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Posts posted by greenighs

  1. Is anyone else having trouble accessing the No Quarter Given site? I've tried in MS Internet Exploiter and Netscape, but it won't show up properly. I'm looking for their bibliography section.

  2. :ph34r: Nah, you'd never catch me in boots and a Hollywood special 4" wide belt! :ph34r:

    Yo Ho ho ho!

    & a bottle of eggnog?

    C'mon! Don't the Dutch tell their kids Santa arrives by boat (okay, on a horse on a boat, with his friendly crew of black african slaves) ... but maybe he was a pirate ... in the off-season ...

  3. greenighs, is that because any infection was contained in the tank?

    Or do I never go swimming in the Ocean ever again...... :wacko:

    Don't worry too much, Mr. Hand! Aquariums are like airplane cabins ... all recirculated, providing a perfect place for germs to grow. In the ocean, your chances of exposure to any nastiness is way, way smaller.

    However, there's always a chance of getting an infection (maybe not as radical and fast-spreading as what happened to my friend) if you get seawater in an open wound. So just use common sense and keep an eye on any cuts you have if you're going swimming.

  4. He had a ragged cuticle, and the infection entered there. The lab is culturing samples, and if it's mycobacteria, he can be stuck with an IV catheter going from his arm to his heart for twice-a-day antibiotic injections for six months. Saltwater tank with tropical fish and corals, opportunistic infection ...

    I wear goves when I work on my tanks now, I tell ya. The fish won't necessarily be affected by the pathogens, but if they get into a person's bloodstream, they can be trouble. We have a pathologist at seahorse.org that regularly does necropsies on seahorses that have died from unknown causes, and he finds parasites, cholera, TB – all kinds of germs MOST of which won't harm humans (unless they're performing unnatural acts with their fish B) ). Just be careful, wear gloves if you have any broken or cracked skin, wash well before and after working in your tank, and at FIRST SIGN of an problem, go to the ER and tell them RIGHT AWAY that you've been handling tropical fish. My friend went to the hospital less than 24 hours after exposure and he still almost lost his paw, so it can happen to anyone and fast. Best to be careful. B)

  5. Durer certainly has charm. I nearly bought a book which had every known Durer picture in it. Just didn't have the spare £90...

    David Teniers the Younger is another favourite of mine, Franz Halz, and of course the two Breughels. For maritime painting you can't beat the Van de Veldes (IMHO).

    Maritime and Turner go hand in hand for me. The light just blazes in his skys, his seas have such movement.

  6. How about "Edward Scissorhands?"  Or "Happy Gilmore" (remember Chubbs Peterson.)  Or...how about "Flesh Pond XXX...."  No, maybe not a good idea for him just now.  I wouldn't want his hand to get any worse.

    Yeah, XXX might be difficult if the phone rings at the wrong time .... :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

    Wow, excellent suggestions all around, I'm gonna be going to the used DVD/CD place tomorrow to get as many as I can find.

    When I heard he was in the hospital, I called him up and told him he was taking the whole Pirate thing a little too far ... he could wear a pretend hook if he really wanted to. :D

    P.S. That's him, on the left. Aaaarrrrr!


  7. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Wondering if sending a tracing of my feet would insure a better fit. I mean, I don't spend more than $40 for a pair of shoes as it is ('cept for those seagreen Frye mules, soooo cute), so I'm hesitant to put down the money for shoes I'm not sure I'll wear. And they're not even green! Freaky.

  8. Gramercy to Foxe and Caraccioli fer catching me grammatical faux pas regarding B.R. Burg's book, Sodomy and the Pirate Tradition.  I mistakenly used the word 'scholarly' when I referred to it.  I meant to have said 'academic' to imply that Professor Burg was an academic himself and the book was published by New York University Press.

    I honestly found it a slow, unexciting read; however, for those interested in the subject, I would still recommend it as a resource.

    This has been a very interesting topic and I have enjoyed reading mates' responses.

    Have ye read this one? Looks interesting ....

    Rum, Sodomy and the Lash: Piracy, Sexuality, and Masculine Identity

    Hello Sailor! The Hidden History of Gay Life at Sea

    (Not restricted to pirates, but looks like a fun read!)

  9. Get yer mind outta the bilge, hearties! :lol:

    I have a friend who's going to be recouperatin from a bad infection in his hand (aquarium-related, some scary tropical bacteria). He almost lost his hand, but thank god the doctors were able to get the infection under control in time. Anyway, since he's halfway accross the country and I won't be seeing him until April, I thought I'd start sending him some movies to keep him occupied during his recouperation. He's me list so far:

    • Moonstruck
    • Kingpin
    • Dr. Strangelove
    • Goldfinger
    • Peter Pan
    • The Fugitive

    I thought of The Machinist, but it's a little dark .... can ye think of any others, following the theme I'm after? :P

    I already sent him a pirate teddy bear with a hook for a paw ....

  10. One o' those Taco Bell Crunchwraps™ but since I when I came home, I had all these bags and a couple of water jugs in my hands, I dropped my "dinner" and stepped on it. :lol: At least it was still wrapped, boxed, and bagged.

    So, cold and flat, and chased by a Captain Jaeger Tattoo and coke .. Mmmmm. :P

  11. Well, I don't get along with anybody. The play pirates get on my nerves and the authentics give me a headache. I don't like any of you. In fact, I think I don't even like Pirates. I think I'm in the wrong hobby. I should get into this.


    OF COURSE I'm not serious.

  12. Okay, couldn't find the Wood's Navy, but I did find and purchase the Gosling's Black Seal. Since I'm in no mood to sip, however, I'm saving that until tomorrow evening. Tonight, it's rum and Diet Coke with lime, so I thought I'd try CM Tattoo (got a little airline bottle).

    The smell is very Nyquil/Jaegermeister.

    The good news is you can taste the rum over the cola, but the bad news is you can still taste the rum.


    But I don't care, it's been a real aggravating week, so I'll just suck down my Nyquil and cola and reeeelllllaaaaax. Thanks for your suggestions! I'll go for the Wood's and/or the XO next time!

  13. Oh, and "he" is the pirate in my fantasy. But I suppose I could just readjust the time period so it takes place before the GAoP, so he could leave the boots on ...

    Forgive me, I'm tired, and my mind wanders when I've been working too hard.

  14. Well, I suppose so. Here I'm thinking warmer climates like the West Indies, and not being in the land owning class or a merchant, so I wouldn't necessarily be wearing shoes usually. But I would have had to start out somewhere in Europe, being caucasian as I am ... damn, and here I thought I'd have a while before I had to plunk down a wad o' cash on uncomfortable straight-lasted shoes. :)

  15. See, all this history stuff is well and good, but in my fantasy, he's wearing some serious tall boots. Black leather, folded over at the top. And drop front breeches. Now, if I had to be all historically accurate, that means he'd have to be twenty years older than he is in the fantasy now, or something like that, and that just doesn't work for me. Buckly shoes and stockings just don't get this gal tied to the mast, my friends.

    So, I'm gonna stick to the boots for this one.


    Now, for my own kit, I'm gonna go for rope sandals until I've developed enough skills and history to justify shoes. After all, a beginner sailor didn't blow his first bit of pay on fancy stuff, but acquired it over time, I'm sure.

  16. And I plan on stopping at the liquor store forsome rum. I like a cold Diet Coke with Lime with a generous splash of Captain Morgan as a relaxer when I get home from work. Unless it's been one of Those Days. Those Days could mean an Excellent One to Celebrate OR a Rotten One to Recouperate. On Those Days, I like a generous splash o' rum neat. Last bottle of rum I liked neat was Captain Morgan Private Stock. Now I'm looking for something richer, smoother, something to get lost in for a few moments at the end of a Day.

    I'm also thinking of trying Tattoo, if ye think it's got more of a kick or at least a stronger flavor to hold up in a mixed drink. But for the straight-up rum, I'm looking for your suggestions.

    Oh, and I'm not a millionaire. Yet. :rolleyes:

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