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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. Alice Fazooli's (Great Italian restaraunt in Toronto - YUM!!!) :)
  2. I give ridiculously good backrubs, darlin'. And I can cook up anything that might delight you. :)
  3. Well, I'd have never traded down to DSL, but that's just me. Aside from that, I don't see why this site should load slower than any other.
  4. Braiding hemp is ridiculously easy. Give it a try! If I can do it, anyone can! :)
  5. Hmmmm.... You, in just your socks? That'll work. :)
  6. Fishing? No, I'd rather tease them into the open... :)
  7. Ganga! Primo sh*t, brother! Here ya go....
  8. I always catch sh*t from people around this time of year. They think I've been to the tanning salon. They can't get it through their thick skulls that I'm part American Indian, even though I've told them time and again! The most pale I get is probably the darkest the average Norwegian in these parts gets. I could bare my happy brown ass at them, but they'd probably not appreciate it. Whatever...
  9. Thanks for the heads-up! My wife keeps getting eBay spoofs, and I have to make sure she doesn't respond to them.
  10. Oooh! I love cherries! I can tie the stems into knots with my tounge. Fun! :)
  11. Mond Tanz / Child of Time - Blackmore's Night
  12. Bah! Nothing the sawbones can do for it, and I'll not stay off a horse any longer than I have to. Not the first time I've broken a foot, anyway. :)
  13. I'm not completely sure, but I think I popped the 4th metatarsal on my right foot, about midpoint. It hurts like hell when I walk on it, and worse when I turn on it. Fencing lunges are out, and riding will be interesting. Damn it, I'm falling apart. They say the best play with pain. Let's see if I'm one of the best....
  14. Are you on dial-up access? That causes it's own troubles, but really shouldn't prevent you accessing the Pub. The more salient question is do you have spyware infecting your system? That will most certainly slow your system down. Try this site to scan your system for spyware or other bugaboos that can screw up your internet access.
  15. But we like her wicked ways! :) (And I'm glad you're safe and sound, love!)
  16. Whoohoo!! "The Throbbing Python of Love"!
  17. I'm still in awe of William's magnificent ensign! I fly the Calico Jack every year near Halloween, but I'd gladly purchase and fly the PTC jack! :) Here's my own feeble effort of reworking my own ensign.
  18. I've dropped two inches off my waist, and put three on my chest and shoulders. :)
  19. Siren, you can find the email client I was talking about at this address. I hope it helps! :)
  20. honey and a delicious someone to lick it off of... (bloody hell, did I say that out loud?!)
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