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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. That's it - me first thought was gross. I'm hijackin' this thread. RUM!!
  2. I'm still the primary game player in our house. My wife's MS has effected her hand-eye coordination to the point that most computer games aren't fun anymore, and our kids are horses and cats. I was a huge Tempest player, back in the day. And, like Fancy, I still love pinball. There's just something about the fact that there's a real ball hitting real flippers. Call me an old fogey. That's OK.
  3. Fancy's name fits, that's sure, she's well mannered, well-bred and demure. But one look in her eyes, and to your surprise, you'll find yourself lost to her lure.
  4. I'll raise a jar with you, Black John! I'm listening to the Pogues as well!! Hmmm. Fancy, listening to "Born to be Wild." Somehow fitting, that is!
  5. "Goodbye Stranger" by Supertramp. I love that group! Here's one that's a little more obscure: You're whispering in my ear, Tell me all the things that I wanna to hear, 'cause that's true...
  6. Rummy, your's is "Her Majesty" by The Beatles. HarborMaster, your's is "Blue Collar Man" by Styx. So, mates, what do I win?
  7. The Clash - "Should I Stay or Should I Go"
  8. Hmmmm... "devour." It's been a while since anyone's tried that. But then, the circumstances were a bit different. As I do not see a large fire pit with a spit over it, I'm inclined to entertain this proposition.
  9. I read today on PiratesAhoy.net that it will be released for the XBox on May 17th. Hang in there just a bit longer, mates. :)
  10. Led Zeppelin - "Ramble On" I love their stuff! Try this one: "In touch with the ground I’m on the hunt I’m after you..." I hope it's not too easy.
  11. I wish to clear the air a bit, myself. When I post, I do affect a dialect. Get me drunk enough, and the same thing will happen when I speak. But the most important thing is that when I post and converse with people, it is all in the spirit of comradery and fun. I have a high-stress job, and being around you good folk help me keep things light. I am eternally in your collective debt for that. As the days pass, I'll be joining in on some of the more serious, historical discussions. I'm an avid history buff and a lover of all things piratical. Above all, I enjoy making people laugh. Good company and good friends are a treasure to be cherished. When the weekend rolls around, the rum flows freely here. So if my writings become goofier than usual, that's why. Anyhow, that's all I wanted to say. I'm sure I'll babble a bit more later. :)
  12. Aye, for I'm such a naive, innocent soul. Be careful, love. Old Jack may be doing some luring of his own! In the meantime, here's another verse: Across from my house is young Mabel, When her curtains stay open, I'm able to watch her caressing herself while undressing, (as long as I stand on this table).
  13. Well, fancy that? :) RUM!!
  14. ::smiles slyly:: I'll be going over me notes to find them, love. I cannot deny a woman who shares a fondness for the writings of Mr. Samuel Clemens.
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