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Everything posted by Kalum

  1. Hmm...haven't seen these pop up over at Disney lately. I'll have to keep a weather out fer 'em!
  2. "Village on the Sand"- Blackmore's Night
  3. Oh this is a tough one, but here's my list of fav's. Probably some really way out there stuff included, but then I am aways out there. So in no particular order here they be: Monty Python and The Holy Grail Fargo A Simple Plan Ravenous PotC (of course) LotR The City of Lost Children Yellowbeard Caddyshack Batman The 1st two Harry Potter fims Pi Requiem for a Dream The Virgin Suicides Monsters Inc A Christmas Story Cutthroat Island Spaceballs Bram Stokers Dracula Shrek Shrek 2 (Tom Waites as Hook...too perfect) Ran Casablanca The Maltese Falcon The Dark Crystal Nightmare Before Christmas Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Princess Monanoke Ghost in the Shell Second Hand Lions Die Hard The Meaning of Life History of the World Part 1 The Professional Immortal Beloved The 5th Element Bringing Out the Dead Gah...this list could go on for hours...I'll just stop before I hurt myself.
  4. I'nt tha' a'ways the case? N'er where I should be! Nae I did't git t' see Tom Lewis. Wouldda love t' though!
  5. Not at all darlin' if I wasn't willin' ta be sharin' I dun think I wouldda posted it 'ere. So print and sing to yer hearts content!
  6. Oh lords, ya just had to go and bring up the gypsy angle didn't ya!
  7. After reading all this nonsense here about "political correctness" I just have to say one thing... Does the storyline specifically call the islands by their real names? Because if not there's zero issue here in the least. I mean who would know where it was or what people were being "portrayed" in such a light?
  8. Well seein' as how I read about 60% o' the posts that have been thrown about on this matter. I figger it's 'ime fer me ta weigh in a bit. Personally I find myself in a weird middle ground as far as accuracy and fantasy fair. Being a long term member of the SCA as well a long time Rennie I find it somewhat easy to slide back and forth through the spectrum as needed. Even then I still find myself striving for accuracy even when attending a Ren Faire. Granted I still let it all hang out a bit and go for some of the fantasy flair. I think there can be a happy medium between the two as Jack was saying a while back. Perhaps it's all to do with the fact that I'm a very strange person as a whole. I can adapt do many different situations. So as a result so does my pirate persona. I crave to learn all there is about the actual day to day life at sea as it were like Hawkyns. At the same time I find myself drawn theatrical side of the coin as well. So here I be hoppin' from one side of the fence to other. I think for me the key is being adaptable as I said. I need both sides to be happy, but that's just me. It all really boils down to just that for all of us. Where are we happy with our reliving life as pirate? Be it 100% accuracy, be it fantasy or down right insanity...may we all have fair winds and a calm sea! Time to head to the pub!
  9. ::rubs hands together:: Excellent.... :) Should we still be around in March we'll be attendin' and then hopefully heading up to NCRF for open, but that's another matter entirely now
  10. Why thank ya! I do ever so try...workin' on a few more so stay tuned!
  11. :angry: Oh this is just too rich. It's good ta hear the heartless bastards returned ya in somewhat good condition though Captain Morgan!
  12. So I take it we'll be seein' ya there eh lass?
  13. You're over in B-08 aren't ya Hawkyns? Me and my crew, as well as Duncan and some of his are camped over in the newly founded B-09. Not too far from ya, so if ya ever find yourself dry listen for the chants of "Rum...Rum...Rum Rum Rum" or stop on by for a pint!
  14. There were three pirates a come to my door, And downstairs ran our lady, O! One sang high and another sang low, And the other sang bonny, bonny, Biscay, O! Then she pulled off her silk finished gown And put on hose of leather, O! Then with pistol n' sword went out our door, She's off with the wraggle taggle pirates, O! It was late last night, when my lord came home, Enquiring for his a-lady, O! The servants said, at every hand, She's gone with the wraggle taggle pirates, O! O rig for me my white sailed ship, Go and fetch me my cutlass, O! That I may sail and without fail, go after the wraggle taggle pirates, O! He sailed East and he sailed West He sail through the Straight and Cape Horn too Until he came to the Spanish Main And there he found his a-lady, O What makes you leave your house and land? What makes you leave your money, O? What makes you leave your new wedded lord? To go with the wraggle taggle pirates, O! What care I for my house and my land? What care I for my money, O? What care I for my new wedded lord? I'm off with the wraggle taggle pirates, O! Last night you slept on a goose-feather bed, With the sheet turned down so dainty, O! And tonight you'll sleep on a cold open deck, Along with the wraggle taggle pirates, O! What care I for a goose-feather bed? With the sheet turned down so dainty, O! For to-night I shall sleep on cold open deck, Kept warm by the wraggle taggle Captain, O!
  15. As all of our northern brethren are freezin' there backsides off, the time has come for raids in the south! While FLaRF has already opened and been sufficiently plundered on opening day, we ain't bein' satisfied yet! Myself and Shaelyn will be hopefully returning for the upcoming 3 day weekend. Also! (yes there be more)BARF opens a mere week after this weekend. That be the 26th fer clarification. If all goes well we'll be attending that as well before we set sail fer northern waters ourselves. So anyone plannin' on bein' around fer either of these two weekends comin' up?
  16. All I gots to say to ya there Perkeo is remember, PENNSIC PAY PER VIEW?
  17. B08?! Damn yer close to us. We're off the map near B03. Small world ain't it? If you've worked security you've more than likely had to deal with the pirate raid night....Actually now that I be thinkin' of it it doesn't really have a name persay, but it does infact happen! Folks from Raven Spittle, Black Corsairs, Iymec, ourselves and a few other of the pirate groups get together and raise a lil hell. So true on the powder! Don't even think about bringin' it to war with ya. I do have a question about a boarding sword with a flintlock that's attached. Note that the flintlock can't be fired. It's merely ornamental. Forsee any problems with this?
  18. You'll have to make it a point to come out on the Pirate Raid night then! E'ery pirate that's worth their salt comes out for that at Pennsic. If'n you and yer crew need any help on what to expect from war lemme know. This'll be my 19th and it be always good to know the waters in which you sail
  19. Ya haveta lemme know how it goes! Hopefully it'll be goin' well as it's a "local" event for me. Currently I'm stuck in the balmy waters of Florida until I get can meself back up to the northern waters of PA.
  20. Ya might be wantin' to check out www.faires.com they have a very good listing of everything going on by date and by state.
  21. I like these folks VERY much...reminds of the days of...er um..the stories of "The Pirate of the Delaware"
  22. Well I can't be lettin' ya have all the fun now can I?
  23. Alright, seein' as how I be bein' new 'round here. I'll pose this e're question to ya'll. Who be goin to Pennsic War? I noticed it wasn't listed on the calendar. Tsk Tsk So who be goin? Who be needin' a place to stay?
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