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Posts posted by greenighs

  1. The Townsend short jacket is what I'm planning on sewing, but in coarse linen (or hemp/linen more correct?). It just seems that the Justaucorps is too fancy for a simple deckhand: so much cloth and so much detail, I wouldn't think an "entry level" seaman could afford such a coat. However, it is my understanding that pirate crews loved to flout sumptuary laws, and wore fabrics and colors "above their station." Would that tendency express itself in the attire of all the crew, or just the most powerful and prosperous? Or is it a misconception entirely? (And yes, I'm asking, so no, I'll not be sensitive about the answer. :D )

  2. ....we would not be bathing daily or even weekly .....we would have scurvy or tuberculosis and realy bad dental health, vitamin deficiencies.... infections that would kills us from gunshot woulds or cutlass gashes or pike wounds ....faces poked from desease or tattooed from powder burns ....eyes missing or limbs gone ... rampant venereal deseases, dysentary, food poisioning, parasites of all sorts .....

    That's EXACTLY how I picture Mr. Foxe!


    Kidding, of course! I've peeked at your site, Foxe, and I've seen your kit, and you look pretty hale and hearty fer a man over 300 years old. :ph34r: I even like your sexy multi-colored thrummed cap!

    p.s. How bad do I have to be before one of you sailors ties me to the mizzunmast?

  3. And a happy berthday to ye wee one, Captain Siren! Hope someone's thought to get her a real Anne Bonny action figure with all the blood-caked accessories.

    At the moment, I'm swabbin' the poop deck. Actually. I have a cat, she's decided that if anyone else has even looked at her litterbox, it's no longer fit fer use, and she'll do her duty right beside it. So I sprayed the deck, so to speak, with cleaner and I'm waiting fer it to work its magic before I scrub it and wax it good. Meanwhile, I got a mouse that's set up house keeping behind an aquarium stand, and Miss Thing Herself, me cat, doesn't seem to find this as any incentive to use those feline instincts and show that mouse the door.

    She's old, but not that old. She's loverly. She's needy. She's comforting. I hates her. And I loves her. It's complicated.

  4. By the way Patrick, you're one heck of an historical pirate, yet can go to a faire or event and have a blast. I have also never seen you jump on anyone for posting about an item that THEY thought was a "great pirate coat"

    Hear here (heer?)! I quite agree. He is a pirate's pirate, indeed, always thinking of the solution, not elborating upon the problem. I'll be takin my lessons from him from now on. Thankee, Mr. Hand!

  5. On the aquarium sites I belong to, there are specific "vendor" forums where commercial posts have to be approved by the admins or moderators before they are posted. The there are "classified" forums where member-to-member sales and trades can take place. Those posts are watched by the staff, to make sure nobody is getting scammed or misusing the forum for commercial purposes. One site even has a "vendor experiences" forum, for members to report how satisfied or disappointed they are with a particular seller or product. This forum is also watched, so no malicious "sour grapes" posts will be tolerated. The moderators will edit or delete inappropriate posts, or move them to the right forum.

    Not sure who you see as being blasted unjustly. Looks like the chips are widely distributed on many shoulders, from what I can see. I apologize if I spoke out of turn, for no disrespect of those with more knowlege and experience was intended.

  6. Hahahah. . . I'd like to have a long chat with anyone who wears period clothing *and* washes it in a period fashion. Where do you find the time?!?!? On a more serious note, I'd love to know what sort of soap you use, what methods, etc. Most of my sinks couldn't handle a large coat for handwashing, but perhaps the bathtub? My favorite new "marketed for goths" product is Woolite Dark, which probably doesn't do a damn thing different than regular Woolite, but smells lovely.

    I try and make everything I sew from scratch washable (and sturdy enough to handle repeated washings) in the washing machine. It's just so much easier! Perhaps it's just that I go so many places in my fine clothing that generate sweat and ale stains that they need a washing after every wear. My only exception is the corsets I make, which obviously cannot be washed in the machine because of the metal boning and the rust problem, even though they are generally made of fabric that could be washed.

    I am pretty sure pirates didn't have a good dry cleaner. Alas. All those man hours spent on embroidering those gorgeous coats only to have them worn dirty until they fall apart.


    My guess is that Woolite Dark has a chlorine neutralizing agent in it, like the stuff we treat tap water with before using it in aquariums (Chloram-x, Amquel, etc.) but those products also have ammonia neutralizing stuff, which the Woolite wouldn't need, I think. And I'm quite sure that Woolite Dark smells better than Amquel.

    If you have city water, rather than well water, you can be sure there's more chlorine and chloramine in it than is good for keeping your clothes bright and natural fibers strong.

  7. Wonderful invention, Mr. Hand! I raise me ****/0 Captain and Lime Diet Coke t'ye fer thinkin' it up!

    I have th' highest respect fer th' authentics, an' I defend th' rights o' th' ren faire groupies t' party in their plether halters an' Frye biker boots t' ther hearts' content. Just don't take th' wind outta me sails cuz no real pirate had a green tricorn. Or a Long John Silver bobblehead. Or a pair o' glow-in-ther-dark skull&crossbones wristbands. Or wore an underwire brar (because th' girls'll have yer hide ifin ye try t' take it away from them ... without asking ... nicely ...) :lol::o:o

  8. Windlass for the title, maybe? for the body, possibly Calson Antique VL

    I ran a couple of frags from the movie poster through What the Font, but it's pretty obvious it was customized for the title. There might be a custom version out there of the altered title font. The smaller print looks very much like Caslon Antique.

    "Buccaneer" is a little too fancy, "Blackbeard," too rough, "Captain Kidd" is too skinny, the "Booter" family is either too slanty or not curvy enough, Dominican has almost slab serifs, so it's out, "Four Score" is scripty (and way post-GAoP :lol: ), and Windsor Antique Demibold looks like "Cooper" put through a wood chipper.

  9. For 50 hours a week lately, I'm in the basement of a corporate headquarters, slaving in the pixel mines (okay, doing computer graphics, but it really is a grind). I'm not a historian, a period re-enactor, an experimental anthropologist, or a serious period thespian. Nor am I a drama club diva, a ren faire floozy, a performer/musician, or a crafter. I have a fantasy about being a pirate on the high seas. I just want to play, for a little fun, a change of pace, some release. When I get together with my friends and we play pirates, I want my outfit to be recognizably Pirate. I would hope that if a more dedicated pirate re-enactor were to see me thusly dressed, he wouldn't treat me with scorn and derision, but maybe that's too much to expect.

    For example, due to budget constraints (I’d rather spend my budget on booze and presents for my friends than on my kit), for this year’s pirate party in April, I’m planning on wearing my Storyville tricorn from th’ MacKay, a paisley headscarf, my green Captain Morgan t-shirt, black jeans cut off at the knee, stripy stockings and my green converse, with plenty o’ punk skull & crossbones accessories. I plan to say “Aaaarrrr” a lot and chew more scenery than Robert Newton on Ecstasy. The horror!

    By next year’s party, or maybe even the one we have in September I hope to have a short linen seaman’s jacket, with hemp sandals and MAYBE either breeches or slops. Will I still camp it up with the “Matey” and “Yo ho ho”? You bet. And maybe I’ll be wearing my tricorn or a Monmouth cap to a ren faire or a pirate fest here or there. For the sheer joy of not being a middle-aged suburban corporate slave for a while. Because I like to think of the freedom and adventure of a pirate’s short, vivid life. Because my personality is loud and bombastic and baudy and just fits a pirate much better than what I got born as this turn of the wheel. That’s the long and short of it.

  10. Thrum hats are so much sexier when they're multi-coloured.


    I love mine :lol:

    If I could make or buy a green one, I'd wear it with my peacoat and Doc Martens in my regular life! I think it looks pretty cool, AND warm.

  11. Problem I'm having with wool is that the handspun, natural dyed 2-ply I'm finding is fancier than you'd find in the GAoP. It's "beaded" or nubby, or has little felt bits spun into it. Pretty, but not period. The handspun 2-ply undyed is gray or brown. Maybe I'll have to get some gray and dye it myself.

  12. Damn straight. Leaving when Scarlett gets out of work, just about an hour from now. We'll get down there no problem, and the fair is on, snow or not. If we can't get home on Sunday, cest la vie.

    I don't quit for weather :lol:



    Well, enjoy and drive safely, Hawkyns and Scarlet! Give someone a hearty spankin' for me! ;)

  13. The spikes are sorta like what noses and ears feel like, not really soft, but not stiff and pokey, either.

    The one in the picture was about 6.5 inches from snout to the tip of his tail. He's a Barbour's Seahorse named Spike. I sold him to a friend so her girl seahorse could have a mate.

    The largest known seahorse species (Hippocampus kelloggi) grows up to 11" long, so yes, they'd have to be very tiny spurs. :)

  14. :o:o:o i was just asked out on a date tonight for valentines day ....by one of the coeds at the university .... :lol::lol::lol:

    younger than my oldest daughter .....only 38 years difference :lol::lol::lol:

    a concert on campus and to dinner .... not sure i know how to act?????

    Huzzah, Mr. Gunner! You don't have to worry about how to act, she obviously already likes you! Just try to relax and enjoy what unfolds!

    Good for you!

  15. I found a knitting pattern on-line on how to make a Manmouth hat..... So no I'm trying to learn to knit....... but I have some of it figgured out........... (next is learning how to purl.... and decrease..... Hey... I'm just starting......)

    ..... Splicing and knotwork.... ok it's kinda sorta the same..... just smaller, and longer marlin spikes....... :lol:

    Mr. Hand, where did ye get yer Monmouth pattern? Were you happy with the result? I'm looking per a good pattern meself, if you'd oblige me, I'd appreciate it muchly.

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