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Everything posted by Charity

  1. How about i'm growing up but going down? Now that could mean a great deal of things.. one of which is getting down to the childrens level. I know i don't care about being silly for one, have fun is what it's about!
  2. Oh yeah...that's nice... Strong Arms (As in holding you while your head rests comfortably on his chest...)
  3. You do? I feel like i'm the bad guy here, and i feel like all the lies having come out (and i remember all the American people i know screaming they were so mad for being lied to) haven't tought anyone anything. I'm very depressed as this, as there is so much hate already and i see people spreading only more and in a way that killed millions of Jews in the 40ties.. We went through that more then you did, i remember the stories of my parents and they say never again but it's happening right now only this time the hate is to the muslim people, of whom many have been coworkers of me and they were wonderful people to work with.' STOP THE HATE :lol:
  4. At schock... (London...it's freaky..it's unreal...)
  5. Myth busters/The airplane toilet that sucked down a woman. (today's topic..ROTFLMAO.. it was hilarious)
  6. the 70ties "Peace man"
  7. IT'S HERE YOOHOOOO POTC3 INFO! World's End, what a cool title..oh all the things that could mean Thanks to Marty who had the link here: POTC 3 World's End on his site, i'm so excited :) Although..kinds disapointing and disilussioning that Geoff's name is not on the list
  8. living to the max
  9. I don't know the curse is broken, as much as i would like it not to be although..Jerry himself has stated several times POTC2 is the last POTC theme ride connected movie..that would mean no curse in POTC 3 and..maybe Barbossa will be alive YOHOO..he deserves it, poor man About Keith, Jack loving rum so much...maybe his dad loved it even more
  10. Yeah, that's it, and i cannot blame him. I still feel though, i am sorry and i do love the Rolling Stones but i still cannot imagine him acting. On the other hand, come on let's be honest..rowdy drunk type? Sounds like the perfect pirate to me
  11. conartists and fraud
  12. WOWWWWWW Those pics are awsome, esp. the night one! Lucky you :) I can't wait until i see it myself next year...oh wow what a ship..
  13. Well there ye go, the cannibal thing is true i guess. Pirate Marty asked me to post these pics he sent me on the Crossing Blades, i had them a couple of days but couldn't share them until he told me himself to do so and i guess it's ok to share them here, Marty's pics That's DEFINITE cannibal in the first pic, cute guy! Oh by the way..(Sorry Bess bringing it up again), i do believe there's some truth in the Keith Richards thing afterall, since Johnny Depp did yet another interview he said it himself in they're negociating and the only problem is his busy schedules. It was on Dutch tv/teletext too. I don't know, we'll see but JD talks about it, has to be more then a rumour then.
  14. Mr Tuvok from Star Trek
  15. Weird Al Jankowitz
  16. How weird..thats pretty silly making the big celebrations and talking about it being 200 years that day (I'm pretty sure they said that).. Why didn't they do the re-enactment of the battle thát very day then? They did that the 28th too, and some battle it was, it was spectacular, and mentioning it being 200 years in the program..weird.. Oh well, apairently some reporters mistake, sorry guys
  17. If i were there and could drink i'd say yes.. Had me a panick attach this morning as bad as i'd not had for ever..i thought i would choke It took me much longer then the times i've had it to get back my breath..kinda shaken me up Thank god i don't get those often..never would be better..
  18. Good news! Allergies suck, if i didn't have my nose spray each day..christ..i've forgotten recipes sometimes..i couldn't even look out of my eyes normally. I hope for you it stays this way too :)
  19. Next day... I just came across this..the squid Jack needs to fight is Bootstrap..or? It's all getting weirder and weirder Bootstrap Bill discribtion
  20. Thank you very much for your kind words. You had a great place to live indeed, and yes there's brilliant ships in many places in our country I think you may like this one :) Dordrecht Harbour
  21. Thanks :) I'm a little better, it's no wonder my stomach is upset, i've had more then my share of stress but the virus seems gone as all is better in that dpt. I'll be okay by the beginning of the next week YAY :) How are you yourself, are the allergies getting less yet?
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