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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. If you enjoyed those, you'll love this one - The Crafty Maid Come listen awhile and I'll sing you a song, Of three merry gentlemen riding along. They saw a fair maid and to her did say "We're afraid this cold morning will do you some harm." "Oh no, kind sir, you are vastly mistaken, To think this cold morning could do me some harm. There's one thing I crave, and it lies twixt your legs, If you'll give me that, it will keep me warm." "My dear, if you crave it, well then you shall have it, If you'll come with me under yonder green tree. And since you do crave it, my dear you shall have it, I make these men witness I'll give it to thee." So the gentleman 'lighted, and straight-way she mounted, And staring the gentleman hard in the face, Said, "You knew not my meaning, you wrong understood me!" And away she went galloping down the long lane. "Oh gentlemen! Lend me one of your horses! That I might ride after her down the long lane When I overtake her, I warrant I'll make her Return to me my own horse again!" But as soon as the maid she saw him a'coming, She instantly then took her pistol in hand, Saying "Doubt not my skill, it is you I would kill, I will have you stand back or you are a dead man." "Oh why do you spend your time here in talking? Why do you spend your time here in vain? Just give her a guinea, it's what she deserves, And I warrant she'll give you your horse back again." "Oh no, kind sir, you are vastly mistaken! If it is his loss, well it is my gain! And you were the witness that he'd give it to me." And away she went galloping down the long lane.
  2. Hurricane has it right. If offered a finer shift of clothing, take it and flaunt it. Stuff it right in their uppercrusty faces, defiant to the end, as if to say "Look! Even the damned can dress as well as you!" Take 'em down a peg or two, I say!
  3. Jack walks to the aft end of the main deck, where he sees Kendra busily mending sailcloth. She peeks at him from beneath her hat, and quickly returns her eyes to her work. He smiles, and sits beside her. "Aye, lass... It would seem that our speed makes ill use of our canvas, eh? The price of efficiency, I suppose." He pauses, admiring the spiderwebs of sheets and shrouds, all working to contain the billowing canvas propelling them ever onward. "By the way; that pistol I provided you with is now under your name. You have special dispensation to carry it as you deem necessary. I'll not have you feeling in want of ready defense." Jack smiled warmly at Kendra as he leaned upon his walking stick.
  4. Feeling in good health again, thank goodness. A little sad that I won't be attending the last weekend of the Renaissance Festival, but happy that I was able to order discounted season passes for next year. And I've got a real fire in my belly for the upcoming horse show next week. If there's anyone out there with a mind to win, they've got to get around me and Apollo to do it. "Mad Jack" astride "Saber's Apollo"... how's that for an image?
  5. I've developed a fascination with historic games of chance, particularly from the GAoP. I bought a couple of books from MacGregor Historic Games on card and dice games, and I'm curious if any of you have run across good sources for ancient game rules. Thanks in advance!
  6. You have to admire truth in advertising...
  7. "I'm the Scoundrel Yer Mother Warned Ye About..." :)
  8. You can have me with fries, love, but I think you'd enjoy the presentation with onion rings better!
  9. Jack emerges on the gun deck having completed the daily inventory and inspection. He smiles as the sun hits his face, and pleasant music drifts across the deck.
  10. Feeling much better today. Tired, but better. :)
  11. I love it! Sounds like it's just spicey enough for my tastes, too! I'll have fun trying this one out. Thank you, William!
  12. With his leg feeling stronger every day, Jack stepped up the number of cursory inspections for misplaced or contraband arms. He wanted no more surprises of the kind we'd experienced before. Since the Van Buren affair, the most scurrilous items he had found amounted to little more than squirreled-away grog rations and gaming dice. Instead of causing a fuss by bringing his discoveries before the Quartermaster, Jack examined the contraband and replaced it in such a way that the owner would know it had been moved. Either they would dispose of the materiel or be found out trying to hide them elsewhere. No point kicking up a row over minor diversions.
  13. I got some meds for whatever's gotten hold of me. It makes me feel drifty, in a really annoying way. And as much as I'd love to hit the last weekend of the Ren Fest, I've got to get ready for next week's horse show. I wouldn't be surprised if I caught it from one of those little walking Petri dishes...
  14. I was feeling a little run down and off yesterday, and now I just feel sick. Goin' back to bed.
  15. do you think without Moss the Vikings will win more than five this year? The Vikes might win 5, if somebody decides to suit up The Little Sisters of the Poor instead of their normal roster.
  16. Capt. Morgan is correct! "Apollo 13"
  17. I'm gettin' tired of doing this. For anyone in this thing's path, may you and yours stay safe. Hotlinked from NOAA
  18. I was told a revision to a joke I'd posted earlier, so here it is.... Q: What does a Scotsman wear beneath his kilt? Keep scrolling... Lower, lass... Aye, that's it... A: Lipstick, if he's lucky; Copenhagen, if he's not!
  19. "All right, we're not doing this, Gentlemen. We're not gonna do this. We're not gonna go bouncing off the walls for ten minutes, 'cause we're just gonna end up right back here with the same problems. Try to figure out how to stay alive!"
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