A name like Bruckheimer and it's not a Hannakah party but a Christmas party? Oy vey! But then again we used to have the menorah next to the Christams tree (with a nativity scene underneath no less!) when I was a kid. :)