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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. And would you like a flintlock version of the Walther PPK to complete the ensemble...?
  2. Are you drinking water because you have to?
  3. Amanjiria has recently gone to great lengths to put together a great DVD of the Pirates in Paradise festival. Hours of filming and editing were contributed to make a fantastic record from last year and a promotion for this year and years to come. I approached a friend with a celtic band who agreed to let us use music from three different albums for tracks on the DVD. He was more than happy to let us use them, believing that other members of the band and former members would not mind us using them for this purpose. However...we've run aground. Some of the band members have decided that they do not want us to use the tracks, or in some cases, argued how we should give credit and it has turned into a greater mess than we ever expected. So...to make a long story short, we are forced to use new music and re-edit portions of the DVD. The packaging is all finished and the filming and editing is all complete, but we have to re-edit for new music and we are requesting music from the masses here on the pub. We are specifically looking for as much acoustic instrumental music as we can find. Music with vocals would be appreciated as well, but we need more instrumentals if we can get them. If we use your original recordings, we will credit to you and your bands for the music in the credits on the DVD. The DVD is very important as a promotional tool and a keepsake for all of the hard working pirates at PIP, so please help us complete this great project. I know we have a lot of talented people here on the Pub and we would love to showcase your work on this project. Feel free to ask questions here or contact us privately.
  4. Captain Red Head? Where am I going to find lime chips at this hour? I best don my best highwayman attire and go asearching.
  5. Actually you can. Wade Olsen won the Baconeater challenge at the sixth annual Baconfest and vomitted it all up again later that night. Steev had nitrate farts for three days after the competition. I believe even great things should be delved out in portions equal to our capacity to bear them. More wine?
  6. Speaking of cooking, tonight's special is bacon wrapped pork chops, because nothing compliments pig like more pig.
  7. You speak of them as separate agendas, but in truth, I do realize that a daily visit to the Kate makes for a very short, but content life.
  8. A bit of butter...no. We serve the butter around here on plates in large slabs, so we can provide butter by the plate full.
  9. Aye. Bread we have and in great numbers.
  10. He's been drinking. We were never friends. I joke of course...though I was labeled a pirate by powers great and small long before we ever met, and to be perfectly honest, the title is as real now as it once was honorary.
  11. August 4, 1704 - At the Lucy William muttered some comparison about sweeps versus oars and smiled to hear the bells. He took the opportunity to fetch out Stoneburrows pocket watch then and test it against the time kept on the Lucy and Watch Dog, nodding his approval. Echos of the time were sounded by ships all over the bay, with no answering bells ashore. William noted that Jim Warren had purchased a handsome timepiece himself, a benefit of his recent shares and an affectation of his recent promotion. William smiled to see it, though he frowned a bit as well, for he had intended to buy Jim a watch before setting sail, and would now have to find another gift befitting his rise aboard the 'Dog.
  12. We have soy sauce aplenty. I recommend Thai salty eggs on an English muffin. East meets West.
  13. Only because you've been drinking again. You, my friend, need another drink.
  14. I remember chocolate and some drinking.
  15. August 4, 1704 - at the Lucy "Sweeps..." William said smiling, his eyes on the bay. "That would be a sight indeed. I haven't manned the sweeps in...well..." he laughed then and would not say how long it had been.
  16. August 4, 1704 - At the Lucy William and Jim Warren went over to the Lucy as the call went up for all hands of the cutter to gather at the bow. Jim made a point of congratulating Preston on his promotion as did Preston to Jim. William made a point of naming his alterations to the frigate's muster, so that Dorian would be aware of them in the days and weeks ahead. He also passed a bag of coin to Dorian which represented the last split shares that would serve to buy stores both here and at Trinidad. He also proffered a bottle of fine French spirits for the occasion. "To prizes sold and prizes retained." William remarked as his eyes fell over the Lucy in the early light.
  17. Today's special is a grilled chees sandwich with bacon...ohhhhyes.
  18. Skimp and save. Sometimes I get a little windfall and I can go to events and sometimes I can't.
  19. You can never have enough wine. Mostly because when you have enough you forget how much you've had and this leads to counting glasses when you're too sloshed to count whish leads to more glasses because...because... ...what glass are we on?
  20. August 4, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog William noted Dorian's arrival from his vantage point on the Watch Dog's quarterdeck. The frigate floated at anchor not four dozen yards from where the Lucy was berthed, teaming with activity as a mixed watch of men and women brought supplies aboard and down into the waiting holds. Among the crew at the rails, stood a blurry eyed Master Gunner in the form of Petee Youngblood. He wore a smile on his face despite an obvious hangover. His coat lay over the rail amidships and he was running some of the new recruits through the rigorous duties of cleaning the great guns that the rest of crew had comes to expect. He was neither to kind or too brutal to them, but his face was all business and the obvious effects of the night before had the new recruits in a cautious mood. In truth, Petee was watching to see who would stand out and which of the new men would speak his mind and demonstrate prowess under a watchful eye. William paced along the deck and as he passed he made a point of observing Petee at work. "What think you of our new recruits, Mister Youngblood?" Petee, who managed a salute with a pipe clenched in one side of his mouth and a bit of slow match in the other made a dismissive sound. "What men would tha' be, Sah...? These...scarecrows here? These half starved ark-ruffians?" He didn't even look at them as he spoke. William let his eyes fall over them all, and noted that already, some of them looked healthier for their labors and the open sun. He smiled a little at Petee's dismissal, recognizing it as the common challenge that many officers employed. It was little more than the slap on the face or the cold water thrown. He also noted that most of the new recruits took it well and were untouched, for a good man knows his own worth. Also, there was that lingering look of tired relief on them to be well fed and properly used. "Carry on, Mister Youngblood." "Aye, Sah." William moved further forward where he found Jim Warren putting the crew to task at the cables and rigging of the holds. Jim looked almost as tired as Petee, but for a bearing that reflected the Captain he had been before and would some day be again. He stood with a tankard from the galley and a look of reflection as he ordered men about. The man was truly in his element.
  21. Welcome aboard, Mate. Which part of Colorado are you from?
  22. August 4, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog William awoke at seven bells of the Midwatch and could not find sleep again before eight bells. He dressed then and found Tudor at the Ward Room table where she served him hot fare, the daily reward of being so close to land. William ate as he paced the small room and he continued standing until he was awake enough to begin the business of the day. While he ate, Tudor explained her trip ashore in the company of Lieutenant De la Cruz and the questions he had put to her. William listened with interest and was not surprised that the First Mate of the Navarra had touched upon William's past. After all, the popular gossip of his past was colorful, if not wildly inaccurate. "They wait upon the decision to enlist me to their cause, not knowing if my reputation should be a boon...or a curse." "Perhaps they want the monster more than the man, Captain." Tudor offered. "Perhaps." William agreed. He dismissed her and went in search of Mister Badger. Once found, he explained to him that the forepart of the Larboard Watches were to go ashore and replace the Starboard Watches there wherever they could be found. Were this not done, the Starboard Watches would know the benefit of too much time ashore, ere they departed, having had the first leave at Martinique. Any man of the Larboard Fore Watches who could not find a Starboard man to replace him, would have to return by two bells of the Morning Watch and would miss any last respite ashore, for William meant to leave the Cul du Sac Royal by noon of that day if possible. "Call all hands and see the ship prepared to take on supplies at the docks. I meant to move her within the hour. Then you and they will have the morning, Mister Badger. Remind them to be forthright." "Aye, sah." Next, William sent for Mathew Campion, Claude Marchande, and then after a moments thought, Teek Ranst. He had the men brought to the Ward Room where he explained their promotions respectively, calling the Dutchman to the post of Carpenter's Mate under Jonah Greene. William was direct and brief in his explanation, appointing both Coxswains without asking for their thoughts or feelings on the matter. Mister Campion was surprised, but also self assured enough that he accepted the promotion with an air of practiced dignity. Claude was genuinely gracious and thanked the Captain for his confidence. Teek, whose English was very poor at best, seemed confused, surprised, and after some discussion in two languages, surprised and confused all the more, though he could not contain his smile as understanding slowly settled in. "Mister Campion, you will be available at all times of great need, but when not on duty you will be numbered among the Starboard Watches." "Aye, Sah. Very good, Sah." "Mister Marchande, you will remain with the Larboard Watches and you are dismissed ashore with the forepart of that watch to enjoy the day how you may until the noon hour." "Thank you, Sah." "Take Mister Ranst with you ashore and see that he understands his last, short leave." "Aye, Sah." He dismissed the three new officers, following them out into the predawn darkness on the Cul du Sac Royal. The wind of the morning was waxing stronger and it carried with it sound from all parts of the sleepy bay. Campion went immediately to the binnacle and began to make himself familiar with the Watch Dog's many instruments there. Claude and Teek went below to fetch up coin and clothing for shore and William took his place on the Quarterdeck. The rest of the crew was already busy above and below as they woke the 'Dog. First bell of the Morning Watch
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