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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. "More than the balcony can offer. I am returning to the Watch Dog presently." Mister Lasseter made as if to speak and William raised a hand with a smile. "Before you ask, there is no need for either of you to return tonight. I am taking Mister Badger with me and I may perhaps send him back again. I don't wish to deprive any of you a night's stay in a comfortable bed and the benefit of time away from duty."
  2. Just add a plethora of sea terms like... Windlass Capstain Bilge Bucket gob Rum Ration Starboard Larboard Reef Knot Ratline Galley Larder Swivel Gun Shroud Jib Spar Cooper Just add more variables.
  3. William and Fournier conversed only for a moment and it was an exchange of wills. William, distracted by thoughts past and present, had decided to return to the Watch Dog and forego anymore of the Don's hospitality. Fournier insisted that he stay and sleep a night on a mattress of goose down and forget his cares for the time being. They exchanges well crafted phrases in an effort to convince the other that their's was the better plan. Still, in the end, William shook off all efforts to remain and celebrate. For him it was celebration enough to be alive, well fed and to carry these new dispatches of wealth and possibility. And the Watch Dog, with its small hammock hung privacy, held more sway for him, so he bid his goodnight to the French captain. He made his way to the balcony to make his departure known his Quartermaster and Doctor.
  4. When his appetite for food was satisfied, William entered the throng of women on the wide dance floor. Careful not to upset any couples already at their turns, William hand picked a woman of surpassing beauty and invited her out for a dance. With her permission, they entered the dance floor and he forgot who he was for the few minutes that they swirled about the room. He chose to be unaware of the eyes that followed him, concentrating all of his charm on the woman in his arms, but he failed. He was a third of the way through the dance when he remembered the cottage in Greencastle. His step never faltered. His expression didn't change. But in that moment the night was over for him. He finished the dance with the young lady, escorting her back to the waiting throng of friends he had plucked her from. If she was disappointed by this quick dispatch, she hid it well. William was already moving away. He made his way to Fournier.
  5. Very nice. http://www.dauphinisland.org/fort.htm Do you know the dates of both events?
  6. I'm a fan. I just happen to be joining some friends this evening to watch Horatio. We've been getting together every few weeks or so to watch the films.
  7. While we were at Pirates in Paradise we went scuba diving. Two of the divers were serving at the military base there in Key West and we asked them what they do primarily at the base there. We learned that the Navy works side by side with customs, the FBI, the NSA, the Coast Gaurd and every other international waters organization there to capture smugglers and drug runners in Caribbean waters. I just smiled at one of the guys and said, "Lad, you're a privateer and pirate hunter." He replied, "Too bad I don't get prize money for the sale of the boats."
  8. Buy a lighter pair. Then take the lighter pair and stain them a darker brown using a combination of dark brown dyes. Stain them unevenly for an aged look.
  9. This was the first one I joined. http://www.piratesinfo.com/mysql/phorum/?
  10. It's MC's birthday. Bring out the long table!
  11. Are you oft infirm Cap'n? Oh no. However, when I get a flu I get hit by a cement truck.
  12. I am feeling ever so much better today. I thought I would be bedridden before the week was out, but this sickness passed much more quickly than usual. We need some hot chocolate and French pastries.
  13. William watched the interchange between Lamaire and Tempest, sure that the outcome would find the good Doctor joining the duelist in the morning. She was a creature of loyalties and duties. He was also certain that part of her possessed appetites worthy of a tiger. While they were at this conversation William took the opportunity to peruse one of the many heavy laden tables. Here he found sweat meats, pies, sauces, breads, cheeses, tarts and all manner of opulence. Whatever the mind might imagine, the stomach was the benefactor of it. He had not seen so much food at once since his youth and then only at a banquet of considerable size. William doubted if there were enough guests tonight to clean two thirds of the food before them. It was as impressive as it was gluttonous. Still, he understood the nature of the waste. It was a currency of power as threatening and as formidable as soldiers or weaponry. It cried wealth. It purred hidden strength. It belied the truths that no person of court would ever speak aloud. Yes, this overspilling display of consumables was a currency all its own. William filled a plate with a generous portion of the Don's good fortune.
  14. I wish I could make it, but the half way point for me is St. George, Utah.
  15. What the...? Now I have to scrounge up a broom.
  16. evening merc! hope you've recovered from that pigeon incident earlier. hate it when that happens! william - a nice juicy steak, medium raw, baked potato with butter, sour cream and chives and some nice fresh sugar snap peas, ifin you would be so kind. and some raspberry mead to top it off please. thank you so much! If you add anything else the place will be a Texas Roadhouse. Now I'm craving cornbread.
  17. "She has my permission to remain ashore, but you must ask her yourself to accompany you on this errand. I would also ask that she choose another of my officers to go as well. I do not like the idea of leaving any one member of my crew ashore alone ." William said while waving off the offered glass. He had already partaken of too much of that fruit tonight. "Given the recent abductions, I hope you won't mind my caution and the extra company." "Not at all, Capitaine Hollande." Lamaire said, fixing Tempest with a smile.
  18. They walked side by side through the garden. William walked with his cane tapping forward ahead of him in long, casual strides. Fournier strode with a more refined air, sipping his glass as they went. The night was not altogether void of clouds, but the sky above was pocked with stars and a moon that impeded their brilliance not at all. They discussed the world and the nations that governed her. Their conversation naturally drifted to that element upon which they rode and the ships they travelled by. They were still in conversation, proudly expounding on the virtues of their own ships, when they found themselves back among the swirling throngs of dancing guests. There they found their own officers mingled together. Some more than others.
  19. Aye. http://www.albionsmallarms.co.uk/17th19thcent.htm
  20. Patience. I'm down with the flu.
  21. Tonight's Special is Grilled Flank Steak... ...and guitar music.
  22. Well, if you like halibut, then you must try the Pimento Halibut...
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