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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States! EDIT: Damned web hosts! I'll do it meself...
  2. "The Rusty Wench" and "The Lusty Monkey" are two possibilities!
  3. To tell the truth, I kinda like being 40. I've finally learned to like myself, and I look a hell of a lot better now that I did at 20. I've suffered enough public embarassment to be comfortable speaking before audiences, showing horses, or going to trendy stores. I like the music I like, and I can afford a car with a sufficiently powerful stereo to drown out the dumb kid next to me cranking his rap stupidity. I can appreciate good liquor, and really appreciate experienced women. All in all, life is good. :)
  4. I'm here to bring smiles to faces, especially lovely ones... :)
  5. That's why I suggested the bacon fat with the smashed biscuits and such. A bit of oil can make the biscuits at least a bit less harsh on the teeth. Bake it all into a Welsh Pie, and your belly won't growl for at least another 16 hours.
  6. ^ makes my heart race, and my blood race to places best not discussed in public...
  7. Adventure Prize and the Black Joke. I had the chance to comandeer the Fancy, but chose to blow her to Hell instead.
  8. This is too rich not to share... I've got the vacuum cleaner robot running about in the kitchen, and out middle cat, Caleb, has decided to stare down the Disney beast from Hell. It's passed within 2 inches of the stubborn kitty, and all he did was flick his tail. I can't wait until it tries to run into him! EDIT: OK, he tried to slap the snot out of it, and it just kept coming. He ran up to me, and let loose with a verbal feline tirade that I can only guess was obscene. So, he lost, and the Disney Frisbee from Hell won.
  9. Hey, no worries! Next time, though it be less strategically advantageous, if ye catch me meaning, I'd seriously consider the Trojan Rabbit. Worst off, they'll fling a cow or two at ye!
  10. Add some dried peas and a bit of bacon fat, and you've got yourself a palatable Welsh Pie. :)
  11. She's already got the linen picked out, and I just got her a new cabinet for her third machine. Her studio is ramped up and ready! :) Thanks for the update, Kass. I think she's even more excited than I that they're coming!
  12. Oh, WOW!!! I honestly didn't see that coming. Thanks for sharing, Sam!
  13. A young lady was taking a bath one day, and she noticed strange pale green spots on her inner thighs. They wouldn't wash off, and she became concerned enough to go to the doctor. The doctor couldn't identify the spots, either, so he told the woman that he's have some tests run and he'd call her with the results. A couple days later, the woman's phone rang. Much to her relief, it was the doctor. "The results came back, and you'll be happy to know it's nothing serious. But I do have a question; is your boyfriend a Harley guy?" "Yes, he is! Why do you ask?" replied the woman. "Tell him that his earrings aren't real gold."
  14. Been there, done that, and she stole the t-shirt. I know what you're saying. And I wouldn't be your age again for a million dollars. It sucks. But it does get better. :)
  15. Start working on that refund now...
  16. Well, I've only got 21 years on ye, so what could I know? Good luck!
  17. I've had an odd recurring dream of late. I find myself in an American frontier town, but my clothing is a mishmash of Western and pyrate garb. Including bucket boots (sorry, Kass!). Everyone reacts to me as if I'm some stranger from Europe, and I muddle through it all as best I can. I know it's based from my current conflicting emotions about leaving the horse shows behind and becoming more active at Faires. Ace is up for sale, and he's already under lease to someone else, so I'm effectively done showing. We'll be attending at least three faires this year, and untold pub nights with local Rennies. I'm just tired of waking up thinking about my good boots getting all muddy!
  18. This song always reminds me of standing on the shore, gazing at the sea. OCEAN GYPSY Tried to take it all away And learn her freedom just inside a day, And find her soul, To find their fears allayed. Tried to make her love their own, They took her love; they left her there, They gave her nothing back, That she would want to own. Gold and silver rings and stones Dances slowly off the moon, No-one else can know She stands alone. Sleeping dreams will reach for her, She cannot say the words they need. She knows she's alone, And she is free Chorus: Ocean Gypsy of the moon, The sun has made a thousand nights For you to hold. Ocean gypsy where are you? The shadows followed by the stars Have turned to gold, turned to gold Then she met a hollow soul, Filled him with her light And was consoled; she was the moon, And he, the sun, was gold. Eyes were blinded with his light, The sun she gave Reflected back the night, The moon was waning, Almost out of sight. Softly Ocean Gypsy calls, Silence holds the stars awhile. They smile sadly For her where she falls. Just the time before the dawn, The sea is hushed, The ocean calls her... Day has taken her and now she's gone... Repeat chorus No-one noticed when she died, Ocean Gypsy shackled to the tide, The ebbing waves were turning, Spreading wide... Something gone within her eyes, Her fingers, lifeless, stroke the sand. Her battered soul was lost, She was abandoned. Silken threads like wings still shine, Winds take pleasure, still make patterns In her lovely hair, So dark and fine. Stands on high beneath the seas, Cries no more, Her tears have dried. Oceans weep for her, the ocean sighs... Repeat chorus
  19. Janelle and I can hardly wait for the patterns to arrive! She's taken to looking in my closet at my current justaucorps, and letting out a deep, disapproving sigh.
  20. Hey, they added more nudity! Woo hoo!!!
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