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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. Excellent. You can tell Mr. Pogue to wait for the next one.
  2. You need bed rest in the Caribbean somewhere and you should take me along as a personal consultant, because...well...it's warmer there than here.
  3. I highly recommend an ARMA course, if you can find one in your area. http://www.thearma.org/about.htm
  4. Upstate New York Pirate. Excellent. Lovely area. Welcome aboard.
  5. Sorry for the shirt delay. I've finally cleared my schedule and I'm putting in the order. I've sent out a confirmation on shirt sizes by PM to those of you that ordered shirts. If you did not get a Private Message from me, just send me a PM to confirm your shirt size. I'm placing the order in two days and they'll be screened and shipped by early next week.
  6. You need reminding? But...you're a distilled spirit. Speaking of spirits, and returning to talk of fire, I believe we could use some bananas foster...
  7. August 3, 1704 - Aboard the Lucy William stood awhile in silence, pondering the many problems before him. The Stoneburrows' stabbing had seemed important when first brought to light, but in the wake of the den Oven matter, it had paled considerably. Still, having a murderous opportunist aboard smacked of too much Tawny or Muller, so the matter would have to be broached ere they departed this now unfavorable island. "Gentlemen, I fear that a pragmatic outlook is called for in the hours ahead. Den Oven, foolish though he may seem in some matters, will likely have taken his leave of Martinique to destinations unknown. In light of his all too recent accommodations he has good reason to place himself far from here and far from us. We will of course seek him out, but if he has quit the island, I cannot argue his capture well enough to make it seem profitable to the whole of the Whole Company. I cannot imagine that they would see the need of his capture to be above the idea of another drink ashore here or the expectation of more coin in...Southern climbs." Dorian made a face. "It's th' intelligence he might deliver ta them that bothers me." He said 'them' with a tone of practiced disdain. "Intelligence...?" Preston scoffed aloud, as if the word had no place when used in context with den Oven. "Anything he might say of me would not besmirch my reputation with...them." William emphasized, using the same tone with a smile. "Come, Gentlemen. We shall be about our business a short while and rest a full watch before the pressing duties of the morning." "Aye." they said together. "I'm off to kick the 'Dog a bit. We shall consider our stay here at an end and make preparations to that end." William clapped Dorian at the forearm in Roman fashion. It was a gesture too genuine to be antiquated. He also made a point of slapping Preston on the shoulder, reminding the new Ship's Master how glad he was to see him up and about. Then he departed the Lucy for more familiar surroundings. Just prior to Eight bells of First Watch
  8. The cook sleeps in the nude, often with unidentifiable bedmates, and he bathes only when it rains, so I'm lucky not to have a rash of poisoned guests. Still, he makes a mean brioche.
  9. That stretch of virgin sand...white gold under bare feet. We were spoiled rotten, and most of us are rotten already. Rotten to the core. A toast! To the rotten lot!
  10. I could use a little Jack on the harmonica, a little Silkie on the vocals...and a little Lawrence on the howitzer.
  11. And while the flames dance, perhaps a chocolate tart with a tropical flare. Something to offset the smell of burning oakum.
  12. Virtually speaking, we have a plethora of boats.
  13. We'll break open a round of the '65 and go down to the beach and burn a random longboat.
  14. He has lymphoma and it might have metastasized to his spine. I should know by tomorrow. I've known him since I was eight. He lived a block away from me years ago and now he lives a block away again.
  15. It has been a very long day. My internet went down for the third time in a week and my service provider had to send a repairman to fix the line. We had back to back doctor appointments right after that. A neighbor came by to see if we were still getting rid of an extra bed in the garage, which we were. A friend of mine needed my help at the hospital and I had to rush off to help him for awhile until his wife could join him there. It's exhausting to see people you care about suffering. Then I had to go to Lowes to return a bad thermostat. Add to this several work projects and a trip to the post office and you have my day. Not to mention a baby and a toddler and a house slowing disappearing under baby wipes and new clothes and a photobucket account that won't upload any pictures of Aeva. I need chocolate.
  16. Aye. Plenty long. There are drinks to be had and cloud of cigar smoke to be raised on the quarterdeck. Blast...I gave the last of the Kate's swivels to the 'Dog. Someone fetch me a keg of fine powder.
  17. Welcome aboard, Miss Ashcombe. You have been added to the crew compliment along with Maeve, Liam and Aeva.
  18. Everyone must be quite sauced by now, but for those of you that can still stand... A toast! To my best friend and companion! A moment of silence for Tracy, for whom words fail and to whom no title is adequate.
  19. Whew.... The week was a long and busy one, but comfortable. We tackled a few last minute changes to the house and I braved the storage piles in the garage to dig out a few baby chairs, swings and a child seat for the car. Wednesday night I surprised Tracy with a last quiet date before the storm. A friend of ours watched Liam while we went to dinner and a movie. We saw Juno, which proved apropos of course. Thursday morning we dropped off Liam at my brother's house. Liam didn't seem to care that we were leaving as he has a cousin his own age. We arrived at the hospital at 10:30 am and were put up in a very spacious and comfortable room with a view of the mountains. Two hours later we were in the delivery room and a half an hour after that, Aeva Loraine was born. The next few days were typical of a hospital stay, post c-section, though the room was much larger than when Liam was born and Tracy was in better health. We were visited by a handful of family and friends and spent much of the time just sitting together and enjoying a quiet recovery. I must say this...Tracy is a viking. She left the hospital a full day early, surprising the staff and her doctor with her considerable mobility. Despite my protests, she is already busying herself about the house. She is as tireless as she is lovely. Aeva is sleeping soundly next to me in the office as I type this and Liam is eating chocolate chip cookies that some friends just dropped off. The cat is watching the cursor cross the screen. All is well and we are looking forward to some quiet and not so quiet day and weeks ahead. Thank you all for your remarks.
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