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Captain Scurvy Dog

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Everything posted by Captain Scurvy Dog

  1. spin 'im til he pukes up chum fer the fishes...
  2. like brothers look we Billy Bones & i...
  3. or ye can always Pyrate yer way onta the set as did i on the 1st POTC... HAHAHARHAHAR!!!
  4. Blasted! Rum Runner got ta thee rum afore i... i gots ta hand it ta ye R.R. ye be thee only one that i be knowin' who be havin' a more sensitive olfactory bulb set ta rum than i... good on ye, mate!
  5. ahoy me lovely Katarina, aye, would ye like ta come aboard me galleon & see me werks of art?... it only be a short trip down the pier... & i'll let ye meet Mango, me dancin' monkey...
  6. rrrrrrrated ozzie osbourne.... bloody limey...
  7. BLOW ME... DOWN!!! <- i thought that prevented pregnancy! BY WHAT WENCH BE GIVEN BIRTH TA ME CHILD!!! oh...er, thee other "Scurvy" ....uh...er...CHEERS MATE! (phew)
  8. i not be talkin' bout confidence nor attitude... although ye can usually judge that in a look as well, it's usually in the eyes, smile or gait... i just be askin' bout the look of long hair on men in general...
  9. I'm drunk, Is anyone else?(says ye) nay, i whar werkin' on it but wrecked a 33 bit drunk on some 2 bit belly timber... (says i)
  10. Long hair on men? yea or nay?
  11. i be birthed in bethlehem at christmas time... i now be drydocked in the north of hollywood in the californias...
  12. keen eyes ye has... might ye be lookin' fer a berth as "lookout"?
  13. who can think of captain ron, when me eyes has jest beheld an angle... i means angel, lady elaina... i bow ta ye & kisses yer hand... oh & by the by, yer homepage not be werkin'...
  14. SILENCE YER TONGUE, LAD! (whispers) talk of hidden treasure amongst this many pyrates can proove fatal... now, let us have a drink & become good mates...
  15. aye, i had me 1 of thar cow foot covered bottles meself... til ole palius peg took it & made 'imself a nice new foot outta it... now he hobbles 'round at ports scarin' little children... why, when we was anchored of the coast of hondurous, i thinks it was... the children be runnin' from 'im screamin' el diablo! when they took a gander at his new cow foot peg...
  16. You've Got Captain Jack Sparrow's Eyes! You've Seen So Much Of The World, And Lost Many Friends And Dear Posessions
  17. aye, that be what i had said, when a mermaid helped me remove a ship's wheel that be wedged down the front of me pantaloons...
  18. i was birthed into pyracy... might be i be tellin' ye the rest of me tale on another fine day...
  19. not that i be cannibalistic...it's jest thar not be too much meat om these here islands...jest a few coconuts & fruits...& a man jest can't survive on jest coconuts & fruits...he be requirin' a bit of flesh now & then, he does... beside he not be quite a good gunner anyways...
  20. i thank ye fer honourin' me uncle ed wit such a tribute... i be lookin' forward ta pilferin' me a copy soon, lad... & where by chance did ye say i could find it?
  21. aye, & it be lookin' like the monkey, jack, be starin' at her coconuts as well...
  22. aye, has me full motion picture of robert newton portrayin' me uncle longjohn silver wit pyrate mendoza as well.... circa 1954
  23. berry be berry fine at portrayin' me uncle longjohn...
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