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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. I'll note that for your appearance at next year's Renaissance Festival. I feel the need to negotiate my position on the crew roster with the good Captain. What say you?
  2. Charity, let's put it this way... I'd be hard pressed to say you're not material for this calendar. I firmly believe you should submit your photos straight away, because competition may be stiff. Savvy?
  3. It's enough to know that I've perhaps tickled yer fancy, love. Anything more would have brought endless litigation, not to mention getting tossed out of the Minnesota Ren Fest.
  4. To show that there are Santa's out there that can make us smile.
  5. Damn! If you ladies are so overwhelmed by a Photoshopped squirrel, the rest of us sorry lot have a pretty good chance! I'll pass on your comments to Frothy personally. He'll be gratified, I'm sure.
  6. Bloody hell... I think we'd all like pictures!
  7. Speaking of vodka, Я очень отравлен!
  8. Problem is, dear Lorien, I think I really unsettled myself with that last one.
  9. I saw Mommy kissing Blackbeard underneath the mistletoe last night. Oh, they didn't see me creep from the fo'c'sle for a peep. They thought that I was tucked into my hammock, fast asleep. I saw mommy tickle Edward Teach underneath his beard, so smoky black. What a shock it's surely been, if I only hadn't seen Mommy kissing Blackbeard like that!
  10. A kitty after my own liver.
  11. ... In the town square, we'll kidnap the Governor and pretend that he's a circus clown! We'll have lots of fun with Mr. Governor, until the other pyrates knock him down!
  12. I think Pinky had a little too much Christmas cheer last night.
  13. Our passports are here and correct, our travel arrangements are paid and confirmed... At the end of January, we storm the western Caribbean!
  14. Capital idea, Hector! I heartily volunteer to run the monthly contest should we decide to go forward with it.
  15. These are still my all-time faves...
  16. An addition to the menu - Appetizer Spinach and Artichoke Heart Pastry Purses
  17. I'm listening to people on a morning radio show do some of the most ridiculous, painful, and just plain disgusting stuff for a Playstation 3. And the winner is putting the thing on eBay in the next hour.
  18. Happy birthday, Chole!
  19. OK, I'm drunk, and I've just watched the home team (da Minnesota Vi'Queens) give away a game, and lose yet another chance to back into the playoffs. Theresa Jackson captained us to a franchise low in offensive production. Brett Favre of the Green Bay Packers pulls it out, as usual. No more football for Ol' Jack this year, nor his typing buddy Jack, Jr. (aka "Shtinky Puddin'")
  20. Time's gone. THREE first downs? They've anointed Theresa Jackson as our new QB? And the Vikes fade out by 2 points? No playoffs for you! Next year, maybe! :angry:
  21. WOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!! The Packer's kicker made a friggin' unreal kick with 1:34 left in the game!! Theresa Jackson has no friggin' chance in hell, since he just got SACKED for the 3rd time! Plus a holding call!! That knocking sound you hear is the last nail in the Vi'Queen's coffin. And worthless time management! Bye bye, Vi'Qieens! :angry:
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