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Dorian Lasseter

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Posts posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. VERITAS - which is Latin for "Truth."

    AEQUITAS - which is Latin for "Justice/Equality."

    Been watching Boondock Saints eh?

    And what if I were?

    I'm not gonna sweat me arse off carrying around yer rope... must weigh 30 pounds!


  2. The Surgery of Miss O’Treasaigh

    A merry time was being had among those in the room, those crewmen of the Watch Dog and Heron. Many things had happened this day, much had been accomplished both aboard the ships and ashore. Captain Lasseter hinted at the special event to be had in the morning, more than the Heron getting a fine figurehead, but what exactly he would not let slip, they would have to wait. The only other person who knew was William, and he would not talk. Time marched on and soon Dorian would return to his ship if all were to be in order for the morning’s proceedings. Several times he thought to make an exit as the conversation paused, but each time a comment brought it back in strength. As it was, he would be content to warp the ship to the wharf in the predawn light, however there was still some preparation to be done before then. He made a mental note to himself that he would allow himself no more than another hour before obliging himself to be pardoned and return to his duties. It felt good to be in this company, the laughter, the camaraderie. What lay over the horizon was unknown to them all. He would take whatever came his way.

  3. Cyrano de Bergerac

    Wonderful film indeed...

    Here's mine....

    Person #1 Id rather have em playin with their toys than playin with themselves

    Person #2 They're too dumb to play with themselves. Boy, every piece of garbage that comes into the league you gotta buy it

  4. The Mercury is a twelve gun ship... six ports per side... plus swivels...

    A fine ship if I do say so myself, heh...

    I can't speak for Captain Brand, but as for left over prints, If he has any left after PIP, yes... otherwise, hard to say, but I'll not answer for him... even tho I kinda did.... :lol:

  5. August 2, 1704 - At the Chirurgeon's Shop.

    "Mister Pew means to remain behind, Captain Lasseter. What think you of this?"

    Dorian looked from William to Preston and back before he could speak.

    “I’ll hear no such thing… Mister Pe—oh ta hell with it, Preston ol’ man, You couldn’t stay on land fer more’n a fortnight b’fore goin’ mad… Much th’ same as I would… No… you’ll not be doing such a thing. I just finished refittin’ th’ Heron an’ th’ Dog’s about there as well.”

    Preston chuckled at the display made by Dorian, which turned into a cough, barely suppressed.

    “I ain’t fit t’be Master’t’arms, not in my health.”

    “Rubbish, hogwash… You’ll be fit in no time…”

    Preston gave Dorian a look that said otherwise, to which a stern yet confident stare was returned.

    “Besides, I had a mind ta offer you a different position, if William would oblige me… I need a QuarterMaster aboard th’ Heron… “

    There was a pause in the conversation as Preston coughed again. When he recovered he gave a questioning look to the captains. Dorian turned to William and spoke as if Preston was not there.

    “What say you Will… I’ve a mind ta make Mister Whittin’ferd th’ QuarterMaster o th’ Heron… Think he’d do?”

  6. The Chandlery

    Captain Lasseter continued to marvel at the work done to the figurehead by Mister Wenge and Mister Thatcher. He walked slowly around the piece, noting every detail in the light given there.

    “She’s perfect… A fine job… very fine indeed.”

    Both men nodded humbly as Dorian continued circling. His companion stood slack jawed in astonishment for a time, then recovered himself.

    “Bloody hell, she’s a beauty! Best lookin’ gal I seen in a long time!”

    At his comments, Captain Lasseter stopped his movement and turned to the man.

    “Mister Wenge, Mister Thatcher… this is Kevin Norman, newly aboard th’ Heron. Captain Brand tells me he’s a fine able seaman…”

    Nods and greetings were made between the men, but before the new man could continue his rough praises Dorian spoke again.

    “You’ve done a fine, no and extraordinary job here. I’ll be havin’ the Heron moved ta th’ public wharf by mornin’… I’ll have a short ceremony afore tis time for ye ta put ‘er on th’ bow. Sadly I cannot stay an’ marvel some more, as last eve’s storm shortened my time ashore, so now I must hasten ta finish what I hadn’t gotten done then.”

    Dorian fished into his pouch and withdrew several large coins.

    “Here, for a job well done and more, have a fine meal and a soft bed. I believe we may be soon to leave port.”

    He handed the coins to Alder who made to protest, but a look from the Captain quelled it.

    “Now, I must away… I shall find you both well on the morrow…”

    Alder and Robert saluted with wide grins and wish the Captain and Mister Norman well as they left them to their evening. Dorian wended his way out of the warehouse into the fire lighted streets with Kevin in tow. They made one more stop at a wood carver and Dorian left his companion outside as he did business there. Not fifteen minutes later he returned and they were on their way, heading towards a final destination ashore. Along the way as they found others of the Watch Dog and Heron, Dorian asked if any had seen the Master-at-Arms, Mister Pew. He got no satisfactory answers, but many tried to draw them into a pub to drink the officers’ health. Dorian begged off each time and each time had to draw Mister Norman away. In time they came to the residence of Miss O’Treasaigh, Surgeon.

  7. Aboard the Heron

    As darkness settled in around the ship, those crewmen returned from shore leave were settling back into the shipboard routine. Styles was on the lookout perch as Roche walked the deck. ‘Lucky Tuck’ occasionally paced the quarterdeck, not as much as he usually did due to the fact that Miss Moore had informed him that the young woman brought aboard was sleeping below. The new crewmen were spending time on deck, wanting to be in the open air after being confined in cells for longer than they wished, even on their enemies. At one point there were harsh words up forward, some in English, some in Dutch. Tucker went forward to see what it might be about. There he found two of the new men arguing, an argument hard to follow as a third man was translating between the two. Charlie March and Tjaak Cuyleaburch were arguing about the galley. Charlie was the Heron’s cook before she was captured and still felt it was his galley and his alone, Tjaak had been told that he was to be cook when he was transferred, but was happy to share the duties with another. Charlie was resistant to the idea and was less than nice about it. After some translation back and forth, some finger-pointing and counter-arguing, Tucker intervened and told them that when the captain returned it would be settled. Things quieted down and the men went to different areas of the small ship. One of the crew remarked that Charlie was just sore that a woman had been in his galley and wasn’t too good about it. Most of those within earshot silently agreed, but not one spoke a word, not wanting to hurt feelings or fuel the fire within Mister Marsh. Slowly calm came about the ship. Conversations picked up and the smell of tobacco smoke followed the lighting of pipes.

  8. I should have known Black John would get that one. :rolleyes:

    Great movie if you've never seen it, great campy silliness...

    John Carpenter and Dan O'Bannon's first movie I think, or one of their first. To think what they went on to do...

    Yer up John!

  9. Awww, no worries mate!


    Here's a whole dialog...

    Person: Hello, Bomb? Are you with me?

    Bomb: Of course.

    Person: Are you willing to entertain a few concepts?

    Bomb: I am always receptive to suggestions.

    Person: Fine. Think about this then. How do you know you exist?

    Bomb: Well, of course I exist.

    Person: But how do you know you exist?

    Bomb: It is intuitively obvious.

    Person: Intuition is no proof. What concrete evidence do you have that you exist?

    Bomb: Hmmmm... well... I think, therefore I am.

    Person: That's good. That's very good. But how do you know that anything else exists?

    Bomb: My sensory apparatus reveals it to me. This is fun.

    Names are changed to protect the innocent... heh

  10. At the Wharf, St. Louis, Martinique

    As the group of men from the ships separated, Dorian walked along with William for a distance while those with them trailed behind.

    “Just like Pew t’do such when we finally get time t’be about. We’ll find ‘im I’m sure of it. Probably in th’ nearest Ordinary makin’ friendly wi’ th’ gerls.”

    Both men chuckle some more and soon parted ways, Brand to the Jewelers and Lasseter to the office of the Dock Warden and other points beyond. As they parted, each man in tow joined the Captain they were with, Kevin Norman came up even beside Captain Lasseter and gave a quick sideways salute, as he did not know him aside form the trip to shore and introductions on the wharf. Dorian gave him a nod and looked the man over. He was above average height and strongly built. He looked slightly nervous, so Dorian broke the silence.

    “Well Mister Norman… wot ‘ave ye t’say fer yerself?”

    Kevin worked his jaw then swallowed loudly.

    “Captain Lasseter, Sah, I was made prisoner here after the Rounder run aground near th’ Grand Turks. Well, we weren’t captured right off, me an’ Brent’n. Had some good luck an’ some bad, you understand how it can be, Sah?”

    Dorian smiled at the man and nodded his understanding. Kevin made to go on, but since Captain Lasseter had only nodded and not spoken he was apprehensive, instead he ran a hand though his shaggy hair and remained silent. They arrived at the Dock Warden’s office and Dorian had an interesting conversation with the man in charge. Some haggling was done to get a good spot at the wharf side. No secrets were to be had from Kevin, as he was right there the whole time, once Dorian had to ask him to step away as he was crowding them as they came to an accord. The man didn’t take offence, nor did he offer apology, he just took a pace back. The Deal made and some specie given, Captain Lasseter and Mister Norman headed into the town to find the Chandlers where the Carpenter of the Heron had been sent to do some special work. On the way, they stopped in to another Chandlery and Dorian inspected a box full of brass plates he had ordered. As he held up each plate to the light, Kevin whispered each word that was engraved on each. After six such readings Dorian put the plates back into the box and turned to his comrade.

    “Mister Norman… Kevin is it? I would appreciate some quiet while I inspect my order.”

    “Oh, Aye Sah… I’ll… I’ll be right ‘ere.”

    “Thank you, Kevin…”

    Mister Norman stepped over and feigned interest in a set of pewter goblets as Dorian finished up his business. And soon they were at the door of the other Chandlery where the owner bid them entry and showed them to the back room where work on the figure head was accomplished.

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