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Dorian Lasseter

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Posts posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Dorian chuckled at William.

    "Oh come now... you've pulled sweeps as of late... mayhaps not of the Lucy's size, but you've certainly pulled on a pair in a longboat or cutter or somesuch..."

    Captain Lasseter raised an eyebrow and gave a quirky smile. He then looked back aboard the Lucy at the Cox'n who had just turned the glass and began ringing the bell.

    Seven Bells of the Morning Watch

  2. Dorian accepted the bottle and smiled at the toast offered by William.

    “Aye… To that and much more…”

    He looked about and into the air.

    “Tis a fine beginin’ of th’ day… I’m hopin’ fer th’ breeze ta pick up a touch more, then we’ll sail off th’ wharf… if not, th’ lads’ll be bendin’ th’ sweeps…”

  3. Aboard the Lucy

    At Six Bells all aboard were roused and reported topside. Captain Lasseter stood on the quarterdeck, hands on the rail. The crew milled around on deck some while the officers stood in semi-attention at the break in the deck. Dorian pushed himself off the rail.

    “Good Morn! We’ve some work ta do this day, I’m sure most of ye already know… In no more than two turns o’ th’ glass we’ll be settin’ sails. Mister Flint! I’ll have you send yer marines ashore an’ rouse any you can find of th’ Lucy’s crew. Have ‘em report fer duty. Not ta worry, Th’ Watch Dog’ll be in port ta pick up wot don’t get found. But, b’fore You an’ yer men go, we have a small ceremony… Our Master Carpenter will have th’ honour o’ unveilin’ th’ Lucy’s figurehead… All hands Ashore at th’ Bow!”

    Smiles and nods all around, except for a few stuffier individuals, and most everyone headed across the gangway to the wharf and assembled at the bow where a mass of canvas and lines hid the pride and joy of Mister Alder Wenge, Master Carpenter of the Lucy.

  4. Er... my apologies Cheeky... twer my turn ta keep an eye on Cap'n Sterling...

    Don't see an issue... Cap'n's upright n' not too deep in 'is cups... *shrug*


  5. Aboard the Lucy

    As he watched his Captain nod one more time, Preston decided to wait til the morning to give what he had for Dorian.

    “A’right Dorian… I’m off… see you ‘round dawn…”

    “Aye Preston, that ye will…”

    With that the Ships Master headed out and to his quarters. Dorian stretched and yawned a great yawn and shook off the edge of his tiredness, stood and crossed the room to the door and set the latch. He made his way over to his new desk and proceeded to hang his weskit there on the chair. He sat and removed his shoes and stockings, rolled said stockings and placed them each in a shoe. Even in his sleepy state he quickly rigged his hammock and climbed in. Not two minutes passed and he was sound asleep.

    Four Bells of the Morning Watch

    As the sky began to glow in the predawn, Dorian woke to the sounds of shod feet pacing above him on the quarterdeck. Rubbing a hand across his eyes, he rolled into a seated position in his hammock. A moment later he dropped onto the deck, his bare feet making a dull thud. He stretched and put his hands on the overhead, looking like he was Atlas trying to hold up the heavens for a moment. Turning to the sideboard he found the basin and pitcher, along with a washcloth. Striping off his shirt, he wetted the cloth and wiped his upper body down. Some water splashed on his face and run through his hair, he dried off and headed to his chest, withdrew and donned a fresh shirt. He continued to dress, occasionally looking out the stern windows at the growing light. He finished dressing and placed his hat on his head as he unlatched the door and made his presence known on deck.

    Five Bells of the Morning Watch

    4 August, 1704

  6. The discussion of the recent happenings continued for a time between Preston and Dorian until the Captain had nodded off once or twice while the Ships Master spoke. He yawned and stretched and tried to rub the sleep out of his eyes. Preston noted this and chuckled which led to a slight cough.

    “May’aps we should turn in fer th’ eve. Ye look plum wore out Dorian.”

    He smiled, and got a return smile from the Captain who nodded and stifled a yawn.

    “Aye, we walked half th’ town and bothered too many people this day. Not much chance of a long sleep on the morrow neither. We’ll see who shines tomorrow and mayhaps we’ll have a Bo’sun’s mate by days end. The other matters might keep me from a proper rest, but we shall see…”

    Preston nodded and regarded Dorian quietly while he weighed something on his mind. ‘Now or later...' He thought to himself as he did so.

  7. You made it past the childhood diseases, the religious wars, the epidemics, and your neighbors' sheep dogs. Die peacefully in your bed.

    Now how'd that happen???

    Alright, redid it with m' given name...

    This is it. You know where you would have lived, what you would have worn, even what sort of dowry you would have given your daughters. And now you know how you would have died.

    Died like a man (i.e. lead poisoning from a bullet)


  8. Aboard the Lucy

    The Captain and Master of the Lucy had bid Captain Brand a good evening and saw him off to his frigate. Once he was away the two men turned to other matters. First, a walk around the weather decks, trading thoughts and praises for the work done. Second, Dorian filled in Preston about the planned sailing in the morning.

    “Once th’ light o’ day comes an’ th’ crew roused, I’ll have th’ men assembled and we’ll unveil th’ figurehead. Our Carpenter’s a humble man, his work is beyond words. She’s quite a comely Lass wot adorns th’ bow. If th’ breeze be favourable, we’ll show some sail an’ not have ta warp off th’ docks here.”

    Preston clicked his tongue and offered a comment.

    “We could break out th’ sweeps, take ‘er out a bit like ‘at.”

    Dorian smiled and gave a nod.

    “Aye, that’d do just as well… Aye, ready th’ sweeps come mornin’… Once out o’ th’ bay we’ll head Nor'West up th’ coast. If th’ breeze livens up, should reach Saint Pierre in… say, two hours?”

    Both men were silent a moment, doing the calculations in their heads, both nodded slowly after a short while.

    “Might take less iffn’ we got a goodly wind. She were fast b’fore… Now that she’s in top shape, we’ll see how fast she be, aye Lad?”

    Dorian gave Preston a light slap on the shoulder and both men grinned, taking a look around their newly refitted ship. Without a word the Captain gestured to the Ships Master to take the lead, back to the wardroom. The hour was quite late and who knows what else would happen before dawn. They made more small talk as they shut the door behind them. Dorian removed his hat and coat, placing them on hook and hanger. Pistols were removed as well as sword and placed on top of his sea chest. Preston had sat down in the chair he previously occupied and waited until his Captain had made himself comfortable.

  9. When Mister Pew asked his question, Dorian shook his head slowly and William creased his brow and pursed his lips momentarily.

    “Master Preston, I would wish it had been a pleasant evenin’ ashore, I assume ye got my correspondence?”

    Preston gave a quirky smile and nodded. Dorian spoke again, his voice lowered.

    “And have ye acted on anythin’ in that letter?”

    He gave a look to his officer that Pew was sure to understand. The Ships Master nodded barely in response. He mouthed a name but Dorian didn’t quite catch it, so Pew repeated it with a hiss. Captain Lasseter nodded and thought on that a moment.

    “How’d ye come ta that?”

    Captain Brand cleared his throat and Dorian shot a look his way, chuckled and leaned to him, filling him in on the possibility that the one lad, O’Hara had been singled out by Mister Pew as the man who stabbed Captain Stoneborrows. To this William nodded and put a hand to his chin.

    “And where is the man?”

    Dorian looked to Pew who nodded to William.

    “He’s being sought out by others… We’ll have he back afore dawn.”

    A single ‘Aye’ came from the captains.

  10. Captain Lasseter lightly slapped Mister Wenge on the back.

    “Aye, I was countin’ on yer help wi’ that, you know how she’s bound wi’ th’ drapes an’ such. Pick a lad ‘r two ta help. I plan ta make it brief, since we’ll be headed outta th’ bay at first light. Now I suggest ye get yer rest when ya can. First light will be here ‘afore ya know it.”

    Mister Wenge beamed.

    “Aye captain, thank you sir.”

    He knuckled his brow and head off to find his mates and to get what sleep he could. Dorian smiled and turned to William.

    “Care ta stay awhile or head back to th’ Dog for the short evenin’ and return fer th’ unveiling of th’ figurehead?”

  11. As Dorian turned back to Captain Brand and Monsieur Durand, the latter took in a quick breath.

    “Your men will be found Capitain Brand, and Lasseter, but not by standing on your deck. And this Capitain Den Oven.... Pardonez moi, I shall be off to find what I may. As for awaiting Turcotte…”

    His eye ticked as he spoke the man’s name and he made a gesture of dismissal.

    “I bid you good evening Capitains…”

    He bowed to the men and they returned it. Monsieur Durand turned away and was soon on shore and out of sight. Dorian looked at William with a slightly perplexed, yet relieved look on his face.

    “Well now… I’d like ta stay an’ see what happens ta Turcotte… But I think we have better things ta do with our time, aye Will?”

    Both men smiled at each other and chuckled. As they settled, William brought up sending the Lucy to St. Pierre.

    “I think at first light it would be best for you to make sail. Those men you leave behind will just have to wait aboard the Watch Dog until you return, or until we join you. Once you make St. Pierre, find out what you can and return by the next days end. By then we should have all supplied loaded, if not sooner. This port has grown stale and uneasy.”

    “Aye-aye Cap’n…. agreed… too much trouble has passed in this port fer my liking.”

    As he spoke Dorian absentmindedly touched the side of his head which was still slightly tender from the wound he suffered not long after they had arrived here. More was about to be said on the subject, however the form of one Alder Wenge made his presence known. He stood tall and knuckled his forlock to the captains, turning towards Captain Lasseter he spoke.

    “A word with you, Sir, if I may…”

    Dorian nodded.

    “Speak freely Mister Wenge, what news?”

    Seven Bells of the First Watch,

    3 August, 1704

    Larboard Watches on duty

  12. As interesting as I would find it, I'm glad when I talked to him he didn't say, "Oh it was wonderful, I got the whole thing on video..."


    And Sterling, to step back a bit.... How's yer cigar n' port?

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