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Everything posted by Kalum

  1. Hmmm....This sounds too good t' be passin' up! Definitely gonna try an make it!
  2. Yep they're being filmed at the same time like LotR was...
  3. Myself and Shaelyn are gonna be cruisin' down fer the 5th and 6th. We'll be sure t' stop on by
  4. Damn ya t' the depths! Would've loved to have made tonight's show...oh well...maybe next time. Glad to hear the show was great though!
  5. Woohoo! God I love that song... Pirate and Parrothead
  6. hallucination
  7. Only the best is right! That parrot is bloody amazin'!
  8. Wow...thanks Duchess! Didn't think anyone was gonna tackle that one...interesting how things happen ain't it?
  9. cheerleaders?!
  10. pennsylvania turnpike
  11. What can I say? I'm a confusing individual... :)
  12. "girly men"
  13. Well at least ya didn' think it was the actual table reading something. I had someone say to me once "I thought the table was supposed to read something" I nearly peed my pants!
  14. It's when all the actors sit around a table and read their parts in the script...just simply that.
  15. rubber ducky
  16. Just downloaded that one...not bad...not bad at all. :)
  17. Sesame Street
  18. That's impressive Lady SeaHawke. We ain't so lucky here. Granted if'n ya turn the TV off he will wake up though...just not be that good with the mind while sleepin'. Right now I hear Shaelyn chewing ice.
  19. Considering the "Pirate vs Ninja" discussion in Random Thoughts...this put me on the floor laughin me arse off.
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