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Dorian Lasseter

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Posts posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Some shots....

    Cap'n Sterling, you don't know William 'shutterbug' RedWake very well...

    Be prepared for a plethora of 'wee Aeva' images...

    You heard me... A 'Plethora'............................. B)

  2. Oh Bugger it all ta hell!!!

    Looks like I need to get a black arm band for all my characters... :unsure:

    Played D&D, AD&D and sooo many other RPGs... Still have a tonne of books...

    Aye, he will be missed, yet he will live on through his games and game ideas for years to come...

  3. Ah, true...

    But, it would have stung yer eyes somethin' fierce!


    A drink that won't tear up yer stomach, but contains spirits....

    Must think on that...

  4. As the men walked to the wharf, exchanging questions and answers, Dorian noticed the handful of locals seem to part as they came through. It seemed that Durand was known to every man, woman, and child in these parts. He was respected and feared by the looks given. Dorian was quiet for a short time, mulling over those questions asked and answered, and those unanswered. A question he had came to mind.

    “Monsieur Durand, what port would be the next biggest for trade here on Martinique?”

    Durand’s pace barely altered at the question, and two long strides later he answered.

    “Saint Pierre would be the port, capitaine Lasseter. Have you thought we might look there?”

    Dorian looked to William who wore a thoughtful expression and nodded, then spoke.

    “I think that would be a place to look for many people and things.”

    Again the three walked in silence, each man dwelling on their own thoughts. Once they reached the wharf and headed to the Lucy, the noise from the dock workers and businesses still making trade was enough to keep them from focusing on previous thoughts. As they approached the gang plank to the Lucy, Dorian took the lead and strode confidently across and onto his ship. He nodded to the two marines standing guard, who in turn saluted. He then welcomed Captain Brand and Monsieur Durand aboard. Dorian noticed that since his departure, much more cleaning and squaring away of the ship had been done. He turned back to William and Donatien.

    “Tis a fine evening, shall we stay on deck or do we wish to head below? I leave it to you, but I’m happy t’injoy the air… I’ll be happy ta have chairs brought up, there be enough space on th’ quarter…”

    Mister Tucker approached Captain Lasseter and knuckled his brow, reporting all was well abard and Master Pew was below. Dorian raised a brow at the man.

    “Come back early from shore leave? An’ I see others from th’ Starb’d watch about as well… All’s well, eh?”

    Tucker smiled some and explained that he and some of the others were near by on shore watching and then helping with the attachment of the figurehead, once that was accomplished some had stayed aboard. Dorian thought it odd but accepted the excuse and bid the man to carry on. He turned back to William and Donatien, waiting for their thoughts on weather to stay on deck to await Turcotte or head below presently.

  5. Aye, I'll take all th' fresh fruit I can while in port...

    Dunno how long a barrel o' apples gonna last aboard...

    Hmmm... wonder if I c'n get a bushel r' two a' pineapples?

  6. Cap'n Bo...

    Yer lookin' ta do something of this nature...


    Which can also be done with just a rod put through the base of the cone/attachment cup...

    I would suggest you do that to your boar spear before going hunting with it... I know of cases where after stabbing a boar, it continued up the spear shaft and attacked the wielder... I've seen examples of boar spears with a pistol barrel attached near the tip, with either a pull cord to fire it, or a pressure type trigger that would fire when the spear was thrust into the animal...

  7. Soon after The Lieutenant and his Sergeant had departed, Durand finished his brandy and set the empty glass aside. Dorian noting this also finished his and returned his glass to the table as well. William who had not partaken of his brandy now did so as Durand took his time in relative silence to continue dressing. He splashed some water on his face and ran a critical hand across his cheek before toweling off, deciding that the slight stubble could wait to be removed at a later time. Once dressed to his own standards he looked to the woman who still remained in his bed. His jaw tightened for a moment as he glanced at the two captains. He pardoned himself from the two men and approached the bed, speaking so low she alone could barely hear his words. He took up one of her hands and kissed the back of it, causing her to blush slightly. He straightened and turned back to the men.

    “It is time we returned to your ships, captains.”

    He held his hand out in a gesture towards the door, and both William and Dorian took the cue. Once outside the room Dorian turned back and noted Durand had left a small pile of specie on the table next to the brandy. He turned away quickly as the tall man settled his sword into place and took up a significant walking stick, heading towards the door. He walked past the Captains and led the way. As they walked down the hallway from the rooms of Monsieur Durand, Captain Lasseter mused on the situation just passed. He was surprised no blood had been spilled, frankly. As they walked down the hallway, only the sound of their footfalls commented their passing. Once they reached the common room, the veil of silence again surrounded them as all in the space stilled their tongues and movement. The proprietor approached with apologies to Durand who silenced him with a look and slight nod. Dorian and William exchanged looks, both knowing Monsieur Pommier was on the loosing end of a deal, and to keep good faith with Durand began to offer certain ‘services’ at no cost. Again a severe look from Durand silenced the round proprietor, for good this time. Soon the three of them were in the streets, headed back to the wharf near Fort Royal.

  8. 1.Aye, the ribband does a nice job, that pistol happens to belong to BlackJohn, I have a similar one with a belt clip.

    2. Thankee kindly, since that event I've added a navy blue sailors short jacket to my kit. I was dressed in my best at that event.

    3. Ah, the right coast has good stuff, but the left coast has happenings years round I believe, whereas we have 'seasonal' events... so, give and take...

  9. Watching the scene play out in front of them, Dorian could do no more than fix as pleasant a look on his face he could. It was quite difficult, because he wanted to laugh at the Lieutenant and what Durand had done to him, and imagined what he would do to him. He even held his breath at one point to keep himself quiet and was relieved the William spoke for them both on the subject at hand. He did manage a slow nod at appropriate times in the exchange between Captain Brand and Monsieur Durand, hoping to add credibility to William’s words. Dorian also caught that Turcotte seemed to regain some of his ego as Durand smiled at what William said, however he did not add his thoughts to the dialog, He held his tongue, for once being smart and remembering the promise Durand had given about removing said tongue. At one point while it was quiet, Durand continued to dress while thinking over the facts given to him, Dorian looked over to the bed where the one woman had remained, covering herself with the sheet. He gave a brief smile and nod, to which she cast her eyes down, so he turned back to watching the Lieutenant and Durand, wondering if both would exit the room intact.

  10. Can't get th' noggin ta yer noggin? :rolleyes:

    Mayhaps we can find a small piece o' bamboo.. hollow it out... might just work...

    Or, th' good doctor might find another use for a syringe? *shudder*

  11. Oi Cap'n Sterling! Don't you go bustin' yerself up b'fore we have a chance ta cross blades!!! :huh::huh:

    On a serious note, all kidding aside, I hope it's not too bad, maybe just dislocated or a strain, putting things out of sorts...

    Get Well Soon!!!

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