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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. A very happy birthday to you, Mister Flint. I hope the day finds you well, and for your birthday, I hope that a a few good Thai, Indian and Japanese restaurants inexplicably open up in that small town where you find yourself.
  2. Perhaps some Salep, given the main dish, and some information for your ordinary... "Salep (sahlab) is also the name of a beverage made from salep flour, whose popularity spread beyond Turkey and the Middle East to England and Germany before the rise of coffee and tea and later offered as an alternative beverage in coffee houses. In England, the drink was known as "saloop". Popular in the 17th and 18th centuries in England its preparation required that the salep powder be added to water until thickened whereupon it would be sweetened then flavored with orange flower or rose waters."
  3. Commendable lists and links, Jon. I'll pass those on to my lovely wife.
  4. It's been a long few days with even longer days ahead. So much work and so little time. Still, we have some toasted bread and various Middle Eastern dips, so gather if you wish and we'll share a sop.
  5. Welcome aboard. I have family out Nebraska way, though I've been there but a few times.
  6. Just a little over seven months to go and still so much left to do. I'm having the devil of a time recruiting people from my part of the country. Landlocked. Removed entirely from the ocean. How are our recruitments coming along elsewhere? We need to start posting fliers at every little gatheirng and shindig this side of...well...anywhere.
  7. Aye. One of those few SPAM emails in dire need of punctuation.
  8. Even now, if someone had to trephine my skull, I still might not be concerned with the cleanliness of the tool above the act itself. Still, I wouldn't let anyone but Mission carve a hole in my head, drunk or sober.
  9. More disturbing than the trephine itself is the fact that he seems to be operating on a severed head, and not a live patient at all.
  10. Just a bit to take away the blues.
  11. Tonight's late special is a bit of mako to celebrate the Shark's win against Calgary in the seventh game.
  12. A nice rose wine with Apple, Calvados and Cinnamon Charlotte dessert...
  13. Aye, raosted potatoes... ...snow peas Annnnnnd...wait for it...
  14. I'm glad you asked. Tonight's special is beef brisket with a raspberry chipotle sauce...
  15. August 4, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog The Forenoon Watch was drawing to a close when Alain Roux was brought before Captain Brand. William surveyed the man up and down and was impressed by the overall countenance and demeanor of him. Monsieur Roux was all but bronzed for his time in the sun and looked well worn from hard labor. His white hair was a bit misleading, for the man was not old, but neither was he young. He was thin for a working man, but proved strong enough to attack a few simple tasks that William put to him. William's sole hesitation lay in the man's seemingly brief command of Engllish, so William was cautious to take on one more man who could not fully communicate with the crew. He devised, there and then, a final test that would accomplish some of his unfinished errands and see what a few of his new recruits might do when instructedt. William called for Christophe Lefevre, Thomas Crips and Richard Tollervy. He introduced the three men to Alain Roux, whom he explained had just joined the Watch Dog. Alain beamed to be introduced so and made no effort to hide his pleasure at the appointment. He was however surprised by the stark contrast of the three men before him. Christophe Lefevre was a young man of very dark hair who spoke only French. Richard Tollervy was nearly the same age as the Captain, but taller and of obvious English origin. Thomas Crips was the most striking of all, as he was much older than anyone else present, being grey, withered and by all appearances, blind. Still, he took each man's hand in turn. "Mister Tollervy." William called. "Aye, Sah." "Time is short." "Aye, Sah." "I want you to take these men with you for the purpose of buying hammock and gear for Mister Roux, a fiddle for Mister Crips, and an English Bible for Mister Lefevre." Alain looked grateful, Christophe looked confused and the light and smiled which crossed the face of Thomas looked almost like sight restored. "Aye, Sah." Richard returned, smiling to see the ship's 'soon to be fiddler' so happy at the idea of an instrument to play. "Also, you are to fetch back some birds for the 'Dog." "Birds, Sah?" Richard asked and did not seem to understand this command at first, for many chickens had already been brought aboard the frigate. William did not explain. Instead he waited to see if the Richard would comprehend given a moment's pause, and indeed after a moment, the idea seemed to dawn on the former accipitrary. "Oh! Aye, Sah! Very good, Sah. Shall they be messengers or...hunters, Sah?" "Perhaps both, but messengers first, if you please." "Aye, Sah. I'll do what I can, Sah." Richard agreed. "But...the Bible, Sah...?" "As a French Catholic, Mister Lefevre is no doubt familiar with the many important passages of the Good Book, but...as he is not familiar with the English language, we shall endeavor to teach him with a familiar text. He will therefore purchase himself an English Bible, if you please." "I shall see that he does, Sah." "Very good, Mister Tollervy. Please see them all returned within two hours. I'll not wait further." "Aye, Sah." Just before eight bells of the Forenoon Watch
  16. How much would it cost for each if I were to buy three at once?
  17. Ahhhh...the cry of the artist. I know it well. Can I be paid? Will I be paid? It's an eternal struggle as vast and unknown as the sea.
  18. You have but to name the food, Miss Tribbiani.
  19. An artist and a sailor. You're living the dream.
  20. August 4, 1704 - At Martinique Alain Roux took a a full day's earnings, indeed all of the money which he possessed, and bought himself a good pair of used shoes. Though old, they were in good shape and well oiled; the shoes of a working man. He had considered buying a pair of new shoes, but had found the idea pretentious and a not a little foolish, for he wanted to portray what he was. A sailor. There wasn't much coin left after the shoes were purchased, but he managed a second hand monmouth cap and a better shirt than he had owned in months, though of third rate cloth. He bore these to a stream which fed into the bay, using the last of the soap he had borrowed from a maid with pretty grey eyes that he might bath himself. He was careful to set aside his good sailor's knife and a horn comb that a cousin had once given him long ago. Now, washed, dressed, determined and with hat literally in hand, he made his way towards the throng of men loading the privateer frigate to see if the English captain there would take another Frenchman as crew. Between seven and eight bells of the Forenoon Watch
  21. August 4, 1704 - Aboard the Watch Dog The noon hour was almost upon the Watch Dog when Pascal and Manus returned from their search to points North and East of St. Louis. They were unhappy to report any discovery, but unhappier still when they learned of Scymmelpenninck's demise and further evidence of den Oven's escape. William thanked them both for their efforts and sent them to the galley for fare and respite. William was also informed of Miss Tribbiani's tribulation, but with no one yet aboard to tend to her, she was left in the ministrations of Ciaran, who proved as capable as some and more than others for the moment. Soon after learning of this, Lieutenant Roldán De la Cruz arrived with the long expected letter from Capitán Avendano. The Spanish Captain had finally come to ask Captain Brand and his men to escort the Navarra safely to Trinidad, and almost too late. William sent back word again that he would meet with Captain Lasseter and discuss the matter at St. Pierre, but that he was of a mind to go with them.
  22. Today's lunch begins with a light vegetable soup...
  23. Tonight we need a kiwi, grapefruit and crab salad appetizer...
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