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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. I recommend a pecan chicken salad with a light yogurt based dressing.
  2. I plan to attend more faires and festivals. I shall build a waterfall in the back yard. I will write a children's book.
  3. Black Spot -- To "place the Black Spot" on another pirate is to sentence him to death, to warn him he is marked for death, or sometimes just to accuse him of a serious crime before other pirates.
  4. When I say "wrong" I mean "infamous".
  5. Or set things wrong. Depending on your motivation.
  6. I might need one of those. And when I say "might" I actually mean "will have" one of those.
  7. Lady Devyl'N, would you be so kind as to show us the remaining pictures from the gathering. Those of us who were unfortunate enough to miss the good time had by all in attendance, would greatly appreciate a chance to view the events which transpired. Truly we would.
  8. Mister Badger's moustache could put an eye out. I'm jealous.
  9. I can't wait to see England again. It's been far too long.
  10. Let's see those model boats, ships in a bottle and dioramas.
  11. Well...post some picture already. It's four minutes after midnight on the West Coast.
  12. It looks like it is topped with butter and chives. ewwwww.
  13. In honor of my first pirate festival, I would like to start the year off with a slice of Key Lime Pie.
  14. I love Medford. Do they still have the drumming gatherings in the park downtown?
  15. I'll join you. A very Happy New Year, Miss Smith. Aye. A very happy one indeed.
  16. Friend Artist Dancer Musician Writer Mother Everything
  17. The room was awash with light and music. It was heady stuff. Wine, women and song as far as the eye could see, and William had always been able to see quite well. He was not immune to the many dark eyes that peered over fans in his direction. He was not impervious to the stolen looks and half disguised smiles that floated his way. More than once he raised a single eyebrow in response to some subtle flirtation from across the room. Once or twice he raised a glass with the gentlest of nods. He would not have thought he could be so easily distracted from all of the thoughts of the day, but he was. "If music be the food of love, play on..." he whispered to himself. "I beg pardon?" queried a nearby Mister Lasseter. "Oh, nothing." William returned.
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