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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. We went to a wonderful Halloween party, and had a marvelous time! I'm going to be now as I'm incredibly drunk on wine... Ta!
  2. It took a couple tries, but that did the trick! :)
  3. Still got the damned hiccups!!! God, grant me enough tequila to fight this scourge!
  4. Multiples upon multiples! My tongue knows no limits, darling!
  5. I've read of pyrates taking whaling ships.... Now, where's that damned book at?! I know I've seen it!... Yes! "The Pirates Lafitte" makes mention of the taking of whalers. At least, that's my best recollection. I am a tad drunk, you see...What were we talking about?! Women!! Yes, I love 'em, the whole lot...
  6. Jack heard a rap at the door to the Armoury. Though deep in his cups, he recognised the need to unlock the door. He did so, and peeked out to find the Monsignor standing there. "Good Father! Do come in and join me! I've been trying to puzzle out the latest turn of events... Monsignor, even though you be a Spaniard, I'd swear you've got a bit of your Irish on. What, aside from the blatantly obvious predicament with our Captain, troubles you so?"
  7. It's Aloha Friday! No work 'til Monday! I'm gonna play today 'cause it's Aloha Friday!
  8. Comfortably Numb - David Gilmour and Kate Bush "Live"
  9. Bleh. I read the impostor's missive again, and it strikes me as amateurish and very non-Jack. My diction would have been better and my oaths of vengance more prosaic. We have an intruder, pretending, most flatteringly, to be me.
  10. Narco shrooms?! What's happening to me??????? I'm spiralling downward...... What's my name, damn if it all??? Down I gooooooooooo.... chasing the white rabbit... He's very late, you know..... AaaaaauuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhHHH!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. -- Removed, as I did not write this passage. Nice try, whoever you are. --
  12. Berle Ives! "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas..."
  13. Jack returned from the aft hold, having dismissed the search parties. He admonished them to stay on the alert, and to continue patrolling the decks of the ship. He returned to the Armoury and quietly shut the door. His jaw was clenched so tightly his teeth hurt as he slammed both fists on a storage chest. "Blast and damn it all!" he raged. "How does someone get aboard this vessel, attack her crew, and vanish like some infernal shade?!" He wanted to tear the ship apart, plank by plank, to find the villian. His head ached from anger and worry, and he suddenly felt quite weary. Against his better judgement, he retrieved a bottle that he had stashed away. He took two healthy swallows and returned the bottle to it's hiding place. He sat down, facing the door, and set about thinking...
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