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Everything posted by Kalum

  1. Yea well...I guess that'd do it! Right now I'm tryin' t' figger out why cigarette smoke looks grey when it's really brown...
  2. Now ya gone and got all technical on me! Interesting stuff none the less...
  3. Cheers t' that Lady Seahawke! Around here silence isn't too common...the man on the couch in the other room can't hear for anything and refuses to get a hearing aid. So...the entire house is filled with the sounds of whatever he's watching...even if he's passed out on the couch...
  4. Oh what I have started?
  5. Something on the History Channel that's on in the other room...
  6. Now this brings up the enternal struggle that I've seen SEVERAL places online. Pirate vs Ninja. It's no doubt what anyone here would choose The results from such ponderings are highly amusing!
  7. Amen t' that! Right now Bill Cosby is on in the background on Shaelyn's computer.
  8. Here here! I'll drink t' that! Drinks all around!
  9. The clicking of typing and ice rattling in glasses... the normal sounds of the night around here...
  10. Right I be feelin' a wee bit t' sober fer me own good. I think I needs t' make me a drink here. :angry:
  11. 5:08pm... Billy Joel "Only the Good Die Young"
  12. Oh how rivetting! :angry:
  13. Right now it's eerily quiet here...
  14. The Knack..."My Sharona"
  15. This is easy....I be fellin' TIPSY!
  16. Well we're back to Buffet down here in the warm southern seas... "Volcano"
  17. It's held in Key West, FL. Definitely already lookin' foreward to this years PiP as it's a nice way to sate our Pennsic War appetites in the winter months!
  18. Moby "Flower"
  19. Whoddathunkit! Them imaginext boys be tough sea dogs fer sure!
  20. Oh the wonders never cease...gone Eagles, David Bowie and now the Grateful Dead... "Uncle John's Band"
  21. Well time to start off the day I s'pose.... "Hotel California" the Eagles.
  22. Gods that is a bloody curse! I dun be thinkin' that 'nyone can be savin' ya from that horrid fate!
  23. What can I say? I just went from Buffet to Aerosmith's "Dude Looks Like a Lady" and now I'm on... "Instanbul" by The Might Be Giants. Go figure...I wonder what'll pop up next!
  24. Hmm...I wonder how long it'll be 'fore some yahoo out there sues cause it was't REALLY cursed.
  25. Got Buffet goin now... "Cheeseburger in Paradise" Not sure what's up on deck just yet...random play always makes life interesting.
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