Now that's what I'm talking about. The PotC movies are ultimately (1) monster movies set in a pirate world, (2) existential escapism at it's best, and (3) rollicking damned good fantasy storytelling. If you expect anything more, you've set yourself up for disappointment. The movies are supposed to be fun. Escapist fun. Let's face it; if they portrayed pirate life accurately, it would be a mortifyingly boring tale, interjected with ungratifying spaces of panicked action.
Let's just accept it for what it is. A fun ride. You have to admit, undead monkey cannonballs are just damned funny. Maps you can spin into what you need them to be? Now we've got some fun. Real life is too bizarre in the most ugly possible fashion. Let's all enjoy the escape without taking ourselves too seriously, shall we? Otherwise, we're all in for a damned dull go 'round.