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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. (tips hat) Aye, aye, sir. I will see to it presently. (William finishes his fine meal and with a musket and a pistol in hadn he makes his way through the dockyards and out to the cove.)
  2. Well, my good Master Die...oh...begging your pardon. My good...Monsigner. How good it is to see you returned and in good health.
  3. Thank you kindly, Christine. I am glad that our fair cook doesn't stand on ceremony. (William dishes himself a plate with a smile and a nod to the cook.)
  4. Excellent. A fine match. Aye. A very fine match indeed. I do ever so enjoy watching first matches. I am too removed from my training these many years. I'm better with an axe and a pistol.
  5. Well, well, well...I'm a scourge. I didn't even notice right away. In celebration, all drinks are free! Aye! Bring on the roast beef and potatoes!
  6. (William puts off his rest and eating to watch this small spectacle. He rolls over a powder cask and plops down on it to watch.)
  7. (William returns from the holds carrying a rapier and main gauche and hands them over to Master Lasseter. Then he asks while smiling...) Is this to be a private bout or shall I remain to see that no one gets hurt? And if you must hurt one or the other, let me remind you, that it should not be the doctor. That would...complicate the matter.
  8. :: unable to speak without betraying his amusement completely, he tips his hat in return :: (William returns the smile, feeling too pleasant today not to. The he goes below to change out of his dirty clothes and rest before the next assignment.)
  9. Steady on there, Mister Ciaran. Fetch this Captain a chair and be quick about it! The man has lost his sea legs at the sight of decadent vittles.
  10. There can be no blame whatsoever as touching your parentage, seeing what care they put into making the rest of you... (William's smile only widens the more.) If you'll excuse me, doctor. Master Lasseter. (tips hat) I have left the fort in the capable hands of the ship's blacksmith and he has set about in the completion of all the iron fittings for our little fortress home. He is there also to finish the forge and the gate housing.
  11. My lady doctor, you have a tongue as sharp and silvery as any of your instruments. Aye. (shakes a finger) A siren surgeon of the first order is our own Tempest. Passing out compliments and ointments...prescribing heavy flattery on humble sailors. (William's smile spreads into something both boyish and devilish) Why, any sailor worth his salt can sing a song as well as I have just done.
  12. (William stands briefly again.) Bonjour, bon docteur! Merci...de votre éloge. (The cart pulls up to the Watch Dog and two sailors spill out from the cart.) Gentleman, the morning is yours. Take the time to make yourselves known to the cook at the Kate and see that you are on good terms with a bathing tub before returning to your duties. (William walks up the gangplank still whistling the previous tune.)
  13. (As William approaches the Watch Dog his baritone voice carries over the docks.) Seven long years I courted Sally, Aye, aye, roll and go! She called me 'boy and Dilly Dally,' Spend my money on Sally Brown. Seven long years and she wouldn't marry, Aye, aye, roll and go! And I no longer cared to tarry, Spend my money on Sally Brown. So I courted Sal, her only daughter, Aye, aye, roll and go! For her I sail upon the water, Spend my money on Sally Brown. Sally's teeth are white and pearly, Aye, aye, roll... (William takes notice of Tempest at the rail and stands a moment in the cart to tip his hat. ) Thank goodness for sea legs.
  14. One glass of rose coming right up.
  15. Shrimp and vegetables coming right up!
  16. (William dishes up a sample of each on a large platter for Tempest and sets aside a generous slice of cake for Kendra) Now, what would like to drink?
  17. Thanks, all. Much of the praise goes to my wife who went out of her way to add every little embelishment she could think of as she went along, often making extra trips to the store for more trim and beads. And yes, Kendra, you can show the picture to your mom. Now...today's special is baby carrots... ...pork loin... ...roast peppers... ...sauteed vegetables... ...peeled shrimp... ...roast beef and scallops... ...and three decedant desserts. Now I'm hungry.
  18. I know. Little pirate is going to get away with everything. I might as well spoil him.
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