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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. That's just the point you're missing, love. Without him, you're still you. You have to be able to define yourself and accept yourself without relying on anyone else for validation. And, yes, you have to learn to love yourself. Suddenly, you'll find you have the strength to get through damned near anything. :)
  2. Sphinx (I've got three kitties that love to play that game!)
  3. Wow. Cannibalism so does not trip my trigger! I've devoured a lot of animal flesh in my time, but I'll be damned if I partake of a Donner Happy Meal!
  4. I, to, had to recite it aloud. As to the apparent staggered timing of the bells, I chalk it up the work being performed. That which is drudgery or especially arduous seems to take more time than it really does. Having perfromed such work in my younger days, I get what Hugh's expressing. In such a setting, you have interminable stretches of boredom punctuated by bursts of frantic activity (even terror). Hugh, aside from some punctuation quibbles with regard to metre, I love what you've written. Even here in Minnesota, I could smell the salt air again. Well done!! :)
  5. Now I'm happy I sat back on this one.
  6. The only purpose that leaps to mind is that it's possibly a lambskim chamois to keep his palm dry during swordfights. Otherwise, it's performing another critical function. We're talking about it. :)
  7. Windows Media Player or WinAmp can play them. :)
  8. I thought being naughty was what it's all about! :)
  9. I've finally heard of a reality show that I'm willing to watch! :)
  10. You need to learn a technique called "circular breathing." I know a gal who's part of "My Lady's Cutlass" that plays the dig, and that's exactly what she had to do in order to produce the proper drone. I'd start searching Amazon.com or the internet in general for information.
  11. Whoa!! Yeah!! "The Hills Have Eyes"! The ultimate nuclear family!!
  12. My "given name" resulted in " Scampy Curlyarse". The wife thinks it appropriate.
  13. I'm probably a day late and a bob short, but I ran across these incredible Renaissance Faire Music Podcasts. They're free and will play on any MP3 player. The shows range from 30 to 45 minutes, and feature performances by Ren musicians from all over the country. Cool stuff!! :)
  14. Just when you thought they coudn't stay off their mdications long enough to devise another name generator, they've gone and done it - the Squirrel Name Generator. Mine ended up "Fluffly Crazy Whiskers".
  15. Music is always another way we define our generation, or at least discover that we don't get the current generation. Here's what Red Green has on the subject: The Day the Music Died Have you tried to find a good radio station lately, one that plays good driving music? There aren't any. It's all yakkity yak--with news, or talk shows or rap music. You start to wonder, where did our music go? What happened to the great music that defined our generation? Well, I'll tell you where it went. And it's good news, for a change. Our music is in the clearance bin down at the hardware store. You can pick up five...maybe six tapes for the cost of one of them CD things. And it's our music. With words you can hear and understand. Words that tell a story without a video. And the women sing songs about men. And the men sing songs about women. And surfing. And hot rods. I know it's depressing to see the music of your life stacked beside the special discount shampoo and the two-for-one light bulb sale, but that's okay, because it's finally at a price you can afford. And men; remember when "being able to go all night" meant you had a healthy libido, not an unhealthy prostate?
  16. For supper tonight, I tossed together rigatoni pasta in a tomato sauce with sauteéd bell peppers and homegrown mushrooms, toasted pine nuts, and a splash of balsamic vinegar. :angry: Molto bello! :)
  17. I think the rocket widget in Guinness bottles is a cruel secret toy surprise for grownups. It won't dump out on it's own once the beer's gone, eh? All it does is float about and fart out the necessary gasses to make the beer taste like draught. Well, sod that! I should be able to fling it at me mate as they try and toddle off to the loo! A little farting rocket to the back of the head? Brilliant! :)
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