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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter
Thankee kindly Ransom... Heh, Firefly... aye, looks like I have a partial uniform from the Alliance on now that I look at it... Sort of a Han Solo kinda thing... was part of the dominating side, and 'saw the light', changed sides... Cargo pants, that's what I'm wearing there... Old Navy... great stuff... Now all I need to do is dig up some other stuff that's buried....
"Aye ma'am... Don't expect a bargain... It may cost you dearly... I don't speak for the crew, that's the captain's job..." "Think long and hard if you still want me to take this information back to the ship, for their will need to be further... negotiations. "
"So... I've been told you have some cargo ya want moved that isn't exactly... legal..." "We might be able to help you with that... For a price..."
Deck of the Lucy Liam Rowan walked in a random path aft from the forward hatch, avoiding the others aboard in their work now that the anchor was on the floor of the bay. He and the other powder monkeys had been in the cable tier to make sure the hawser didn’t kink and hold up the dropping of the anchor. The movement of the largest of cables had stirred up dust and a foul odor and he was glad to be away from it now. He watched the crew flaking out the lines and stowing down the sails. One man seemed out of place standing near the rail, looking toward the towns on shore. Stepping closer Liam recognized Mister Wenge and noticed he rubbed his palm. “Mister Wenge? Is yer hand a-right, sah?”
Good gods... if that was a full sized bottle there... It'd take a gallon o' rum ta fill that cup! And them coins! Huge! An' some giant books!
“Aye.” Dorian agreed and prompted his mount some, but not to the speed they were earlier riding at. Babineaux took up the lead once more as they rode, being a better horseman than the two Captains, he outpaced them easily. Captain Lasseter let his horse slow a bit more as the pace caused his musket stock to bounce off his thigh painfully. He removed the strap from his shoulder and lay the firelock across the front of his thighs, having to keep hold of it in this position, but it allowed him to maintain the gallop and stay close enough to William. He hoped their stay at the plantation of Monsieur Rousseau would be brief, and would end with them leaving with Ajayi in tow. This day had brought on so many confusing turns, and all he wanted to do was to be standing on the deck of the Lucy as she plied the ocean.
Off they two captain’s rode, trading one bone-jarring ride for another. Dorian’s face set with a grim look, occasionally gritting his teeth as his musket or cutlass slapped against him. Smashing his hat tighter on his head, all Dorian could do was follow the messenger and hope the beast between his legs did not falter and send him sprawling. Dorian could feel the horse breathing hard and hoped the plantation was close, else they would have to stop and rest the animals, or press on and risk riding them to death. With that thought in his head, Captain Lasseter raised the question to the man they followed. “Monsieur, à quelle distance à la plantation?” Dorian hoped the man had heard him, but when he did not slow his horse or respond, the Captain yelled it louder. “Monsieur, à quelle distance à la plantation!?” Babineaux turned towards Dorian and reigned in his horse, bringing them even. “Cela prendra l'heure suivante pour atteindre la plantation.” Dorian slumped a little. “An hour or more?! Good… Cap’n We’ll need ta rest these horses, I’m no Ferrier, but they won’t make it an hours’ hard ride.” Babineaux wrinkled his brow, not understanding what was said, Captain Lasseter guessed this and simply stated that the horses will need rest. “Les chav… ah… chevaux, devront se reposer.” The Frenchman shrugged and responded with one word and looked to Captain Brand. “Probablement…”
Listen to me and you shall hear, news hath not been this thousand year: Since Herod, Caesar, and many more, you never heard the like before. Holy-dayes are despis'd, new fashions are devis'd. Old Christmas is kickt out of Tow Yet let's be content, and the times lament, you see the world turn'd upside down. The wise men did rejoyce to see our Savior Christs Nativity: The Angels did good tidings bring, the Sheepheards did rejoyce and sing. Let all honest men, take example by them. Why should we from good Laws be bound? Yet let's be content, and the times lament, you see the world turn'd upside down. Command is given, we must obey, and quite forget old Christmas day: Kill a thousand men, or a Town regain, we will give thanks and praise amain. The wine pot shall clinke, we will feast and drinke. And then strange motions will abound. Yet let's be content, and the times lament, you see the world turn'd upside down. Our Lords and Knights, and Gentry too, doe mean old fashions to forgoe: They set a porter at the gate, that none must enter in thereat. They count it a sin, when poor people come in. Hospitality it selfe is drown'd. Yet let's be content, and the times lament, you see the world turn'd upside down. The serving men doe sit and whine, and thinke it long ere dinner time: The Butler's still out of the way, or else my Lady keeps the key, The poor old cook, in the larder doth look, Where is no goodnesse to be found, Yet let's be content, and the times lament, you see the world turn'd upside down. To conclude, I'le tell you news that's right, Christmas was kil'd at Naseby fight: Charity was slain at that same time, Jack Tell troth too, a friend of mine, Likewise then did die, rost beef and shred pie, Pig, Goose and Capon no quarter found. Yet let's be content, and the times lament, you see the world turn'd upside down.
I posted this in the Tsunami Kate, but works quite well here... http://www.bbqaddicts.com/bacon-explosion.html
I've been holding off a bit, waiting to see the next generation chest. I am quite impressed with the first one here, the paint makes it look even better. I know later, straight sided chests had one or two 'shelves' (I can't remember the proper terminology for them at the moment) inside of small items. Don't know if this style would have such as well. The becket(s) look great too, will the screw holes get covered as well?
I have th' usuall bunch o' tin tankards wi' th' glass bottoms, fer knockin' 'round... Plus some nice ceramic ones as well... But fer settin' in m' room, or th' wardroom, I prefer this; Picked it up too many years ago at a reenactment...
I know there was a thread about shipwrecks being found, so here's a new one.... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090201/ap_on_...wreck_discovery "TAMPA, Fla. – Florida deep-sea explorers who found $500 million in sunken treasure two years ago say they have discovered another prized shipwreck: A legendary British man-of-war that sank in the English Channel 264 years ago. Odyssey Marine Exploration hasn't found any gold this time, but it's looking for an even bigger jackpot. The company's research indicates the HMS Victory was carrying 4 tons of gold coins that could be worth considerably more than the treasure that Odyssey raised from a sunken Spanish galleon in 2007, co-founder Greg Stemm said ahead of a news conference set for Monday in London."
As they bumped along the road, Captain Lasseter continued to hum to himself, more to keep awake than to entertain the others who had succumbed to their weariness. Young Wellings had begun to snore softly, causing Dorian to smile slightly. The rum had soothed the man enough to allow fitful sleep, and his snores allowed the Captain to hear how he was faring. Dorian turned his thoughts inward, wondering how the Lucy under the command of Preston was doing, how the delivery of the message might be going and hoping the captain of the Navarra wasn’t a nervous sort. He had watched Captain Brand nod off and awake several times now, as he was just doing now. His chin met with his chest and a small jerk of his head told that he was aware he had fallen asleep, then his head slowly came up level. Dorian almost laughed at the sight, had he not been as exhausted. Instead he twisted the cork from one of the bottles and carefully poured a dram into the cup. He wet his whistle, then touched William on the leg with the cup, offering it to him.
http://www.bbqaddicts.com/bacon-explosion.html For the bacon lover in all of us.... Alright, for William especially....
400 grains?!?! Good gods... The first gun I crewed, for safety, we put 4F in these; http://jas-townsend.com/product_info.php?c...products_id=348 Aye, needle cases... they only hold a small amount, but plenty for what you should need to pour down the touchhole. If you poured a whole case in and still had no overflow, even the novice would see a problem.
Quite welcome, Cap'n... Having that 'caught on film', is something to use as an aid to safety. Now, since I wasn't there and don't know what procedures were used, I can't say why that happened, only speculate. 1. Was the charge in a foil pack and when the prick was used it did not peirce the foil, but instead just pushed it down, giving a cavity for the priming powder to settle? 2. Was there somehow a void in the charge that caused part of it to force out the other half, causing it to burn outside the barrel? 3. Was their too wet a sponge used and thus water left in the barrel, when the charge was rammed, the foil opened up allowing water to foul some of the powder and the same as #2 occurred? Many possibilities... Thus, the reason for good safety practices are such a concern, as well as standard procedures. I enjoy firing the guns, great and small, and would hate to see anyone hurt, and thus having the ability to do artillery removed from any event. Slainte, Dorian
OK, that's a new one. I've seen and read of many cannon screw-ups, as a matter of "take note and don't do that yourself", but that one has to be unique. Actually Jim, that's what happened here, but not so extreme at PIP 2007... http://s47.photobucket.com/albums/f191/Sil...ent=RUNNNNN.flv The last cannon to fire actually 'puffed' out the main charge and it flared/flashed right at the muzzle... The Gun Commander made a bit of a joke about it, "Oooo, Extra!", but it could have been bad...
Safety Zone Establish a 50-foot wide safety zone between the spectators and the gun. No one is to be forward of the muzzle at any time. Only Association members are to be in this zone unless escorted by an Association member. All pieces shall be brought into battery so that muzzles are in alignment. No muzzle shall be forward of others regardless of the size of the piece. Axel hubs of pieces shall be at least five feet from one another, allowing for free movement around each piece. Changes will be determined by the Safety Officer in charge. No person under the age of 16 shall handle powder. The Safety Officer shall wear some type of distinguishing clothing so that competitors may easily identify him or her. Taken from; http://www.americanartillery.org/aaa/marty.html Granted, these rules are for the 1860s, but it still applies to 1760s, and even 1660s... a great-gun is a great-gun...
5 August, 1704 - The Lucy Mister Tucker had taken over the helm from Brisbane at the change of the watch. Nigel had made his way below and to his quarters where he proceeded to check on his pet rats. Making sure the door to his space was firmly shut, Nigel opened the box that were home to Ash and Coal. “How are we doin’ lads? He-heee… Want out do ya? Well, on’y fer a short bit…” He took the two rodents out and set them on top of his sea chest, letting them nose about in the near dark space. Their ‘home’ needed to be cleaned out some, and this left Nigel in a bit of a dilemma. He needed to take the box topside to dump out the straw and refuse in the bottom, but he had nowhere to put his pets while he was doing so. He could put them in his sea chest, but he’d rather not have them chew holes in his clothes or gnaw on other items stored within. However, his choices were few and his only recourse was to empty out the chest to prevent the rats from causing harm to his worldly possessions. Nigel picked up Ash and Coal, deposited them back in their home and set it off to the side while he opened his sea chest and took out every last thing he had collected while living before the mast. All this was deposited on the sea chest of his mate, Logan Christie. Nigel made sure he hadn’t missed anything before depositing the duo into his now empty chest. He closed the lid gently so as to leave a slight gap. “Don’t ye worry now, I’ll be right back… mebbee wi’ somethin’ good ta nibble fer ye.” With a glance over his shoulder, he picked up the box and carried it topside and dumped the old straw and such over the side, shaking it to make sure he got it all out.. He gave nods and greetings to some of the crew nearby before heading to the hold to procure some straw from the chickens, along with some loose feathers. Next he stopped at the galley and found most of the men of the Larboard Watch gathered, waiting for the meal to be ready. Knowng he wasn’t about to be able to procure a full plate at that time, he settled for stealing a crust of bread from the deck where it had been dropped and headed back to his quarters to feed his pets and put them back in their freshened home. First bell of the First Dog Watch
AMEN!!! Alcohol = no playing with pointies, sharpies, boomsticks, etc!!!! Done all the above, comp fencing, choreography, and freeform... And, way in the past, some drunken stupidity. Thankfully no one was injured... At one time I was quite a good fencer. I still would be if I knock off the rust, heh... I to dislike the fights where everyone is a master swordsman. I once did a choreographed fight where my opponent was a sneaky s.o.b. and pulled a dagger from his back, as he was loosing... worked well... My style I think at this point would be; Good with a sword, but has some tricks to make up for the lack of finesse...
I could probably throw a kit together for this... but we'll see if time/money/etc will allow... But, here's some 'steampunk' stuff I have... more for the mad scientist types getting into the work of folks like Edison and Westinghouse... Fun stuff, eh?
http://bigredhair.com/boilerplate/ Cool...
Happiest o' Natal Days to ye Cap'n Bo!!! Another trip round and many, many more ta go... AYE!!! Slainte!
Some ideas... Good pilot type stuff...