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Everything posted by Charity

  1. Yes and yes, it is him (and he's ayummy one eh? ) and yes, unfortunitely he died. This is a great site honoring him: Toasting Trevor
  2. This promises to get fun Barbossa fanclub days
  3. Yeah, you guys are right! It's POTC and it will be great, 'nuff said Sorry for taking it too serious for a short moment there. Oh i wouldn't mind running into Grapple though I wouldn't mind at all..no sirrey, i'd actually enjoy it i think Let alone Barbossa himself..
  4. I'm always at awe when i see the "cannon" like thing Barbossa has My god it's huge, i've looked at weapon sites often as love old weapons, i'm not specialist but i've never seen one quite like it. Ofcourse him being Barbossa he should have something extraordinary
  5. I'm not happy with this.. I thought the fun thing about Pirates of the Caribbean was that it was fiction. It was about something long ago and you could enjoy it without feeling too bad because it is something that is no more. Asian pirates however are very much a thing of today, i don't know if you guys know it but many of them are drugs smuglers and kill whole families including children to take their yaght to use it for drugs smugling. IMO it's going to be too much like the real thing, call me nuts but it bothers me.
  6. And another one about the same book :)
  7. This might be interesting :)
  8. Billy, the work behind the camera is just as important if not more important then in front of it! You will co-make the movie of all movies Have fun and congratulations!
  9. I wrote to a movie theather that had premiere of POTC in 2003 and they said it's invitation only unless you buy one they sell for good causes and one was sold, it's earlyer in this thread..man i cannot even say the price out loud..*faint*. I guess it will be red carpet fun only for us next year! (Will take pics)
  10. man in chains..
  11. quarterback (OOPS that's american footbal only isn't it? :angry: )
  12. Like crap
  13. Yes i do to but..she did say quite firmly to us more then once the keith Richards thing was just a rumor but now Johnny speaks of it openly in interviews so it seems to be true. I guess it was all supposed to have remain a surprise but in any case..i'll just wait and see i believe nothing anymore until i see it.
  14. Bess said it will both be sequels, so i'll not believe what he said..and i hope Bess is right..
  15. Cap'n Mad Eye, congratulations on your engagement, i wish you both all the happiness and health and a long life together :) I'm worn out..but relieved and happy i'm going to stay with my friends from tomorrow until Sunday so i'll be getting out and relaxing and having a fun few days :)
  16. I feel hungry as dieting's started..wish me luck
  17. Yes, and Bill said in an interview that he would have so many computer animations or what is it called, done on him that people probably wouldn't recognize him, now we know why. I think he/it looks great!
  18. Will Turner's dad was a pirate and had a wife and kids.. That Davy Jones seems a nice character.. This was posted on Marty's website/forum: first look at Davy JonesFirst
  19. LOL.. I'm far too honest with these quizzes, like with which POTC character do you blong with or something, i knów some questions point to Barbossa but i'm determined to be honest and what comes out..once Will Turner and more then once Jack Sparrow I think i could have big fun with the guy..but i'm partial for a masculine man with a beard..
  20. Aztec terrace tempel
  21. Well, if you count that in i've met..let's see you, Phil, Duncan..i think that's it. If i forgot anyone sorry but i chat with so many people sometimes
  22. With that devious grin? I'm sure you won't loose it
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