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Posts posted by greenighs

  1. Well, my tuppence goes for ... I haven't a clue. Never met a man for whom "forever" meant the same thing as it does for me. I don't think the warm fuzzy feeling lasts for always, it comes and goes, but I know what fidelity is (not that polyamorosity is out of the question, but being faithful to the one who's got your heart AND your back), and I haven't met anyone else who really gets it. I've got an infinite capacity for love, sometimes it seems like I have about the same for lust, so if the one comes my way who likes what he sees and with whom I see igh to igh, then what fun we'll have! Until then, there are a lot of sailors out there who might like some of what I got, so my work's cut out for me. :lol:

  2. I've got Tom Waits' Blue Valentine, Rain Dogs, and Small Change and Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison in the changer. Also have a bunch of random mp3s on a disc in there, Master P, They Might be Giants, Bob Dylan, Etta James, The Who (Squeezebox, twice!)

  3. The Buffalo Theory

    "Well ya see, Norm, it's like this ... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first.

    This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members.

    In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers."

    --Cliff Claven, Cheers

  4. I know there is another thread some where in here that I have seen asking why do we have more lookers then us.(members) Well because they see this stuff and don't want anything to do with the Pyracy Pub. Thanks for such perfect exsample on why we have more lookers then we have members. Mabe it is Because of this Crap, Tell me Diffrent.

    I thot it was because most of the active threads are 180 pages of some in-joke that it would take months to digest and understand, and newbies like m'self get crickets chirping fer responses. :lol:

  5. What? Not a one o' ye ha' played on th' one-holed trouser pipe? Since I don' ha' one o'me own, I can only practice if some kind feller will lend me his. Still, I've managed t' bring forth a tune now n' again, fine instrument that it be. Anyone else admit to playin? Yea, it be a hard thing to perform before a crowd, I'm sure, but perchance some o' ye ha' played upon one in private.

  6. Got this handle in '95 when all the other spellings of "green eyes" were taken on Dalnet IRC. And me ighs are green, after all. I'm greenighs on all the boards I frequent (mostly marine aquarium/reef related) and the igh has become a bit of an alter ego for me.

    On this board, I'm considering changes my moniker to "greenighed threadkiller" since my posts seem to kill any interest in whatever thread it appears. ;)

  7. Last year's Pirate Party was a grand time for all (except the poor folks in the room nextdoor, who finally gave up and moved). I think the inflatable seahorse raft was my favorite, very comfy, a great place to relax with a cute deckhand and get salty!

    This year's Pirate Party is April 28, also at the Crown Plaza O'Hare. I'm there for the IMAC conference, representing Seahorse.org with my mates, and we'll raising hell as usual. No, we're not real pirate reenactors, we just like to have a good time. Hope some of you can join us, I'll post the room again when the time comes. All pirates and fish geeks welcome!

  8. I dream a lot, very vividly. Sometimes (often) I can direct my dreams, cast the roles, re-do scenes I didn't like the first time, change lines. It's like I'm dreaming, watching my dream and thinking, "hmm, we can do better than that, have him come in through the window, not the door, and lose the jeans, have him wearing something looser ....." or whatever.

    Dreamt about a finding a baby on the beach the other night. I KNOW that's gotta mean something.

  9. Here's a website that I had bookmarked for awhile been thinking about getting something like these...these are beautiful and pricey....but lovely color combo's and all sorts of styles....


    and while your looking at leather check out the long bodice's here


    Outrageously beautiful design and craftsmanship on the Snakepit Leatherworks floggers, Lady Alyx! But alas, I'm not a lifestyler, so to speak. And I already have one expensive hobby/obsession (keeping seahorses), so I'm going to have to pass on the gorgeous Green Hornet flogger. :lol:

    Mr. Nash, if I find one such flogger, I'll let you know. But you might want to search Ebay for suede floggers, as there seem to be quite a few of various sizes to be had.

  10. :o

    Thanks! I think I'll go for cat in the link above. But I may be hittin you up for a peacock-plume for my green tricorn. Maybe with a seahorse theme .... Do you have an online shop, perchance?

  11. NOT that there's anything wrong with that stuff, I just finally got my harddrive cleared of adware and spyware, and I'd trying to avoid getting back on the spamware wagon. :)

  12. Thank you! I really did NOT want to peruse the S&M sites. I need a piratey weapon I can pack in a suitcase, but that won't lead me to be interogated at the airport. I thank you for your response!

  13. For reasons I'd rather leave to your imaginations, I need to acquire a flogger as my weapon/implement of discipline. Anyone know where I can find one that can pass for piratey accoutrement? :)

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