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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. Well at a guess I'd say that the hinges should be roughly...hmmm. To tell you the truth, perhaps you should visit the cove fort first thing in the morning and give me your sound opinions on the matter. For now I'm off to my hammock for a well deserved night of sleep. I shall leave the matter in your capable hands. Goodnight, Mister Hawks.
  2. Thank you, Lady Snow for that happy bit of news. We are all terribly worried about her long silence. Please pass along our felicitations and warm wishes to Mercenary.
  3. Mister Hawks. Master Lasseter has gone ashore with several implements for mending. However, if you would like to try your hand at something challenging, our cove fortress will need some sizeable hinges and braces for the entrance door. We could also use a pick axe and some heavy iron rings for the cannon works.
  4. No, doctor. Keep the bottle for some toast between us at another time. I will beg of you a single favor, but at a later date. For now, let the matter be forgotten. (tips hat) And thank you kindly for the compliments. I shall distribute the rum ration of your praise amongst the workers.
  5. Liam sleeps from 6 to 8 hours at a stretch at night and wakes up with a big smile on his face. He is his own reward. He is almost too cute. He'll get away with everything.
  6. To Mercenary! May her life be a long one and so full of health as to wipe clean the memory of this one stumbling stone in her path. Aye. And the little lad is a happy and pleasant baby. He makes others jealous. I'm told by parents who have known terror children that he is too good for a baby.
  7. (passing Armand and Tempest while going to the galley) Doctor. (tips hat) A few weeks back a patron of the Kate paid part of his bill in frankincense as a tip. Seeing no use for it, and since many of my patrons tip handsomely, I thought you might add it to your apothecary for use as an additive to whatever medicine you might deem appropriate.
  8. One Bailey's for Captain Ciaran. (pulls up a chair) Mercenary went in for a major bit of surgery. And when I say major, I mean the doctor starts talking percentages. Still, it is a relatively common surgery, but I'll leave it to her to talk about the particulars when she gets back, because I for one believe that she'll be fine. She has spirit that one does. Aye. As for Diego, he is on vacation at two ren faires in California and is due back later in the month.
  9. Good evening, Master Lasseter. One Guinness... And might I recommend the Roast Lamb with baby carrots, potatoes and a side of asparagus?
  10. Me. Seriously. I'd rather sing it than listen to it. I've been singing the damn thing since the third grade. "Got a whale of a tale to tell you lad...!"
  11. Thank you, sir. (tips his hat and goes below to add the Captain's arms to the ship's roster)
  12. (turns to leave and turns back) Excuse me, Master Lasseter. Has Mister Hawks been about? I have two shovels that need mending from our labor and should like to have them handy for tomorrow's duties.
  13. Master Lasseter. (tips hat) I am happy to report that the earthern works for the cannon against the inside walls are complete. The lads have been most industrious and I believe our time will be made easier once we begin moving the cannon. I am also glad to report the acquisition of some 14 wine barrels, past used and of some age, now cleaned and refitted for the purpose of keeping fresh water stores behind the walls. With your permission, I should like to distribute your offer of extra rations amongst the hard laborers.
  14. Pssst. (Whispers) Everyone is Irish.
  15. NNOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Well, okay. But take pictures. And this better be the last year you go without me!
  16. Consider it a compliment. It's still sweet. Just Irish sweet.
  17. An Irish accent. I don't know. You certainly have the piss and vinegar of the Irish, lass.
  18. I am Italian, Danish, Scottish, German, French, Spanish, American... ...Pirate.
  19. Certainly. Mmmm... ...cheese.
  20. consider your prescription filled.
  21. Milk...? I get a request for milk so infrequently. Well...never.
  22. Aye, sir. (smiles a bit) The idea of taking them over land...well...aye, sir. I shall haul them only as far as necessary on land. As for the Master Gunner, I have sent him word, but shall not wait for him to begin what labor I can. There is much to be done.
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