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Everything posted by Captain_MacNamara

  1. What am I reading right now? This thread, of course I have "Silver" on hold at the library though... soon as it comes in, I'll be givin' it a read.
  2. Here's my video... it be related to a plethora of themes. First off, an explaination: We saw the Music Video for Korn's "Twisted Transistor", which in itself is a sort of spoof, as in the music video, Korn is portrayed by a bunch of black rappers, which in itself was hilarious. Well, we got the brilliant idea to make a spoof of that, using clips from pirate movies, and sca events... it evolved into this monstrosity, and yes, I be a bit retarded in the video, but here it be anyway: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD_saME2n1I
  3. Thanky for all the compliments Although it has nothing to do with a cutlass, here's some of my period-style rigging tools, of which I made the following: Rigging Knife: Stock removed stainless blade, Carved antler handle made to look as much like Ivory as I could, carved brass pommel, salvaged and re-shaped off another generic dagger, cotton Turk's Head knot Marlinespike: Carved Antler and cotton Turk's Head Knot, made specifically for working with 1/4 inch cotton for my decorative marlinespike knotwork Needle Case: Carved and hollowed Antler with wood stopper The rest is bought: The brass thimble is going to be used in my stitching palm when I get around to making it
  4. I think he said the price be startin' at 900 yankees I have the same cannon as that naval brass right by the swivel... if'n we could afford it, the iron one fer sale'd be a nice addition to our ship's armaments, but alas, 'tis not to be.
  5. I've made it a habit to clean my guns/cannon with my shirts It started out by accident really, the first few times I fired off my cannon, a bit of the burnt powder got on my shirt and never came out. Then I just started "adding" to it here and there. Nothing says authentic like the smell and stains of gunpowder and rum
  6. I read a news article somewhere a few years ago about a guy who tried to trephine himself with a power drill. Poor bugger bought the farm when the drill bit through the skull and didn't stop.
  7. Here be my latest... one of my friends pulled out his camera to snap a picture of me at the faire, so I pulls out me pistol.
  8. Since I finally got my forge up and running, and can't afford to commission a cutlass from Old Dominion Forge, I decided to try my hand at forging my own guard for an old cutlass/saber blade I had. Here's a picture of what kind of sword it used to be, except the guard was all screwed up on it: Therion Arms claims it's a circa 1870 training cutlass/saber. The guard was all sorts of screwed up on mine, and I'd had it since I was 14. I re-shaped the tip of the blade a bit (blade is VERY sturdy), then forged it into the following, taking inspiration from Old Dominion. The guard is forged from steel, and the handle is burned, burnished, and polished Antler: I wanted something primitive looking, and very real.
  9. I carry my garb in a sea bag, and I *believe* they would be a period-correct item, though I'm not for sure. It's one of those items whose origin is hard to track down.
  10. Aye I plan on building up the foredeck and stern, as well as mounting a jib and mainmast. I already have a jib and mainsail roped and grommeted, ready to rig. I hadn't decided yet if I wanted to go with leeboards or put a keel and daggerboard on her since the bottom is flat. I'm kind of going for something similar to this from the Beer Bard's Privateers: She's 7 foot 10 inches LOD, so ours has a bit of length on her already. I would have loved to have built our hull from scratch, but this shell was given to us, so we works with what we got For our sail configuration, for now I'm going to rig one jib sail and a main(no topsail), and maybe a gaff later on if we need more sails She'll also be mounted with 2 swivel guns
  11. Well, It's been a while since I last posted here, to say the least... Our crew acquired an old galvanized steel rowboat... and ugly thing to be sure, and not our first choice of materials, but free be free. I'm fairly decent at modifying things, just not building them from scratch, so this presents a perfect project. Inspired by the Beer Bard's Privateers mini-brig project, we'll be modifying this into a small ship-looking sailable longboat as it were. Here she is, barely into the cleanup phase before we get to adding wood to her: Fore: Aft: She's 13 1/2 feet LOD at the moment.
  12. I picked up my antique cutlass (actually a late 1800's Navy practice saber) at a pawn shop when I was 14 for $15. Recently, I saw a pair of the same blades on EBAY... went for over $1600
  13. sweet I'd love to live aboard a vessel... but there's a number of reasons it can't be done in my case
  14. It was that way forever for me... I finally gave up, only posting when I was determined to sit here for a half hour to let the page load... Now that it's workin' again, I be a happy pyrate
  15. No need for me to take the test... already been to jail... lol For larceny when I was a kid, and for avoiding court more recently over a damned seat belt fine. And shouldn't the plural form of "penises" be "Peni"? Cactuses = Cacti and other such plurals...
  16. Hey Charity I been lurkin', as usual lol Aye... it'll come in handy when we re-rig a sailboat to resemble a small ship for our crew
  17. Is that the boat they were giving away in California?
  18. In a similar incident, I was once stopped by a county deputy on my way to an event... I was in my full garb, weapons included. (he stopped me for a busted tail light) He asked me if I had any weapons on me, and I asked him to bear with me, because this was going to take a minute. I first explained who I was and what I was doing, then he let *me* disarm... with a rather bemused look on his face at the 4 daggers, pistol, and belaying pin I laid out on the hood of his car. Then he asked some more questions (sounded interested) about where we were going and what was going on there, told me to get the tail light fixed, and chuckled a bit on his way back to the car. :)
  19. Some people preferr to remain ignorant of the law even when you beat them over the head with the laws themselves... So, with that in mind, considering some of the people I've had to deal with, I plugged the vent hole on my flintlock with JB weld... easy enough to drill out again later, and then all I have to do is point out that the vent hole is plugged and the piece simply cannot fire in it's current condition, and they say "Oh... ok then carry on". I have, however, never once had the problem with an officer. They often ask to see the weapon, yes, but because they have usually never seen one up close and like it. I've even had some officers make suggestions as to how to add decoration to my piece.
  20. I can't dance... but I got quite a kick out of that... LOL
  21. This is the Iron Lotus version of Haul Away Joe, with a couple minor changes: Haul Away Joe - Iron Lotus Version Our Captain is an Irishman, quite taken with his drinkin', Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe. Later on you'll find him up there swingin' from the riggin'. Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe. Way haul away, He's praying to the porcelain. Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe. The Captain's Lady's quiet, but don't let that be decievin', Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe. If you piss her off you'll find out how fast heads go rollin' Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe. Way haul away, Another one bites the dust. Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe. Our First Mate dresses all in black, at night you cannot see him, Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe. If you don't watch out for him, you'll get a heart condition. Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe. Way haul away, someone call the Doctor. Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe. Our Bosun's an Italian Lass, who's armed with blades a-plenty, Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe. If you face her on the field, you better take it slowly. Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe. Way haul away, She's going for the cup check. (OUCH) Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe. Our Quartermaster's stern and mean, she'll beat you without warnin', Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe. She's six foot four, built like a door, and sends her whip a flailin'. Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe. Way haul away, Whips and Chains excite her. Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe. Our Navigator is a man who knows well what he's doin', Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe. Thank god because sometimes we wonder what the Captain's thinkin'. Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe. Way haul away, we're bound for better weather. Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe. If ye have been wounded boys, our Doctor's quick with aid, Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe. Unless of course he's drinkin' grog, and passed out in the shade. Way haul away, we'll haul away Joe. Way haul away, Where has all the rum gone? Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe. Way haul away, We are the Iron Lotus. Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.
  22. I would suggest doing custom work on a queen anne kit and staining the wood black... it would still look nice and be more affordable and a hell of alot easier to work with than ebony
  23. I happen to make some nice oak belaying pins...
  24. One day I'll own more pieces... I really need to get a snaphaunce and a wheelock, but I be poor white trash and can't afford those pieces yet
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