Red Maria
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Everything posted by Red Maria
Get aload of this one folks! Let's hope it will not affect POTC 2 & 3 http://www.imdb.com/news/sb/#film1 I think this proves that he is one taco shy of a combo plate. :) Make sure to scroll down.
I. I'm not entirely sure what connection the films have besides Ben Stiller. And I as far as my taste in movies -- well, But, the point is, "Dodgeball" has a pirate in it, huh? OK. Maybe it is Ben Stiller! A pirate in a movie would get me to see about any film but the Ben Stiller thing could be the reason I won't see this one. It's the same with Adam Sandler. And I'm half Jewish!
Well numbers don't always speak of quality. I can think of alot of number one movies that were terrible. Can't you? It's just an opinion that's all John. Not a reflection on you or your taste in movies. OK?
It looked very lame to me. Wasn't dodgeball banned? If not maybe it will be after this movie! It just looks sucky.
Congratulations on Fatherhood Capt Tito! Happy Father's Day to you. Blessings on you, Lady Wendy, and little Julia Rose.
A piece of eight is actually an eigth of a Spanish real (large silver coin) not 8 reals. (large silver coins) so I notunderstanding the monatary value of your coinage. But I congratulate you nonetheless! :)
I had a a pair of Bald Mountain boots once. Elk hide with a winged basilisk design (my own creation). Had them for years till the toilet over flowed in a place I was living in and runied all my shoes. Pricey but worth it!
An Atlas of maritime Florida by Roger C. Smith ... [et. al.] Gainesville : University Press of Florida, 1997. ISBN 081301512X Very good Sources & Further Reading guide.
My dad knew Errol Flynn. Produced Flynn's second to the last film The Big Boodle aka A Night in Havana. Does he have stories to tell! I think they used to go sailing together. From what my father says he was a real character! :) Dad always speaks about Flynn with a great deal of affection.
What can I say? I wears em out.
Did it 3 times and got Capt. Jack Sparrow twice & Will Turner once.
I got that fer me 18th birthday. The same night I spilled my rum... I think it was an omen That said, it be a good film... I just wish he had his top on more and quit smiling To each her own! I like Burt's smile (among othe things). That and the things POTC lifted from Crimson Pirate. :)
The Crimson Pirate with Burt Lancaster. A shirtless Burt Lancaster swinging threw the rigging! Does it for me! Also for the guys Against All Flags, The Spanish Main, Sinbad, & The Black Swan, all with Muareen O'Hara herself.
Mariner's Mealtimes &Other Daily Details of Life Aboard a Sailing Warship byUna A Roberts Dundee [scotland] : Unicorn Preservation Society, 1981 ISBN 0907276016 Although about the British Navy it's pretty much the same for any sailing vessal at the time.
I don't know lass they be talking about hat stiffining on the site!
Pure British! Jolly good, wot! Anyone for tennis? That'll be ten ponies, guv. You're the epitome of everything that is english. Yey :) Hoist that Union Jack! Not bad for a Puerto Rican Jew! :)
I do know he said he couldn't feel the warmth of a woman's flesh..but this, does this mean he'll eat her raw? Hmmm.... most likely not until she's raw.... but I have no doubt she'll be chafed a little. Ok, no more road trips for you with Red Maria....she's rubbing off. Oh Bess is like that normally! She doesn't need any help from me Zorg! HEY!!!!!!
I do know he said he couldn't feel the warmth of a woman's flesh..but this, does this mean he'll eat her raw? Hmmm.... most likely not until she's raw.... but I have no doubt she'll be chafed a little. Ok, no more road trips for you with Red Maria....she's rubbing off. Oh Bess is like that normally! She doesn't need any help from me Zorg!
Got traditional pirate Too! :) I guess that's why we get along Bess!
There were a couple of questions I could have answered a couple of different ways so I took it twice. First time I came up with Will Turner the second as Capt. Jack Sparrow. Wonder what that means?
I got my panatoolns years ago at SoCal Ren. Faire, when it was still in Agoura. I was amember of the privateer/pirate group know as St. Dymphna ot Sea Dogs. All the ladies got a pair and one of the women in the group embroidered the Jolly Roger on tthe seat. :) Mine was differnt than the rrest as the skull was in profile. We all got the pantaloons at Dye Spot which still is in business and still makes pantloons! :) She does custom orders and can be reached at www.dyespot.com I also have harem pants. Black gauze with gold metallic strips. I bought them at a belly dancing event in the $5.00 bin. Never underestimate the $5.00 bin! Check it out and Ren. Faires etc. If you live in the L.A. area try going to Cairo Carnival this weekend. It's at the Glendale Civic Auditorium. The booth I got my harem pants at will be ther, so will the $5.00 bin. For more info go to www.mecda.org I'll be there both days. This is a good place to shop if your persona spent anytime on the Barbary, Indian Ocean, or the Red Sea. Hope that helps! :) P.S. I also know a woman in Upland, CA who does Middle Eastern costuming for $10.00 plus material. She has loads of already made harem pants for cheap. She does excellent work! If anyone wants her number let me know offline.
Sounds like Zorg! :) You can take the man out of the theatre but you can't take the theatre out of the man!
Looks like a good time was had by all! :) I see some of my PRP crewmates were there. Louis, Mitch, Cascabal. So Zorg did you and Mad woman Hawkinson have a good time?
I posted a part of this site in Rabble Rousing where I thought it was appropiate. But the main site has a lot of information historcal and other things that makes it good for here. http://jackytappet.tripod.com While it concentrates on the English Renniasance the info is goo for other periods as well. Have fun!
A member of PRP posted this to our member list. I thougt some of you might find it useful http://jackytappet.tripod.com/pirate.html Tis a fine site indeed! :)