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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter
Ahoy Lad, Well, tis hard to say wot ya got there... words alone are good, but if you have the ability, images work wonders. Images of both sides, fron the top and bottom, down the barrel and from the butt. Show all makers marks, etc. even the box it came in and we'll be able ta make some sort o' judgement call. Fair winds n' followin' seas to ya, Slainte,
And yet you did not fix yer post... Or is it that yer not a mod o' this area? Wotever th' case, the pub's back! Can't wait ta see wot Stynky does wi' th' place!
Ack Sterling! I take it ye spend most all yer time on yer feet, walking and standing. A severe case of 'Soldier's Foot'. Believe it 'r not, you can break bones in yer feet just by usin' 'em too much! Best of Luck to you! Slainte! :edit: Some fun military foot issues, OOP, but... http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/pagerende...ageindex=1#page http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&id=9U5...=result#PPP1,M1
The Admiralty House, Saint Pierre, Martinique Dawn came slowly to Martinique on the 5th of August, 1704. The storm had abated to a mist and the clouds shut out the sun for a couple hours past when dawn normally would have come. Captain Lasseter had finally taken advantage of the room offered and was asleep in his shirt when a knock was sharply laid on his door. He woke with a start, but recovered quickly in the unfamiliar surroundings. Dorian removed himself from his bed and was searching for his clothes when the knock came again. “A moment… er… Un moment, si vous plait…” Unable to find his clothes where he laid them, instead he found a banyan in their place. Wrapping himself in it he headed to the door and opened it. There stood a servant, his clothes neatly dried and folded. “Capitaine Lasseter, compliments du juge. Le déjeuner attend dès que vous pourrez.” “Merci… Merci beaucoup…” Dorian took the clothes from the servant who bowed and turned away down the hall. The door shut firmly, Dorian headed deeper into the room and laid out his clothes on the bed. He dressed quickly and once all his accoutrements and weapons were in place left the room and headed down to the main dining hall where The Judge, Lieutenant Martin, his Sergeant, and Mister Flint were already seated, about to enjoy the breakfast laid out. A twinge of embarrassment washed over the Captain, being the last to come to the table. “Good morning Capitaine. My apologies, it took longer for your clothes than I had expected. Please sit.” “Thank you Juge Richet. You are too kind, too kind by far.” The Judge bowed his head and raised his glass as the Captain sat and was served by two servants. All ate with an appetite fitting the last evening’s happenings. Near the end of the meal a servant approached the Judge and whispered into his ear. Quickly he wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood. “We have word of an injured man on the edge of the town. A foreigner it is told. Come.” Every man seated followed the Judge, wiped away any evidence of the meal and stood, exiting the hall behind him into the hallway and to the Judges office. The hallway and parlour were still awash with marines, also enjoying a lesser, yet hardy morning meal. In the Judges office sat a man, hat in hand still damp from the rain. Dorian looked out the windows at the dreary light and noted that the rains had turned to a light misting. As the office filled with men, the door was shut behind them. Judge Richet smiled at the man and began asking him questions politely, to which the man answered politely. The man seated was a Philippe Pétain, assistant of Doctor Jean-Bernard Dubernard. A Monsieur Lagueux Michaud had found a badly beaten and torn man in the road last evening before the storm. The man was in very poor shape, but would recover in time. Captain Lasseter looked at the assembled men. “We must be off to see this man within the hour and hope to be able to identify who it might be.” Nods were given and Monsieur Petain thanked, he would lead them back to the Establishment of the Doctor when they were ready. Three Bells of the Forenoon Watch Starboard Watch on Duty
Those men off duty in the berth space were making merry of the situation as best they could. With hatches battened down above, even a whisper seemed loud. Stories were told and songs, thought merry, were sung at a low volume. At one point a fine shanty was being sung when slowly from the after section it died from the lips of men. John Black had been leading them and wondered why the men had stopped singing until a man loomed into the light. There stood Captain William Brand in nothing more than shirtsleeves. He nodded to the men and quietly spoke. “Pray continue, I am but a guest on your ship this night. Where might a free hammock be had?” An awkward silence followed until one of the powder monkeys cheerful voices, young Mister Rowan, announced loudly that there was one to be had larboard of the galley stove. William made his way to the offered hammock and rolled into it not without almost upsetting it and himself. There he settled and was still. After several glances about, John Black started up the shanty again. After he sang solo for two bars, others joined in, but none as jovial as earlier.
Belowdecks aboard the Lucy After being dismissed from the Ward Room, the Coxswain headed to his quarters while being pitched to and fro with the ships movement. A slight bit of worry was on his face as he entered his darkened space. Fumbling a bit, he found the shaded lanthorn and took it back out into the common spaces and lit the candle within off of another. Taking it back into his quarters he hung it on its hook in the overhead. With care he knelt and opened up the box that served as a home to Ash and Cole, his pet rats. Beady eyes stared up at him as he lowered a hand into the box. Both were slightly skitterish, considering the movement of the ship, but calmed quickly as they scented their master. Nigel took each one out and held them both up to the light. “Is you two a’right? Storm’s a bit rough, aye? Not to worry boys, not to worry.” He placed them on his sea chest and dug into a pocket, withdrawing a kerchief. In it was wraped some food scraps. A bit of a biscuit, cheese and a quarter of a potato. He broke apart the biscuit and gave a piece to each rat. They sat on their haunches and nibbled away. When finished they both looked to Nigel for more. He spent the next couple of minutes feeding and talking in a soothing manner to his pets, all the while the ship tossed in the sea.
Aye, No kidney stone is fun to pass, but I've had worse. My first was when I was 20, that had to be removed and was in the centimeter size range (!?!) I've passed about six on my own now, but haven't had any for 13 or 14 year until now. I must be doing something right. Or not. My sympathies to any and all 'Kidney stoners'. Slainte!
Aye! Lets drink to my stone! Drink and drink and drink...
Much better now.... Having passed a kidney stone some fifteen minutes ago... Evil little things they be...
Nigel had done as ordered and gathered the officers of the Lucy to convene in the Wardroom with Master Wittingford and Captain Brand and Miss Smith of the Watch Dog. Due to the size of the ward room, Nigel had only gathered the officers and not their mates, thus, Misters Tucker, Wenge, Johnson and Brocke followed Mister Brisbane to the ward room. He knocked and they entered, all barely squeezing into the space. The air soon became stifling and muggy as they waited for the Master to speak.
Several years back I was at Fort Niagara on the Lake Ontario. It was for the reenactment of the Battle of said fort, and at the time I was portraying a half-breed. Some friends (not reenactors) who wanted to go to the falls, so we went, I in my kit, painted up, etc. The Falls aren't that far from the fort, yet no one there knew of the reenactment. I got plenty of questions and looks. We all had a grand time.
Watch. Listen. Learn. Understand.
Saint Pierre, Martinique The Admiralty House As the night wore on, the weather did not improve, nor did it worsen. Lieutenant Martin said it would continue to blow until dawn, unless some odd occurrence in the weather made him a liar. The marines had their fill of food, but not of spirits, but they had been reminded of their duty and it would not bode well for any to be drunk on duty. Instead many got themselves as comfortable as could be and took to resting. Some even were able to find fitful sleep, snoring loudly until a mate gave them an elbow in the ribs, or some other jab to quiet them. The Judge even offered a room in the upstairs of the house for Captain Lasseter and the other officers to sleep until some news or break in the weather occurred. Dorian thanked the Judge but put off the use of the room until a later time. He could not sleep while his ship, the Watch Dog, and all the crews aboard would get little or no sleep being tossed about off shore. He instead accepted a cup of coffee laced with chocolate to warm him and keep his wakefulness awhile longer. Five Bells of the First Watch
Now that those who were rudely dumped in the sea were pulled to safety, some chatter had started among the men aboard. John Black found Adam and was having what looked to be a one-sided conversation. John talking jovially, happy to be back with his friend and Adam moving rather animatedly, talking with his hands. Joseph Aretineson in a gruff manner apologizing to the Master Gunner for missing the ship when she left port. The others, Coipman, Leigh, Howard and Millet were met with a mix of jibes and such for being left behind. The Patricia was bailed out as much as she could be and set to rights, all the men climbed aboard the Lucy and most were sent below. Nigel stood next to Captain Brand with the dry coat tucked under his oilskins and waited for what Mister Whitingford would have them do.
Many Blessings to Jack Roberts and his Lovely Wife
Dorian Lasseter replied to Cheeky Actress's topic in Scuttlebutt
Aye! A hearty Congratulations to you n' yers!!! Slainte!!! -
http://www.geocities.com/corvidranch/index.htm And, if you do it right, they will imprint on you... so they will come back to you... no need to make 'em flightless... I've wanted a crow or raven for years... I nursed a blue-jay back to health (they are in the corvid family) years ago. He would fly, but always come back... http://www.ardastra.com/corvidinfo.html
Saint Pierre, Martinique The Admiralty House Captain Lasseter paced the length of the parlour several times while waiting for the marines to find their way to the Admiralty house. During this time it was suggested that the meal they had missed earlier might be made available in some form to all those men who had spent the hours out in the weather. Judge Richet agreed with a broad smile, as he admitted the prepared meal would be a waste otherwise. Some tables were brought in, arranged, and clothed. Platters were laid out filled with different meat, cheese and fruit. Much of it was now cool, yet was still a fine course. Part way through the setting up of this small feast the marines arrived, every man soaked to the bone. The officers greeted their men and addressed them, along with the Judge. They were given the main corridor to place their weapons and sundries. Those servants of the House would be put to task taking coats, a couple at a time and using the main kitchen fire to dry and warm them in turn. All were invited in to the parlour to have a meal they all had been kept from earlier in the day. The scene became one of a party, a wet, bedraggled party. Spirits were up and even with the language gap between some of the men, good conversation was had. Somewhat bawdy on occasion as it is with rough men, they were left to their merriment. When the weather calmed some, they would be sent back out to continue the search, to hunt men. To find enemies escaped from prison. Captain Lasseter had shared several short conversations as he milled about his and Lieutenant Martin’s men, but his mind was not focused there. He wondered how the Lucy and her crew were fairing the in the weather, along with the Watch Dog and her crew as well. Since no boats dared to be outbound from shore, none would dare coming to shore as well, unless a grave need caused such.
It was as if the call to send boarders away was given, the number of men who suddenly swarmed the deck of the Lucy from below. Nigel Brisbane and Charlie Goddon who had been about to receive those from the Watch Dog had been standing peaceably, but were now racing about with lengths of line to be tossed to outstretched arms. Mister Tucker and Adam had stripped to the waist and were about to dive into the water with lines attached to themselves. Nigel saw this and hollered above the wind. “Hold fast! No more men in the water! Shut yer gobs, all o’ ya!” Amazingly, the air became bereft of shouting for a couple moments. Attention was turned back to those overboard, lines tossed to clutching hands with shouts of ‘grab on!’ punctuating the air with each toss. Empty lines drawn back and coiled for another try. Instead of jumping into the water, Tucker climbed down the ladder and was helping to steady the ships boat, imploring those still aboard to get aboard the Lucy.
Saint Pierre, Martinique 4 August, 1704 Once out in the weather, the four men walked against the wind one moment, halting forward movement the next as the winds and rain boxed the compass. They walked down the main thoroughfare out of town to the north and as luck would have it met up with a squad half way out of town. The situation explained, a look of relief passed over faces and acknowledgement given to the officers. The squad moved off to find the next, which they had run into not a turn of the glass ago. Captain Lasseter and the others turned back to the Admiralty house and briskly made their way inside, shook off the rain yet again and retired to the parlour with the judge. Dorian wondered if he would ever be truly dry again. Aboard the Lucy Nigel had been in the bow when he saw the Ships Master double over and spit something on the deck. He was about to make his way aft when another had come to attend to the man, helping him below. Not sure exactly what had happened, he figured a touch of sea sickness had found Preston. In some respect Nigel wouldn’t be surprised and he himself wasn’t feeling his best, having been on duty longer than normal with the storm on top of that. The dinner served not long ago sat like a stone in his gut, one that kept being tossed about as was the ship in the chop. Once all was checked in the bow and secure, Nigel started aft, passing ‘Cut-throat’ Johnson, the Master Gunner. Not more than nods were exchanged as the man went back to making sure the brass guns were well secured against the weather. He checked all the lashings, tompions, and touch-hole covers as he went. As the Coxswain reached amidships Mister Goddon the Boatswain’s mate approached and cupped a hand over his mouth. “Mister Brisbane! Mister Whitingford sends his regards! Captain Brand and company will be aboard soon!” Nigel nodded and shouted back. “Aye! We’ll do our best ta give ‘em a proper welcome!” Charlie nodded and went forward, seeking out others to spread the news. Nigel headed under the shelter at the edge of the quarterdeck and peered out towards the Watchdog, seeming to slowly gallop at her anchor. Two bells of the First Watch Larboard Watch on Duty
That LOD of 100' knocks a lot of tall ships out, such as the Maryland Dove, built right on the Chesapeake... And the Continental Sloop Providence (she's 110' LOA)
The ROSE was actually built in a Canadian shipyard... Built in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, the Rose operated as a sail training vessel from 1985 to 2001. Thousands of people from all over the world experienced adventure at sea aboard the Rose as she ranged from her homeport in New England as far north as Labrador and as far south as Grenada, into the Great Lakes as far west as Duluth and east to the Atlantic coast of Europe. In 2003 the ship appeared as the HMS Surprise in the 20th Century fox film Master and Commander: Far Side of the World starring Russell Crowe and directed by Peter Weir. http://www.tallshiprose.org/
Uncle Tom
Hmmm... There be Chocolate Bourbon Pecan... Might be peach... William?