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Dorian Lasseter

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Posts posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Dorian took in the information given him, nodding several times as she spoke and even noted the slight discolouration which he wasn’t sure about, so had not asked before. He observed her nervousness and knew she would be, given the situation. He was mildly surprised at her turn of asking him a question. He regarded her a minute before deciding to answer her.

    “Monsieur Durand… He was sent, unhappily, to try and find issue with whatever he might… He may have ties with the military here, but isn’t a military man these days. He was sent to find things out with the backings of the authorities. I don’t think he found something here, but I can’t be sure… I’ll have to speak with Cap’n Brand to know what further events happened.”

    He sat quietly, waiting to see what effect his words might have on her. Waiting to see if she would continue after he answered her.

  2. Wardroom of the Lucy

    Mister Pew gave Miss Ashcombe a once-over and nodded to her kindly then turned his attention back to the Captain.

    “Aye Sah… b’sides coin, I were thinkin’ mebee some kinda gift-like things from town…”

    Dorian slowly nodded and began thinking on the idea of what would be a worthwhile gift for the ladies.

    “Well… Fresh victuals fer th’ larder is always good… surely some other things would be good as well… Would be a good walk about th’ town t’ find wot yer like…”

    Mister Pew nodded.

    “Aye, a walk about town, I think I’d like it.”

    A smile crept across the Captain’s face and he took in a deep breath. He led up a hand and quickly crossed the room to his seachest, pulled out a leather pouch and tossed it to the QuarterMaster.

    “Take this an’ a man as yer escort, armed well enough ta fend off th’ ruffians, tha’s an order… We’ll be getting’ th’ last shares from th’ Watch Dog soon, but that’ll have ta do fer now… If ye fancy somat for the ship, says so, so’s I c’n cover it from th’ Lucy’s coffers. Don’t do anythin’ I wouldn’t… eh, go ‘ave a good time Preston.”

    There was a glint in Pew’s eyes as he hefted the pouch, his grin widened. He touched his brow and bowed his head to Miss Ashcombe.

    “Aye Cap’n, Miss Ashcombe… ‘ave a fine evenin’…”

    Dorian watched as Pew pulled the door shut behind him. He stood a bit longer and waited for anyone else. A moment passed and nothing. Dorian crossed to his chair and slowly sat. Again his eyes focused on the woman before him.

    “Now, Miss Ashcombe… Have you answers for me?”

  3. Dorian chuckled lightly.

    “Ah… Well…. Cap’n Brand paid for yer care… quite handsomely… But… you c’n always show yer gratitude further…”

    Dorian gave Preston an odd look as the man gave a glance to Miss Ashcombe. The Captain spoke in a slightly lower than normal tone, while Preston nearly whispered. Dorian realized why finally.

    “Mister Pew… Miss Ashcombe may be joining our company as we leave this port of call… You may speak freely here…”

  4. Dorian looked at Preston a moment.

    “I would think you could… What ya might offer… extra rum ration I’ll agree to…”

    He put a hand to his chin.

    “If yer thinkin’ somat more… I do believe Cap’n Brand finished up sellin’ off our prizes… should have more coin headed ‘round…”

  5. Dorian stood, as did Miss Ashcombe, and he motioned Mister Pew in.

    “Come in Mister Pew… This is Miss… Ashcombe, newly arrived to us on th’ Lucy… Miss Ashcombe, Mister Preston Wittingford, or Mister Pew, the new Quartermaster of th’ Lucy…”

    Greetings were exchanged between the two with bows and curtseys, then the Captain turned back to the QuarterMaster.

    “What might I do fer ye, Mister Pew?”

  6. Captain Lasseter waited for Miss Ashcombe to answer his questions. She sat and collected her thoughts, but before she could speak there was a solid knock on the door. Dorian’s brow furrowed.

    “A moment Miss Ashecombe… Who knocks!?”

    “QuarterMaster Pew, Cap’n!”

    Dorian sat back in his chair and straightened up.

    “Enter Mister Pew!”

  7. Aye Cap'n Sterlin'... There be a goodly staff 'round here...

    Wot's 'iss? Syren turnin' blue? Ye put somethin' in 'er water did ya?

    Or did ya let th' fire heatin' the water go out?

    Thought ya was tendin' ta th' Lasses, Cap'n...

  8. Wardroom of the Lucy

    As Dorian pondered, there was a knock on the door to the Wardroom. Without turning from the view out through the stern windows, he simply stated ‘Enter’. The latch clicked and the door creaked open. Light footsteps were heard coming down the three steps and stopped. Only then did the Captain turn around to see Miss Ashcombe standing there.

    “Miss Ashcombe… Please have a seat.”

    She hesitated a moment and first paled slightly, only to have the colour return to her cheeks and redden further. She stepped to the nearest chair and slowly sat, gathering the pant legs of her slops as if they were a skirt. Dorian noted this, realizing she was not used to slops or any kind of breeches. He walked slowly towards the sideboard absentmindedly to get a drink for the company as was the etiquette. Just as he was reaching for a bottle he realized he couldn’t drink something more just after that meal and assumed she would be the same. Shaking his head briefly he turned back to Miss Ashcombe and regarded her a moment. He needed questions answered, but didn’t know if she would be able to answer them. With a gentle sigh he crossed to his chair and sat, removed his hat and laid it on the table.

    “Miss Ashcombe… even though Miss McDonough said as much why ye were called Poole earlier, I’d like ta hear it from you… Yer uncle… This man of wealth… Does he have connections to the man in th’ boat, the fool who fired upon us? Does he have connections with Monsieur Durand? Connections that hold sway with the powers that be on this island?”

    He asked these questions in a kind tone, not like an inquisitor forcing a confession from one on the rack. Yet his tone held a confidence and power that he would get answers. As he finished he leaned his elbows on the table and steepled his fingers, waiting.

    Four bells of the Afternoon Watch

  9. Dorian thought for a moment longer before relinquishing the service to the two women.

    “I see… very well… carry on…”

    He stepped out of the way and held the door open for them to exit. He watched them go forward and below to the galley before shutting the door. Walking to the table he picked up his small beer and drank the remainder. He collected the other vessels and put them on the cabinet/sideboard. A couple paces later he stood looking out the stern windows and listened to the men finishing up the job astern, while seeing their legs dangle in front of the windows. His curiosity returned as to what took place in the Watch Dog’s ward room.

  10. Wardroom of the Lucy

    The Captain ate in relative silence, only making approving interjections as Miss McDonough spoke of Marine uniforms and kit. All was well in hand on that account. The meal ended, not a morsel remained on the main platter, however during the meal some begging had occurred from the Pooka, who was rewarded with two generous pieces of the fish. Dorian piled the dirty plates onto the platter and returned the cover to its place over top. He rose to take the tray out, but both women stood quickly, each offering to take it forward, back to the galley. Dorian thought for a moment and smiled.

    “Miss McDonough, You should be returned to th’ Watch Dog… Ye may help Miss Ashcombe with this to th’ galley, then make your way to your ship… But… before ye go… where did ‘Miss Poole’ come from?”

    They both had reached for the platter as he spoke and as he asked the question they both paused and looked at each other, three sets of hands grasping the service. Dorian waited for the answer, and only then would he relinquish the service to be delivered forward.

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