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James Smythe

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Everything posted by James Smythe

  1. Jas. Smythe has his tickets ready.
  2. Planning on coming down.
  3. Thanks for the heads up.
  4. Had a great time with the Mercury at STL Ren Faire.

  5. Is there any way that the pub can support the tapatalk app for smartphones? I tend to check it more than my computer.
  6. The comic cracks me up as always!
  7. Still coming up as Puerto Rico. Wonder what the story line will be like with this one? At least with On Stranger Tides I had read the book and well it wasnt the book but it had the search for the fountain.
  8. I bet that could wake up near anyone in the morning.
  9. Looks like I will be busting money soon.
  10. Its more a reflection of my life on the coast. With that I never really get tired of playing pirate. Some events are tiring but there is a mental state and it seems to radiate loudly in me.
  11. This is a great idea. I am currently working on a ditty bag for myself. Keeps all the tools in one area.
  12. This comic keeps getting better and better.
  13. Apparently being filmed in Puerto Rico for this one.
  14. I would love one but I won't be able to do Fort Taylor this year.
  15. That is pretty nice!
  16. If they are bucket boots you can put garters under the bucket. Also if you boil it in wax it will stiffen it, though it will become brittle.
  17. Hmmmm... I wouldn't mind trying one of those out... might have to start looking. Very basic look at my current set up. My hone, strop and other oddities excluded.
  18. Is there a picture of this style? Also I don't think I have the necessary skill to try the kind of razor I think you are describing. I will stick with my folding straight with its little monkey tail for now. I am interested though in what PC razors looked like.
  19. So I recently started to pick up straight razor shaving and was wondering if anyone else here might be taking the ol' knife to the face instead of cartridge razors.
  20. I have a brass whisk and vent. They are kind of hard to spot. It is usually near my ammo box.
  21. Haven't quite thought about it. I know I am working on a ditty bag for my seam rubber, fid, and other miscellaneous bits. Maybe a set of slops.
  22. Just thought an update with my garb was in store. the only thing missing is my sailor's jacket. A bit to warm at the Blackbeard Festival.
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