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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. "Ah! Rummy! Mr. Hawks!" Jack's smile was broad and his eyes bright with curiousity. "How goes it with the Claymore for our mountainous new crewmember?"
  2. "Could be worse... Could be raining!" *RUMBLE*
  3. Very proud of the ride I had on Apollo, and very glad for having ice and Advil for my knee.
  4. Jack watched the cutter depart from the ship, and after some length turned toward the quarterdeck of the ship. He could see the Captain and his steward there, Captain Brand still surveying the surrounding area. Jack closed his eyes and listened to the ship as she rocked quietly at anchor. With several of her senior officers and able hands gone ashore in the cutter, the Watch Dog felt a bit like a house with all the children gone. Alive, to be sure, but too sedate. He shook off this reverie and went briskly to the main deck, to find what the good Blacksmith had been able to do with that massive old Claymore.
  5. And when should we be expecting an invitation, love?
  6. Pissed off, disappointed, and disillusioned. I'm off to get drunk and thank God that I have good friends in pyrates such as the lot of ye.
  7. My favorite song... and the state I aspire to. :)
  8. Jack's eyebrow arched to the point of nearly disappearing beneath his headscarf at the Captain's request. But knowing that Capt. Brand would never suggest something like that without due consideration, coupled with his own reading of the former slave's demeanour, Jack understood what the Captain was driving at. Removing the shackles only goes so far in the restoration of a man's dignity. "Aye, sir" Jack smiled. "We've an old Claymore - massive it is, and unwieldy for the average soul aboard ship. I'll fetch it straight away and have the blacksmith ensure it's edge, even shine it up a bit for our new friend." He took his leave from the Captain and went to the Armoury. There, stored among the longer boarding pikes, was the Claymore. It's length was nearly five feet; too long to be considered for normal use for close-quarters combat. But given Ajayi's size and strength, no other blade made sense. Jack locked up the Armoury and made his way topside to engange the services of the blacksmith.
  9. Anxious. Not nervous at all, just anxious. The last big horse show of the year starts Thursday, and I can't wait to get in there and compete.
  10. Trying to get things squared away on an international project so I can enjoy the upcoming horse show in peace!
  11. As Jack completed his daily walk of the decks checking for security risks, he noticed the wonderful smells emanating from the galley. His stomach rumbled in protest of having skipped first meal, so he made his way to find out what the talented Monsignor had concocted.
  12. OK, I posted pictures from the MN Renaissance Festival on the Pyracy Pub Gallery. Enjoy! (Search on "Minnesota" or "Mad_Jack")
  13. Hey, any idiot can bounce a towel. An anchor? Now THAT'S impressive!
  14. September is fine with me. Our high temp was 68 today. I need all the time I can get to prepare for next week's horse show. :)
  15. I met the crew of the Bloodwake, and a fine lot they be! We spent far too much time at Mac's, listening to My Lady's Cutlass, Ian MacFarlane, Drunk and Disorderly, and the like. After wandering about some more, we ended up at the Queen's Pub, and joined in the pub sing until late in the day. I'll be posting pictures this weekend. I'm saddened that we won't be going out this final weekend, but I've already secured discounted passes for next year. I have to focus on next week's horse show. I want to win it in the worst way. I know I'll have to work my ass off to do it, but I'm more than willing to give it my all to ensure that Apollo and I sit high on the judges' cards.
  16. In the late 80's I did a Phantom of the Opera costume. I used liquid latex over half my face and on one hand. It had the intended effect - "Dr. Phorbes"esque scarring - but as the night went on, the latex loosened. My date freaked out because I was aging before her eyes. It looked like half my body was at least 100 years old, and the rest was young. A Dorian Grey nightmare for sure!
  17. Yeah, but I didn't say WHERE the weights were attached... So, you're going from "PyratePhil" to "PyrateLifto"?
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