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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. The Vikings lost in another embarrassing debacle. What a shock. Dinner (pork and apple en croute) was a rousing success. The Minnesota Renaissance Festival yesterday was a hell of a lot of fun, and we didn't leave until after 6:00 PM. Dinner last night was great, even if we were still in costume from the Fest. I'm still drunk. Huzzah! :)
  2. More from Daughters of the Devil - My Lady's Cutlass Lovely lasses, the both of them, and good solid friends.
  3. And another, with a funky, bluesy riff to it, thanks be to me good mate, Ian MacFarlane... When will we be married Molly? When will we be wed? When will we be Bedded in the same bed? When will we be married Molly? When will we be wed? When will we be Bedded in the same bed? You have your eye on Jimmy, Long Jimmy Lee... You have your eye on Jimmy, Anda fine man he. You have your eye on Jimmy But you’d better let him be, Because when you go, Molly-o You’ll be gone with me. When will we be married Molly? When will we be wed? When will we be Bedded in the same bed? When will we be married Molly? When will we be wed? When will we be Bedded in the same bed? You have your eye on Johnny, Thin Johnny Fee. You have your eye on Johnny And a fine man he. You have your eye on Johnny But you’d better let him be, Because when you go, Molly-o You’ll be gone with me. When will we be married Molly? When will we be wed? When will we be Bedded in the same bed? When will we be married Molly? When will we be wed? When will we be Bedded in the same bed? I made a black bow For your pretty head, When will we be married Molly? When will we be wed? I made a black bow For your bonny head! When will we be married Molly? When will we be wed? When will we be Bedded in the same bed? When will we be married Molly? When will we be wed? When will we be Bedded in the same bed?
  4. Jack was unable to sleep. He wandered the length and breadth of the ship in order to make himself weary, to no avail. Finally, he made his way to the quarterdeck, a familiar place that never ceased to give him solace. He watched the Dutch ship in tow for a while, then turned his attention to the Chasse de Mer. His brow furrowed as, one by one, the deck lanterns of the French vessel were extinguished. Without hesitation, he reached for the deck bell and sounded the alarm. Our consort had abandoned us.
  5. I love this one, because it's so silly. And remember, it's Scottish, so it's "truewsers", not "trowsers"! - Donald, Where's Your Trousers? I just got in from the Isle of Skye, I'm not very big and I'm awfully shy. The ladies shout as I go by "Donald where's your trousers?" Chorus: Let the winds blow high, Let the winds blow low, Down the street in my kilt I go. And all the ladies say "Hello! Donald where's your trousers?" 2. A lady took me to a ball, And it was slippery in the hall. I was afraid that I would fall 'Cause I didn't have on my trousers! Chorus: 3. They'd like to wed me everyone, Just let them catch me if they can. You canna put the brakes on a highland man Who doesn't like wearing trousers! Chorus: 4. To wear the kilt is my delight, It isn't wrong, I know it's right. The highlanders would get afright If they saw me in trousers! Chorus: 5. Well I caught a cold and me nose was raw, I had no handkerchief at all. So I hiked up my kilt and I gave it a blow, Now you can't do that with trousers! Chorus:
  6. Ah, the French... It's a little hard to respect them after bailing them out of two big ones in one century. But have have to hand it to them on - mayonaisse. Nice going, Pierre! Sorry, that's my all time favorite Miller Light commercial! :)
  7. Jack made his way below to the Armoury, pausing briefly at the Infirmary's door. He overhead Miss - what was it, Wardell? - say that she was an indentured servant. He shook his head, and continued on to his daily inventory of the ship's small arms. He understood the economics and politics of slavery, both white and black. But it never sat well with him, and he had little time for those who would trade in human cargo. On more than one occassion, he had been brought before the Admiralty for interfering in Spanish slave commerce. Knowing full well that slavers preferred to work beyond the law in order to maximise profits, few if any would be carrying proper papers. True, their complaints that Jack had herded them into English waters, and therefore subject to search, were true; but who is to trust a captain that carries no papers, accurate manifest, nor complete muster?
  8. Jack watch the mountain of a man named Ajayi Abiodun as Mr. Pew and Capt. Brand attempted to communicate with him. His powerful frame could no doubt turn even his hands into mauling weapons, and the timber still chained to him could be a ready weapon if he were so inclined. Jack positioned himself so that he could see all that transpired clearly, so the he might have a clear shot if needed. The thing that struck Jack was the calmness of the man's eyes. No heat, no fear, no panic. A gentle giant, to be sure, lest given cause to act otherwise.
  9. It's not uncommon for kids on medication for controlling ADHD and depression to experience euphoric or manic interludes. A similar thing might easily have happened if he'd watched "Spiderman" or "The Fantastic Four." It's a tragedy, no matter how you look at it.
  10. Oh, parts of the ship! Ah, well, a shot from the quarterdeck looking forward, I suppose. And for you, love, a huge hug! (OK, maybe not that huge...) Me? I'm feeling extraordinarily mischievous, happy to be rid of a pesky annoyance, and way too ready to go the Ren Fest tomorrow!
  11. Como Poden Persas Culpas - My Lady's Cutlass
  12. I'm thinking that two extra shots of espresso in my latte was a little over the top.
  13. I'm gonna stick with my real-life alignment - "Chaotic Drunken"!
  14. Jack held his breath as Tempest began to speak, and slowly exhaled as she spoke her apology. He smiled as she finished, and slowly shook his head. "No, Doctor, no apologies are needed. I quite understand the effect a suddenly roused memory can have. It is I who should apologise to you. My tongue can be carelessly direct, usually at the most inopportune moments." His smile broadened. "It would seem my leg has progressed faster than my tact, eh?" He nodded toward the cutter now approaching the ship with the survivors of whatever calamity befell them. "They say that the most worn planks of any vessel are those that lead to her Surgery. It would seem that ours is no exception."
  15. Returning to the quarterdeck after some piping coffee and a bit of food, Jack takes a long, hard look at Chasse de Mer... "Captain, if I may - our companion seems curious about what we're up to. Looks to be a gaggle of Frenchman on deck, all straining with their 'glasses. Should we run up a signal flag, sir?"
  16. "Aye, sir. Nothing a little of Christine's coffee won't remedy, I assure you" Jack confessed, more than a little embarrassed.
  17. Jack made his way to the gun deck, and it felt like his eyes were trying to crawl into the back of his head to escape the sunlight. The cane helped explain away any unsteadiness, and he hoped no one pay much attention to his attempts to quit squinting. His head pounded like a signal gun, and he prayed silently that Mr. Youngblood would not be asked to fire a salute. "Master At Arms, reporting for duty, Captain. I take it the morning brings us an unexpected diversion?"
  18. Radio Margaritaville on Sirius Satellite Radio
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