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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. Minstrel in the Gallery - Jethro Tull
  2. Jack smiled as Kendra's discomfort began to pass. "Aye, but we take what ever conditions are granted us, don't you think?" he replied. "Simon, would you fetch the lady a dipper of water? There's a good man." Jack's eyes went to the quarterdeck, where he could see the Captain restored to his rightful place on the ship's holy ground. The ship felt whole again.
  3. Jack emerged topside, and blinked back his reaction to the mouldy sailcloth strung above him. He immediately adopted a pinched smile, practiced from many a heated engagement to prevent him from gagging or worse at repugnant stenches. Such an expression had earned him a reputation for being indifferent to the toll of battle, but nothing could be farther from the truth. He stood at the entrance to the aft companionway, out of sight of Kendra and her plight. He did not wish to seem amused at her predicament. He waited until her distress passed and she had somewhat regained her composure. quietly, he took up position beside her at the gunwale, looked back over his shoulder and Simon and Mr. Badger, and gave them a wink. "Miss Kendra, perhaps this will assist your delicate constiution?" Jack produced a laced handkerchief, heavily scented with jasmine and lavender. "Hold it to your face, covering your mouth and nose. It may make you a bit sleepy, but I believe you would prefer that over the alternative, eh?" Jack turned to face Mr. Badger and Simon, pinched his smile tighter, and breathed deep the pungent air. "Such an evening, gentlemen! Have you seen the like?"
  4. Loreley Merrily we sailed along, Though the waves were plenty strong, Down the twisting river Rhine Following a song... Legend's faded storyline Tried to warn us all - Oh, they called her "Loreley" Careful, or you'll fall... Oh, the stories we were told, Quite a vision to behold! Mysteries of the seas in her eyes of gold... Laying on the silver stone, such a lonely sight. Barnacles become a throne, My poor Loreley... And the winds would cry, and many men would die. And all the waves would bow down to the Loreley... And the winds would cry, and many men would die. And all the waves would bow down to the Loreley... You would not believe your eyes, how a voice could hypnotize. Promises are only lies from Loreley In a shade of mossy green, seashell in her hand, She was born the River Queen, ne'er to grace the land... And the winds would cry, and many men would die. And all the waves would bow down to the Loreley... And the winds would cry, and many men would die. And all the waves would bow down to the Loreley... Oh, the song of Loreley Charms the moon right from the sky... She will get inside your mind, lovely Loreley... When she cries "Be with me until the end of time" You know you will ever be with your Loreley... And the winds would cry, and many men would die. And all the waves would bow down to the Loreley... And the winds would cry, and many men would die. And all the waves would bow down to the Loreley... And the winds would cry, and many men would die. And all the waves would bow down to the Loreley...
  5. Don't worry your head a bit about the "Authenticity Cops", unless you're sporting a costume from Target (I did see some teenagers try that, and they ended up feeling pretty silly). Given the overwhemling number of pyrate patrons, shopkeepers, and entertainers, their scoffing hasn't had much impact. Even Puke 'n Snot are doing a pyrate-themed show. Mac's Pub sports the skull and bones, and I could go on. Show your swag, and join the fun!
  6. I need to quit poking a stick into the wierd little dark places on the Internet. I keep coming up with stuff like this... Nobody's bothered to find out if the legend is true, but it's got to be great for business!
  7. I grew up loveing "Star Trek" and Star Wars"; but since the current owners of the respective franchises have decided to ruin them both, I've become a huge "Stargate" fan. :)
  8. I'm chasing after the alto and soprano recorders, and I've become curious about the bodhran, having never played percussion before. Sound like fun! :)
  9. If love does indeed suck, that might explain my deep appreciation for love itself... Nice new graphics, Bonnie. Very Freudian. May God forgive me, for all I have tonight is gin....
  10. It all depends... does your phone play MIDI or MP3 files? Mine does both, and my common ringtone is "A Pirate's Life For Me". If my manager calls, it plays "If I Only Had a Brain".
  11. 3:00 AM Central?! That's a lot of Irish Coffee to keep me away that long! I should get that flashing 12:00 off the downstairs VCR...
  12. Rummy, love, your story is touching and bittersweet. While there's naught I can do to change your circumstances, I'll not sit by when I know there's a way to ameliorate your situation somewhat. Plainly put, go to this link, and decorate a house to your heart's delight! We'll be wanting screenshots, dear! Enjoy! :)
  13. I'm reposting this from a previous question along the same vein... Part of my family history, really. That is, if the tales hold up. Story is, part of my kin, Clan Burns (Burrnes or Byrnes, most likey the latter), sought employment with a lady named GrĂ¡inne Nimhaille. And they found quite a bit of profit in the relationship. When I was a wee lad, a favorite aunt in Florida (my dear departed Aunt Lyndal) told me the family tales, bought me treasure maps, and took me to museums that held the salvage from ancient Spanish wrecks. Silver. Gold. Jewels. I was just a kid, but I wanted it. All of it I saw, and more if it could be had. I guess I got the pyrate gene, if there is such a thing. Every time my parents took me to Walt Disney World, I'd drive them nuts wanting to ride "Pirates of the Caribbean" over and over again. My attention drifted to other things as I got older, but things got jarred back to life, thanks to Jerry Bruckheimer and his little film, "Pirates of the Caribbean". And I have no intention of looking back.
  14. Who was it that did the old "Yes" album covers? Same bloke that did the "Anderson, Wakeford, Bruford, and Howe" cover in the 80's. Amazing stuff.
  15. Jack ceased the playing of his recorder and rushed forward to take his Captain by the back of the head. He grinned and laughed, and said "Oh, Captain, sir! How wonderful to have you back aboard! Such a joyous day, for us all!" He danced off, trying his best to play with one hand whilst dancing with his other arm around Kendra.
  16. Looks like almost everyone got leied! My kind of party!! :)
  17. Mine came out ENTJ. And to think that all this time I was summing myself up with "Bibio, ergo sum." What usually happens is that I'll puzzle myself out of a tight spot, and those trying to catch me are left scratching their collective bums in befuddlement. Such a talent comes in handy during annual reviews. :)
  18. I really don't know this year... I could say "world peace", but what I'd prefer is a large piece of the world. Books, woodworking tools, and more time spent in good company. :)
  19. It was the most amazing thing!! This morning, all the way up until 2:00 in the afternoon, it was overcast and gently snowing. Same as every day. But then, around 2:30, this beautiful golden light came down from the sky! I've never seen anything like it! When I looked off to the southwestern sky, I saw this brilliantly illuminated sphere, just hovering there! Everyone was coming out of their house to see this mysterious thing. Then, about 3:30, the sky was it's normal low overcast, and the strange, magical orb was not seen again. Perhaps we'll never know what that beautiful object was. I promise, I was not hallucinating. Everyone saw it. Maybe one day, we'll know for certain. Welcome to Minnesota in the Winter...
  20. May I change my vote to re-entertainer? That's to say, if I couldn't make them laugh, I get another chance? I've given up on getting them to think. I can't even do that in the friggin' workplace!
  21. Cold, colder, and colder yet. We should pick up another 4 inches of snow over the weekend.
  22. Aye! Put the rabid animal in a room with the instrument of their destruction facing them, and a pressure-sensitive switch in their hand. As long as their hand is clenched, they can live. Once their hand fatigues and weakens, they unleash their own death. And we can all sit around watching on pay-per-view, laying bets on when they'll tire. Another option is a scenario like the movie "The Running Man". Turn it into a game show, where executioners hunt down the condemned and eliminate them, each using their own talents to do so. And make certain to open it up to the game books, so bets can be made on the heads of these miscreants. God knows that there's enough murderers, rapists, and pedophiles in the world to make it the longest running reality show ever created.
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