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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. Actually, I found that one many months ago... whoops! How's this one? There was a young woman named Melanie, Who was asked by a man, "Do you sell any?" She replied, "No, siree, I give it for free. To sell it, dear sir, is a felony."
  2. my last annual bonus
  3. standing "O" (+10 for difficulty!)
  4. I've not done any recreations in many, many years. Like 20. So living in a character doesn't apply. The only character I have is me. Is "Mad Jack" me? Absolutely. Am I allowed by that wee fraction of society that pays me salary to always be "Mad Jack"? Sadly, no, not completely. I still let it "slip" on occasion, and it serves me well. I do things and propose solutions that on their face seem daft at the time, but almost always equate to a business win. And how I hate the corporate muzzle. I will admit that a piratical mindset helps immeasurably in the corporate world. :) I am at all times flirty, outrageous, quick tongued, pretty much nuts, and always looking for good friends and good times. That's who I am. That is who'll you see here and in person. :)
  5. Thank ye, mate. Ye've distilled it to it's core.
  6. A "rogue," love? That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me all day. I'm flattered! Here's another rhyme for the day - There was a young pirate from Bristol Whose cutlass was made out of crystal. Other pirates just laughed, they all thought him daft. But they learned he was good with a pistol.
  7. political incorrectness :)
  8. That's an interesting question... I find meself split, in a way, between the persona I must convey in the workplace and the persona that is the real me. Fortunately (or not) for everyone on this board, what you're seeing is the PG-13 (pushing R whenever I can) version of me. Those who have the (mis)fortune of meeting me will see the undiluted, full-strength Mad Jack. May God have mercy on your souls. :) Was that of any help?
  9. There once was a pyrate named Merry who disliked her men too hairy. She slipped up to Mad Jack and grabbed hold of his back, and let us just say they made merry. :)
  10. On his death-bed, a pirate named Ned, Made a limerick up in his head, But before he had time, To write down the last line, ... ... ...
  11. Aye, I am! I've been a fan since "Dark Side of the Moon". Wonderful, moody music, it is. Now, try this one- Too many times we stand aside And let the waters slip away, 'Til what we put off 'til tomorrow has now become today . So don't you sit upon the shoreline And say you're satisfied; Choose to chance the rapids, And dare to dance the tide...
  12. Ahhh!! More Pink Floyd! "Run Like Hell" from The Wall. :)
  13. How about this one - I look to the sea. Reflections in the waves spark my memory. Some happy, some sad. I think of childhood friends, and the dreams we had...
  14. Your's truly is in the throws of Spring/Cabin Fever! And of course, it snowed last night. Nothing huge, mind you. Just a nuisance couple of inches. But I want to be outside - grilling food, riding me horse, breaking wind... I don't care, as long as it's OUTSIDE. Aside from that, it's close to the weekend, and that's a wonderful thing. And a lovely bottle of tequila is calling me name - *SIGH*
  15. That all depends, mate; were you thinking of the Hendrix version from his 1967 album "Bold as Love", or the version Sting did on the 1987 album "Nothing Like the Sun"?
  16. --Me Faire Lady-- loverly!
  17. "Little Wing" by Jimi Hendrix! Here's one for you - There is no pain, you are receding. A distant ship’s smoke on the horizon. You are only coming through in waves. Your lips move but I can’t hear what you’re saying. When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse, Out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look but it was gone. I cannot put my finger on it now. The child is grown, the dream is gone...
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