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Red Maria

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Everything posted by Red Maria

  1. Wouldn't that make it "I Pirate" ?
  2. I picked up one meself on Friday. Works wonderfully! just put some distilled water in the skulls mouth and woop there it is! Last year there was a warf side tavern that I want to see if it's still available. I'm looking at the Witch's Lair as well. Create me own pirate haven!! :)
  3. All I got was a dead link. Besides which I thnk Iron Bess has in the past pretty much squeched this rumour as being not true. They (the writers etc.) had though about it but it came to naught due to the fact that the idea was leaked and got in the press. Suprise gone! That was months ago.
  4. 'Bloodey 'eck, we fancy RRselves as pirates, not paparazzi!! ...But 'privacy'???...Best be buyin' an island betwixt Iraq an Iran, no one'll visit ye , says I!.......... But wouldn't that be between Iraq and a hard place? Wouldn't want to endanger Johnny and his kin. Be needin him for the sequels. :)
  5. I be coming too! I'm small and don't take up too much space. :) Anyone got sunscreen?
  6. Yup. It was Zena that ole' Julie crucified in the Zenaverse.
  7. Nay that wa Julius Ceaser. He was captured by Cilian (sp?) pirates. Made friends he did with them ( being the charmer he was) till he was ramsomed. He then took a ship to meet up with his 'frineds' and captured them and crucified them. The people at Zena Warrior Princess took that bit of history and Xena-fied it. :)
  8. Off Cotuit on Cape Cod lies Screecham’s Island, now called Grand Island. For years no one live there, for the ghost of Hannah Screecham frightened people away. She and her sister, Sarah, lived alone on the island at first; but one day they quarreled, and Sarah moved to South Mashpee and built herself a hut in the forest by the place called the "Witches' Pond". Both sisters were evil, and while Sarah became a witch, Hannah befriended pirates who sailed along that coast. Captain Kidd, Black Bellamy, Paul Williams, Ned Low, all of them knew her and feared her, yet they trusted her with their gold. When a pirate ship came lay off shore, the Captain would run up a signal to Hannah. Then a boat put out from the pirate ship, a boat with the Captain and one sailor and a treasure of Spanish Pieces-of-Eight or perhaps bars of bullion, or caskets of jewelsn. Hannah went down to the beach, kissed the captain, and nodded to the sailor. The Captain would give her a shawl, or a locket of hair, or a finger ring. At her direction, the sailor carried the treasure into the interior of the island where a deep pit had been dug. When the last bar was laid in place, and the last coin safe in its box, Hannah pushed the sailor into the yawning pit. Quick-running sands seeped over him, and he was buried alive. Then she would scream like the gull in storm, a cry that mingled with the wind in stunted trees, or the waves shrilling on the outer beach. At that signal, the Captain put back to his ship; and even Ned Low, cruelest of the pirates, shivered as he heard her wail. Yet he knew that his treasure was safe, its whereabouts known to only two, Hannah Screecham and himself. She was never able to dig for gold herself. She tried once--the moment that earth-buried metal touched her, the sand-pits on the Island opened and the ghosts of the men she had murdered put their blue hands to her throat. She has been dead a good long time now, but at evening, when you hear her calling over the waters from Grand Island, you will know that she warns the pirates that someone approaches their treasure.
  9. A few years back someone on the e-pirates list post some tales leading up to Halloween. I'll post some of them First tale In the worst shipwreck which ever occurred on the shores of Cape Cod, the Whydah went down with 144 men aboard on April 26, 1717. [by the way, never set sail on the first Monday in April for that is when old Cain killed Abel, and it’s a day for marking your own death if you’re not careful]. Be that as it may, a disaster that horrible is bound to give birth to many legends, stories and folklore. They say that golden-haired Goody Hallett, disgraced lover of Black Bellamy the Pirate, was out walking the storm-tossed night the Whydah went down. They say she heard the crash of the great ship as it rode up on the sand bar, and the sickening crack of the mainmast as it went by the board. And, through the howling wind and thundering surf, she heard a graveyard groan as the ship broke loose from the sand bar, and as the ship slowly began to capsize, they say she could hear the last frantic clang of the ship’s bell and the screams of dying sailors. And then her own screams split the night with all the anguish of all the lost souls that ever were or are--for she recognized her lover Sam Bellamy’s voice among the dying. And from that time to this old sailors sometimes speak of the clang of a bell coming through the fog from where there ain’t no buoy, or the wailing of a woman cutting through the wild winds of springtime storms from cliff-tops where no woman lives.
  10. Boarder away v. 1 & 2 by William Glickerson. Volume 1 covers edged weapons. from daggers to cutlasses. with a chapter on weapons in hand which cover belaying pins etc. v. 2 cover fire arms from pistols to cannons.
  11. The book I'm talking about has is a facsimile of Parlimentary papers reagrding the the various type of wood used in navy vessal and their procurement. Stuff about the difficulties in getting the softwoods needed for mast (pine and such) which there wasn't much of in Britian. It's part of a series of facsimile books on maritime history. Some of the other titles are:Artes of navigation by Martin Cortes 1561, The history of travel in the West & East Indies by Pietro Martire d'Anghiera et al 1577, The seaman's secrets by John Davis 1633 etc. I looked up scantlin in the OED. Here's what it said: With Reference to the measurment of timber & stone... and of ships or other vessels .. As applied to timber the word usually denotes the sectional dimensions (thicknees & breadth) of a beam etc. in contradistinction to the lenght. In shipbuilding used in singular or plural for the dimensions of the various parts of a vessal, regarded collectively. Sounds like it could mean the difference between a 6 ft 2x4 vs a 10 ft 2x4 of the meaurments of the kneel or the planks etc.
  12. Yeah afterall it is called "Pirates of the Caribbean"!
  13. The real joke is that Singapore didn't exist till around 1810! And if you're going Singapoer route you're better off going to Malaysia. :) But why let history ruin a good line or plot I say. :) I'd rather it be the Barbary coast but who am I to decide? I doubled checked and Singapore was created by a treaty Feb. 6, 1819. So I was off by 8 years. OTOH the movie was off by about 70-75 years!
  14. Your welcome! And bit your tongue! There is no such thing as too many books! :) Be glad I didn't post the book on ship building timber used on navy vessals c 129-1792. Tlak about maritime minutiae !
  15. There's achapter on her in: Bold in her breeches : women pirates across the ages /edited by Jo Stanley ; with contributions from Anne Chambers, Dian H. Murray and Julie Wheelwright London [England] ;|aSan Francisco, Calif. : Pandora, 1995 ISBN 0044408927 And in: Bandits at sea : a pirates reader / edited by C.R. Pennell New York : New York University Press, 2001 ISBN 0814766781 The notes at the end of the chapters will list more information sources. You might be able to get some of the listed information through an ILL (Inter Library Loan) or requesting photocopies of some of the material. Also I think there was an article or two in No Quarter Given. I have the 10 year index at home. I'll try and check it tonight.
  16. What closing date to apply for PRP?! There is no closing date! to apply for PRP! Capt. Grey you can apply anytime you wish and audition at Ojai if you wish! Please do I'd like to see you join! :)
  17. Not to mention sourcing out jobs overseas! Not one American company mentioned! I guess this is what they mean by "other forms of entertainment"
  18. The cheese has slid off that boy's cracker!
  19. I got something called Abe's Tomb. I'm not quite sure that's right.
  20. Bess has anything been said to you yet? Has anything been said to anyone involved in POTC? Anything at all? You know before we all jump to conculsions and have Bess jobless let's see what happens. It could be that the relative of that exec at Disney says nary a word about the whole thing to anyone. We could be turning this into a tempest in a teapot (which I pray for Bess's sake it is). I say hold course Bess and ride it out. Things may work out positively. You've been a loyal Disney employee for literally decades! I really have the feeling that this will work out and nothing will happen to you. You have my Witch's intuition on that! :)
  21. Something inside says this will turn out alright in the end. Keep your chin up girl! BTW has anyone notice our status has changed? Yesterday I was a Dread Pirate. now I'm back to being a Pirate Captain again! I've been demoted!
  22. OK got it this time. Interesting. Thanks
  23. What's the news? When I clicked on thelink all I got was an error page.
  24. Don't look at me. I grew up in the business and I know better!
  25. Privateer The faire is on the shores of Lake Casitas. There is camping nearby if hotels be too dear for you. I'll be up there with the Port Royal Privateers. Capt Faith As to Amtrak go on there website and enter you start point and destination (I confirmed there is still a station in Ventura, CA). There should be a bus up there or as Privateer offered ... Hope you can make it!
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